Piper galeatum

Piper galeatum (Miq.) C. DC., Prodr. 16(1): 242 242 1869. (Syn: Muldera galeata Miq.; Muldera wightiana Miq.); India as per Catalogue of Life;   References: Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  Tropicos  GBIF (High resolution specimens) High resolution specimen  POWO  Flora of Karnataka  India Biodiversity Portal  Kerala plants  

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Prosthechea cochleata (Cultivated)

Prosthechea cochleata (L.) W.E.Higgins, Phytologia 82: 377 1997 publ. 1998. (Syn: Anacheilium cochleatum (L.) Hoffmanns.; Anacheilium cochleatum var. triandrum Small; Auliza cochleatum (L.) Lindl. ex Stein; Encyclia cochleata (L.) Dressler; Encyclia cochleata (L.) Lemée; Epidendrum cochleatum L.; Epidendrum cochleatum Curtiss; Epidendrum cochleatum var. grandiflorum Mutel; Phaedrosanthus cochleatus (L.) Kuntze; Prosthechea cochleata var. grandiflora (Mutel) Christenson); […]

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Odontonema callistachyum (Cultivated)

Odontonema callistachyum (Cham. & Schltdl.) Kuntze , Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 494 1891. (Syn: Justicia callistachya Cham. & Schltdl.; Justicia callistachya Kuntze; Justicia corymbulosa Bertol.; Odontonema breedlovei V.M. Baum; Odontonema cuspidatum (Nees) Kuntze; Odontonema geminatum (Donn. Sm.) S.F. Blake; Odontonema steyermarkii Leonard; Rhytiglossa corymbulosa Nees; Thyrsacanthus callistachyus (Cham. & Schltdl.) Nees; Thyrsacanthus callistachyus var. amplus […]

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Lampranthus multiradiatus (Cultivated)

Lampranthus multiradiatus (Jacq.) N.E.Br., Gard. Chron. III, 87: 71 1930. (syn: Lampranthus roseus (Willd.) Schwantes; Mesembryanthemum multiradiatum Jacq.; Mesembryanthemum roseum Willd.); Images by Aarti S Khale (Identified by Gurcharan Singh) (Inserted by J.M.Garg)     Sedum for ID : 200111 : AK-2: 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) Taken at Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka on […]

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Ranunculus species

  Flower from hampta..191110-PKA2: Sharing this flower photo from Hampta Pass region. This is the only photograph available. Date/Time: 27-09-2010 / 09:50AM Location: On the way to Hampta Pass, (Altitude: approx. 11000 ft) Habitat: Wild Plant Habit: Herb Ranunuculus, perhaps more photographs can help in placing the species.  Can this be Ranunculus hirtellus ?   […]

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Nepenthes mirabilis (Cultivated)

Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Druce, Bot. Exch. Club Brit. Isles Rep. 4: 637 637 1916. (Syn: Nepenthes beccariana Macfarl.; Nepenthes phyllamphora Willd.; Phyllamphora mirabilis Lour.);  Australia (Cape York Peninsula), Borneo, Cambodia, Caroline Islands (Palau and Yap), China (Guangdong Province, Hainan,[16][17] Hong Kong, and Macau), D’Entrecasteaux Islands, Java, Laos, Louisiade Archipelago, Maluku Islands, Myanmar, New Guinea, Peninsular […]

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Nepenthes rafflesiana (Cultivated)

Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack , Compan. Bot. Mag. 1: 271 1836.;  It is common in Borneo and parts of the Riau Archipelago, but has a restricted distribution in both Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra. It is only widespread in the southeastern region of the Malay Peninsula, particularly in the state of Johor, where it is relatively abundant. […]

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Mucuna atropurpurea

Mucuna atropurpurea (Roxb.) Wight & Arn. (Syn: Carpopogon atropurpureum Roxb.; Stizolobium atropurpureum (Roxb.) Kuntze);  As per efi thread: Key to Mucuna species as provided by J.F.Duthie in Flora of the Upper Gangetic Plains (1929) and modified as per Sanjappa (1992) : A. Woody climbers, with faces of pods obliquely plaited      B. Sutures of pods […]

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Oberonia swaminathanii

Oberonia swamintahanii Ratheesh, Manudev & Sujanapal, Nordic Journal of Botany, 28: 713–715.;         Oberonia swaminathanii, a new orchid species from Kerala: Attaching here with the photograph of Oberonia swamintahanii Ratheesh, Manudev & Sujanapal, recently described from Wayanad distict of Kerala. (Narayanan, M. K. R., Manudev, K. M., Sujanapal, P., Kumar, N. A., […]

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Quassia amara L. (Introduced) (N-Brazil (Roraima, Amapa, Para, Amazonas), NE-Brazil (Maranhao), Venezuela (Barinas, Bolivar, Zulia), Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Belize, Honduras, Mexico (Chiapas, Colima, Guerrero, Jalisco, Michoacan, Morelos, Oaxaca), Trinidad, Colombia (Antioquia, Bolvar, Choc, Magdalena, Sucre), Guyana (I), Surinam (I), French Guiana (I), Lesser Antilles (Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Vincent), Cuba (I), Hispaniola (I), Jamaica (I), Puerto […]

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Heliconia species

Images by Ranjini Kamath(1,2) & Dr.Satish Phadke(3,4,5), (Inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade)      Zingiberales Week: Is this Heliconia setting seed? It is growing in a private garden in Chennai.  –  I think you are correct they are indeed setting seeds   Heliconia for ID – 290811 – RK: Request Botanical, Common ID of this Heliconia. Date/Time – […]

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Heliconia stricta

Heliconia stricta Huber, Bol. Mus. Goeldi Hist. Nat. Ethnogr. 4: 543 1906. (Syn:  Bihai stricta (Huber) Griggs; Heliconia tricolor Abalo & G.Morales);   Images by Samir Mehta (Validation by Tanay Bose), (Inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade) Commelinales & Zingiberales Week: Heliconiaceae, Heliconia stricta: January 2011, Mumbai.  – Yes Heliconia stricta Kindly see the link below… http://toptropicals.com/catalog/uid/Heliconia_stricta.htm Dwarf Jamaican […]

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Heliconia latispatha

Heliconia latispatha Benth., Bot. Voy. Sulphur 170 1846. (Syn: Bihai latispatha (Benth.) Griggs; Heliconia aequatoriensis Loes.); Common name: Golden Lobster Claw, Expanded lobsterclaw      Images by Samir Mehta (Inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade) Commelinales & Zingiberales Week: Heliconiaceae, Heliconia latispatha Benth:  ..was lucky to stumble upon this flower.. Syn: Bihai latispatha (Benth.) Griggs Syn: Heliconia aequatoriensis Loes. […]

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Canna × generalis

Canna × generalis L.H. Bailey & E.Z. Bailey, Hortus 118 118 1930.; Images by Gurcharan Singh & Mani Nair Commelinales & Zingiberales Week: Cannaceae, Canna x generalis from Delhi: Commelinales & Zingiberales Week: Cannaceae, Canna x generalis L.H. Bailey & E.Z. Bailey, : Hortus 118 118 1930. The common garden Canna with a variety of colours, from Delhi   […]

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Callisia repens

Callisia repens (Jacq.) L., Sp. Pl. ed. 2 62 1762. (Syn: Callisia repens var. ciliata Roem. & Schult.; Callisia repens var. mandonii (Hassk.) C.B.Clarke; Commelina hexandra var. mandonii Hassk.; Hapalanthus repens Jacq.; Spironema robbinsii C.Wright; Tradescantia callisia Sw.);     Commeninales and Zingiberales week : Commelinacea: Callisia repens: Callisia repens (Jacq.) Linn. Sp. Pl., ed. […]

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Dictyospermum ovalifolium

Dictyospermum ovalifolium Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 6: t. 2070 1853. (Syn: Aneilema hallbergii Blatt.; Aneilema ovalifolium (Wight) Hook.f. ex C.B.Clarke; Dictyospermum wightii Hassk.; Phaeneilema hallbergii (Blatt.) Raizada); Images by Shivaprakash and Mayur Nandikar     Dictyospermum Wight Thyrses mostly 5- 16 cm long …………………….Dictyospermum montanum Wight Thyrses mostly 4- 6 cm long……………………….Dictyopsermum ovalifolium Wight    […]

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Dictyospermum montanum Wight Images by Anurag N. Sharma Dictyospermum ovalifolium Wight Images by Shivaprakash and Mayur Nandikar

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Amischotolype hookeri

Amischotolype hookeri (Hassk.) H.Hara ,  in Fl. E. Himal. 399 1966. (Syn: Forrestia hookeri Hassk.);       Commelinales and Zingiberales Week: Commelinaceae: Amischotolype hookeri: “Amischotolype hookeri (Hasskarl) H. Hara.” (=Forrestia hookeri Hasskarl)   Plants  1—2  m. Leaf elliptic, apex acuminate. Flowers purple-red. Capsule ovoid,  Photographed in the evergreen forests at western Assam  Flora Picture of the […]

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