Notholirion thomsonianum

Notholirion thomsonianum (Royle) Stapf, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1934: 95 1934. (Syn: Fritillaria thomsoniana (Royle) D.Don; Lilium longifolium Griff.; Lilium roseum Wall. ex Hook.; Lilium thomsonianum Royle);     Kalatope id Al040812: A beautiful flower in the wild…Location Kalatope, ChambaAltitude 1400 mtsHabit herbHabitat wildHeight 15 inchesSeason March-April Notholirion thomsonianum indeed!   Notholirion thomsonianum ATJUNE2016/09 […]

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Notholirion macrophyllum (D.Don) Boiss. Images by D S Rawat (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links) Notholirion thomsonianum (Royle) Stapf Images by Alok Mahendroo (ID by Tabish) & Anil Thakur (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links) Notholirion species in India: Notholirion bulbiferum (Lingelsh.) Stearn […]

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Aster falconeri

Aster falconeri (C.B.Clarke) Hutch., 398 1910. (Syn: Aster diplostephioides var. falconeri C.B.Clarke); Images by  Alok Mahendroo (Id validation by Chris Chadwell) & Oleg Polunin (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more photos & complete details, click on the links)     Fwd: Aster falconeri in Kashmir : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Here with a scanned in […]

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Erigeron species

  190312 BRS 333 for id request.: A species of Erigeron of Asteraceae family.   Upper Chamba Asteraceae i.d. Al291111: today’s resurfaced id for … ‘Aster from Himachal’ reminded me of this flower, which I did not post earlier since I had only one photograph of this (which I thought may not be enough)… since […]

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Benincasa fistulosa

Benincasa fistulosa (Stocks) H. Schaef. & S. S. Renner, Taxon 60:133. 2011. (Syn: (≡) Citrullus fistulosus Stocks (basionym); (≡) Citrullus vulgaris var. fistulosus (Stocks) J. L. Stewart;  (≡) Praecitrullus fistulosus (Stocks) Pangalo) as per GRIN; The tinda and plural called tinday (in Urdu) also called Indian round gourd or apple gourd or Indian Baby Pumpkin, is […]

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Indofevillea khasiana

Indofevillea khasiana Chatterjee, Kew Bull. 2(2): 1947: 121 1947 1948.; Cucurbitaceae Week: Indofevillea khasiana_RKC04_05042012: Indofevillea khasiana Chatterjee Cucurbitaceae Loc.: Near Gelling (Indo-China border) Arunachal Pradesh (ca 750m) Date: Sept., 2007 Note: A monotypic genus. Rare in occurrence.        References: 

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Forsythia koreana (S. Korea)

Forsythia koreana (Rehder) Nakai, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 40: 471 1926. (Syn: Forsythia koreana var. autumnalis Uyeki; Forsythia koreana f. autumnalis (Uyeki) Nakai; Forsythia koreana var. pilosa (U.C.La & Chae G.Chen) U.C.La; Forsythia pilosa U.C.La & Chae G.Chen; Forsythia viridissima var. koreana Rehder; Rangium koreanum (Rehder) Ohwi; Rangium koreanum var. autumnalis (Uyeki) Uyeki);   Forsythia koreana_RKC07_05042012: […]

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Abeliophyllum distichum (South Korea)

Abeliophyllum distichum Nakai, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 33: 153 1919. (Syn: Abeliophyllum distichum f. albiflorum Nakai; Abeliophyllum distichum f. eburneum T.Lee; Abeliophyllum distichum f. lilacinum Nakai; Abeliophyllum distichum var. obtusicarpum T.Lee; Abeliophyllum distichum f. viridicalycinum T.Lee);   Abeliophyllum distichum_RKC09_05042012: 2 images. Abeliophyllum distichum Nakai Family: Oleaceae Loc.: Daejeon, S. Korea Notes: Endemic to Korea. More information […]

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Cornus officinalis (Korea)

Cornus officinalis Siebold & Zucc., Fl. Jap. 1: 100 1839. (Syn: Cornus officinalis var. koreana Kitam.; Macrocarpium officinale (Siebold & Zucc.) Nakai);   China to Korea (as per WCSP); Cornus officinalis_RKC01_02042012: Cornus officinalis Siebold & Zucc. Family: CornaceaeLoc.: Daejeon, Korea Notes: An medicinal plant native to China, Japan and Korea. More information is available on […]

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Burmannia species

    identification no020312sn2: Please help in Id. date/time:oct11 location:mulshi,pune habitat:wild plant habit:herb height:tiny other info:found in open grassland This is Burmannia coelestis. This looks like Burmannia pusilla.    

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Capparis rotundifolia

Capparis rotundifolia Rottler, Neue Schriften Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin 4: 185 1803. (Syn: Capparis longispina Hook.f. & Thomson; Capparis orbiculata Wall. ex Hook.f. & Thomson; Capparis pedunculosa Wall. ex Wight & Arn.; Capparis rotundifolia var. longispina (Hook.f. & Thomson) M.R.Almeida);   Flora of Eastern Ghats: Hill Ranges of South East India, Volume 1 By T. […]

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Ipomoea sindica

Ipomoea sindica Staph. in Kew Bull. 93; I.1894; Prain in Journ. Asi.Soc. Beng. 65: pt.2. 537. 1896; FPB. 2:313; BH. 26(2); 546. 1919 (Type Stapf, CAL 311725): Source: The Flora of the Indian Desert, MM Bhandari, MPS Repros, Jodhpur, India. Revised Edition 1990.; India (Rajasthan, Haryana, Himachal and U.P.) and Pakistan as per efi thread and as […]

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Ipomoea soluta ?

Ipomoea soluta Kerr ?;   Convolvulaceae week: RVS4: Ipomoea alba: Ipomoea alba, from Andhra Pradesh… … odd member of morning glory – this one is night glory ! … …, now I am confused! my plant looks different from the one at wikipedia. My plant had stout stems; and the leaves are also different.So, […]

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Argyreia sericea ?

Argyreia sericea ?; identification no020214sn1 : 7 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3). Please help in identification of this climber date/time:nov12 location:ambyvalley rd,lonavala,pune habitat:wild plant habit:climber height:about 5-6 ft. … looks species of Argyreia. Let us wait for comment(s). The characters are not clear in photo specially the sepals, inflorescence and also the fruits which […]

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Terminalia corticosa (Cultivated- Lalbagh, Banglore)

Terminalia corticosa Pierre ex Laness., Pl. Util. Col. Franç. 315 1886. (Syn: Terminalia mucronata Craib et Hutch.; Terminalia thorelii Gagnep.); Images by (Raman Arunachalam – Id by Navendu Page) , (For more photos & complete details, click on the link) Distribution :  Cambodia, Vietnam (South), Thailand ( Northern) and Laos (Attapeu, Champassack, Khammouane and Savannakhet provinces).    Request […]

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Acacia bivenosa

Acacia bivenosa DC. (Syn: Acacia binervosa DC.; Acacia bivenosa var. borealis Hochr.; Acacia elliptica Benth.); image by Arpit Deomurari     UNID Acacia spp? from North West Kutch. Gujarat 2: I was in kutch last weekend… And I found this beautiful shrub flowering in Arid Throny Scrub Forest of North West Part of Kutch. while further […]

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