Saxifraga brunonis

Saxifraga brunonis Wall. ex Ser., Prodr. 4: 45 45 1830. (Syn: Hirculus brunonianus Losinsk.; Saxifraga brunoniana Wall. ex Sternb.; Saxifraga brunoniana var. majuscula Engl. & Irmsch.; Saxifraga loripes J. Anthony);      VoF Week : Saxifraga brunonis: Name of species : Saxifraga brunonis Family : Saxifragaceae Habit : Herb Habitat : Hill slope, open forest […]

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Neottia tenuis

Neottia tenuis (Lindl.) Szlach., Fragm. Florist. Geobot. Suppl. 3: 119 1995. (Syn: Listera tenuis Lindl.);          

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Carica papaya ?

Carica papaya ?;       Seeds for ID 200812 NB3: in my last trip to india dec.11-jan.12 i collected these seeds, Don’t know what happened to the capsules.I can’t remember now, how the tree lookd like. Perhaps someone can identify them. May be papaya seeds … could tell me how large are these… how many […]

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Liriope muscari (Cultivated)

Liriope muscari (Decne.) L.H.Bailey, Gentes Herb. 2: 35 1929. (Syn: Liriope exiliflora (L.H.Bailey) H.H.Hume; Liriope gigantea H.H.Hume; Liriope graminifolia var. albiflora Makino ……; Liriope muscari f. albiflora (Makino) Nemoto ……..; Liriope platyphylla F.T.Wang & Tang ……; Liriope spicata var. densiflora (Maxim. ex Baker) C.H.Wright ..; Liriope yingdeensis R.H.Miao; Ophiopogon muscari Decne.; Ophiopogon spicatus var. communis Maxim.);       Ornamental […]

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  Liriope muscari (Decne.) L.H.Bailey (Images by Aarti S Khale (Id by Rupi Shah), Ritesh Kumar Choudhary & Promila Chaturvedi (Id by Alastair Culham) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links))

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Angelica archangelica subsp. himalaica

Angelica archangelica subsp. himalaica (C. B. Cl.) G. Singh & G. M. Oza, Forest. Fl. Srinagar 183 err. 2 1987. (Syn: Angelica archangelica subsp. himalaica (C. B. Cl.) G. Singh; Angelica archangelica var. himalaica (C. B. Cl.) Nasir; Angelica archangelica f. himalaica (C. B. Cl.) Weinert; Angelica oreadum (Diels) M. Hiroe; Archangelica officinalis var. himalaica […]

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Leontopodium alpinum

Leontopodium alpinum Colm. ex Cass., 474 1822.;  Images by Prashant Awale (ID by Gurcharan Singh) (Inserted by Gurcharan Singh) (Please click on links to see details and more images) Leontopodium sp. for ID-101011-PKA3: 7 images. Leontopodium sp. from Baralaccha La Pass on Manali -Leh Rd. Altitude: Approx: 16400 ft. Date/Time: 12-09-2011 / 12:10PM Habitat: Wild Plant Habit: […]

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1. Photographic/ story telling posts- links

Photographic/ story telling posts- links;     Three flowers – escaped from their habitat  Spectacular Skill of this Photographer Kaas – Plateau of flowers in Maharashtr​a When I lost my chocolate bet !! Request for species id – DKV 120420 Limestone mountains in Vang Vieng Bamboo seeds .. delicious tree for the primates Shape of […]

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Gnetum gnemon

Gnetum gnemon L., Mant. Pl. 1: 125 1767. (Syn: Gnemon ovalifolia (Poir.) Kuntze; Gnetum acutatum Miq.; Gnetum domestica Rumph.; Gnetum gnemon var. domesticum Markgr.; Gnetum gnemon var. laurinum Blume; Gnetum gnemon var. lucidum Blume; Gnetum gnemon var. majusculum Blume; Gnetum gnemon var. ovalifolium (Poir.) Blume; Gnetum gnemon f. stipitatum Markgr.; Gnetum gnemon var. sylvestris (Brongn.) […]

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Pecteilis susannae

Pecteilis susannae (L.) Raf., Fl. Tellur. 2: 38 1837. (Syn: Habenaria susannae (L.) R.Br. ex Spreng.; Habenaria susannae (L.) R. Br.; Hemihabenaria susannae (L.) Finet; Orchis susannae L.; Platanthera robusta Lindl.; Platanthera susannae (L.) Lindl.);             Orchids of Assam: Pecteilis susannae (L.) Raf:   Pecteilis susannae (L.) Raf. (Orchidaceae) from Assam. […]

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Elsholtzia stachyodes

Elsholtzia stachyodes (Link) Raizada & H.O.Saxena, Indian Forester 92: 309 1966. (Syn: Aphanochilus foetens Benth.; Aphanochilus incisus Benth.; Aphanochilus paniculatus Benth.; Elsholtzia incisa Benth.; Elsholtzia incisa var. major Hook.f.; Elsholtzia major (Hook.f.) V.S.Kumar & B.D.Sharma; Elsholtzia stachyodes (Link) C.Y. Wu; Elsholtzia stachyodes var. major (Hook.f.) V.Singh & P.Singh; Hyptis stachyodes Link; Mentha blanda Wall. ex […]

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Agapetes incurvata

Agapetes incurvata (Griff.) Sleumer, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 70: 105 1939. (Syn: Gaylussacia incurvata Griff.; Gaylussacia serrata Griff. [Illegitimate]; Pentapterygium rugosum (Hook. & Thomson) Hook.; Vaccinium rugosum Hook. & Thomson);      KG :: 16 August 2012 – 0005:: Request for ID from Namdapha National Park, Arunachal Pradesh: Please identify this epiphyte species from Namdapha National […]

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Impatiens thomsonii

Impatiens thomsonii Hook. f., J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 4: 128 128 1860. ;   im-PAY-shuns — impatient; referring to the seed pod’s habit of bursting open … Dave’s Botanarytom-SON-ee-eye — named for Thomas Thomson … superintendent of Calcutta Botanic Garden … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: Thomson’s balsam Native to: Afghanistan, India, Pakistan   […]

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Callicarpa longifolia

Callicarpa longifolia Lam., Encycl. 1: 563 1785. (Syn: Callicarpa albida Blume; Callicarpa attenuata Wall. ex Walp.; Callicarpa attenuifolia Elmer; Callicarpa blumei Zoll. & Moritzi; Callicarpa horsfieldii Turcz.; Callicarpa japonica var. rhombifolia H.J.Lam; Callicarpa lanceolaria Roxb. ex Hornem.; Callicarpa lanceolaria Roxb.; Callicarpa longifolia var. areolata H.J.Lam ….; Callicarpa oblongifolia Hassk.; Callicarpa rhynchophylla Miq.; Callicarpa roxburghiana Schult.);   WCSP […]

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Dimorphocalyx beddomei

IUCN Red List Status: Endangered (EN) Dimorphocalyx beddomei (Benth.) Airy Shaw, Kew Bull. 23: 124 1969. (Syn: Trigonostemon beddomei (Benth.) N.P.Balakr.; Tritaxis beddomei Benth.);      Tree for identification 260712MK01: Please help me to identify this tree found in rain forests of Vaalparai in Western Ghats. I could locate proper flowers of this. and the […]

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Lycoris aurea

Lycoris aurea (L’Hér.) Herb., Appendix 20 1821. (Syn: Amaryllis africana Lam.; Amaryllis aurea L’Hér.; Amaryllis platypetala Lindl. ex Bury; Lycoris africana (Lam.) M.Roem.; Lycoris aurea var. angustitepala P.S.Hsu & al.; Lycoris aurea var. surgens Worsley ex Traub. & Moldenke; Lycoris lajolla Traub; Lycoris traubii W.Hayw.; Nerine aurea (L’Hér.) Sweet); Images by (P.Chitralekha – identified by […]

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Pritchardia pacifica (Cultivated)

Pritchardia pacifica Seem. & H.Wendl., Bonplandia (Hannover) 10: 197 1862. (Syn: Eupritchardia pacifica (Seem. & H.Wendl.) Kuntze; Pritchardia pacifica var. marquisensis F.Br.; Pritchardia pacifica var. samoensis Becc.; Styloma pacifica (Seem. & H.Wendl.) O.F.Cook; Washingtonia pacifica (Seem. & H.Wendl.) Kuntze);       ID request-080112-PKA2: Requesting ID for this another Palm sp.Family: ArecaceaeDate/Time: 01-01-2012 / 11:30AMLocation: Madhuban […]

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Myriophyllum spicatum ?

Myriophyllum spicatum L., Sp. Pl. 992 1753. ?;        Myriophyllum sp.? from Dal Lake-: Another aquatic herb from Dal lake. Looks like some Myriophyllum sp.?  Date/Time: 24-09-2011 / 07:45AMLocation: Dal lake, SrinagarHabitat: WildPlant Habit: Herb  Any closeup of the leaf? I would imagine Hydrilla verticillata I am sending 2 cropped images. See if […]

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Myriophyllum aquaticum (Vellozo) Verdcourt Myriophyllum oliganthum (Wight & Arn.) F.Muell.   Myriophyllum spicatum L. ?    Myriophyllum tetrandrum Roxb.   Myriophyllum tuberculatum Roxb.   Myriophyllum (‎Haloragaceae‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎) page with images of species in efloraofindia : 1 post by 1 author. Pl. go through Myriophyllum (‎Haloragaceae‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎) page with images of species in efloraofindia. If you find any […]

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Gonocarpus micranthus Thunb.   Laurembergia coccinea (Blume) Kanitz   Myriophyllum aquaticum (Vellozo) Verdcourt Myriophyllum oliganthum (Wight & Arn.) F.Muell.   Myriophyllum spicatum L. ?    Myriophyllum tetrandrum Roxb.   Myriophyllum tuberculatum Roxb.  

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