Tradescantia zebrina (Cultivated)

Tradescantia zebrina Bosse, Vollst. Handb. Blumengart. 4: 655 1849. (Syn: Cyanotis zebrina (Bosse) Nees;                Commelina zebrina C.B.Clarke [Invalid]; Cyanotis vittata Lindl.; Tradescantia pendula (Schnizl.) D.R.Hunt; Tradescantia tricolor C.B.Clarke; Zebrina pendula Schnizl.; Zebrina pendula f. quadricolor Voss; Zebrina pendula var. quadricolor (Voss) L.H.Bailey; Zebrina purpusii G.Brückn.): Images by (Arundhati Boyce – Id by Nidhan Singh) & (B. […]

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Combretum coccineum (Cultivated)

Combretum coccineum (Sonn.) Lam., Encycl. 1: 734 1785. (Syn: Combretum purpureum Vahl; Combretum purpureum var. bracteatum Scott-Elliot; Combretum purpureum f. macrophyllum Tul.; Combretum purpureum f. velutina Tul.; Cristaria coccinea Sonn.; Grislea coccinea (Sonn.) Britton; Poivrea coccinea (Sonn.) Thouars; Poivrea coccinea var. macrophylla Tul.; Poivrea coccinea var. rufipes (Tul.) H. Perrier; Poivrea coccinea var. velutina (DC.) […]

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Vanda spathulata

IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable (VU)Vanda spathulata (L.) Spreng., Syst. Veg. 3: 719 1826. (Syn: Aerides maculata Buch.-Ham. ex Sm.; Cymbidium spathulatum (L.) Moon; Epidendrum spathulatum L.; Limodorum spathulatum (L.) Willd.; Taprobanea spathulata (L.) Christenson);       Epiphytic orchid Pench National Park,: ………………………………… – Here are mine from Tirupati This is Vanda tessellata Did […]

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Eschscholzia californica Cham. (USA (Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, North Carolina, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Washington State, Wisconsin, Wyoming), Canada (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Isl.), Mexico (Aguascalientes, Baja California Norte, Chiapas, Mexico […]

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Hoya pottsii

Hoya pottsii Traill, Trans. Hort. Soc. London 7: 25 1830. (Syn: Hoya angustifolia Traill; Hoya obscurinervia Merr.; Hoya pottsii var. angustifolia (J. Traill) Tsiang & P.T. Li);    Images by Katarina Stenman (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links)      Hoya pottsii from Andamans: Date/Time: 2011-01-08 Location: Elephant Beach, Havelock, […]

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Rhododendron × pulchrum

Rhododendron ×pulchrum Sweet, Brit. Fl. Gard. 2: , pl. 117 1831. (Syn: (=) Azalea indica var. calycina Lindl.; =) Rhododendron indicum var. phoeniceum Sweet; (=) Rhododendron maxwellii Millais; (=) Rhododendron omurasaki Makino; (=) Rhododendron phoeniceum (Sweet) G. Don; (=) Rhododendron phoeniceum var. calycinum (Lindl.) E. H. Wilson; (=) Rhododendron ×pulchrum var. calycinum (Lindl.) Rehder; (=) Rhododendron ×pulchrum […]

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Echeveria elegans (Cultivated)

Echeveria elegans Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 22: 22 1905. (Syn: Echeveria albicans E.Walther; Echeveria elegans var. kesselringiana Poelln.; Echeveria perelegans A.Berger ; Echeveria potosina E.Walther);     Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight :: Crassulaceae :: ID Request :: San Francisco, USA :: ARKDEC-27 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Requesting to please provide ID of the […]

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Justicia heyneana

Justicia heyneana J. R. I. Wood, nom, nov. (Replaced name: Rungia linifolia Nees, in Wall., non Justicia linifolia (Lindau) V. A. W. Graham, Rostellularia gracilis Wight, Justicia gracilis (Wight) T. Anderson, non Justicia gracilis Lyall ex Nees) as per New Names and Combinations in Indian Acanthaceae by John R. I. Wood- Novon: A Journal for Botanical […]

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Alstroemeria pelegrina (Kenya)

Alstroemeria pelegrina L., Pl. Alströmeria 10 1762. (Syn: Alstroemeria amoena Salisb.; Alstroemeria peregrina Ruiz & Pav.; Alstroemeria peregrina f. alba Voss; Alstroemeria peregrina var. albescens Herb.; Alstroemeria peregrina var. squamata Herb.); Images by Aarti S Khale, Identified by Gurcharan Singh & Tanay Bose (Inserted by J.M.Garg)    Request for ID : 290111 : AK-2: Taken at […]

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Blachia andamanica subsp. denudata

Blachia andamanica subsp. denudata (Benth.) N.P.Balakr. & Chakrab., Proc. Indian Acad. Sci., Pl. Sci. 99: 571 1989. (Syn: Blachia denudata Benth.; Croton umbellatus Dalzell & Gibson);      Euphorbiaceae fortnight :: Blachia andamanica subsp. denudata at Jog Falls :: DV10 : 5 images. 3 posts by 2 authors. Blachia andamanica subsp. denudata (Benth.) N.P.Balakr. & Chakrab. […]

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  Blachia andamanica (Kurz) Hook.f.   Blachia andamanica subsp. denudata (Benth.) N.P.Balakr. & Chakrab.        Blachia calycina Benth.     Blachia umbellata (Willd.) Baill.   Species as per Flora of India Vol 23 (Editors N. P. Balakrishnan, T. Chakrabarty, M. Sanjappa, P. Lakshminarsimhan & P. Singh- by Botanical Survey of India (2012)): Blachia […]

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Argyreia species

  Image by Dalia (ID by Shrikant Ingalhalikar), inserted by Gurcharan Singh (Please click to see details). KAS Week DS_051012_04 Ipomoea: Ipomoea from Kas – proper id please. this is Ipomoea barlerioides (Pink morning glory) I think this one looks different than Ipomoea barlerioides, but lets wait for more inputs. This is surely not I. barlerioides. Plant […]

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Canarium strictum ?

Canarium strictum Roxb. ? Flora of Uttara kannada | 30Nov2010AR03: Flora of Uttara kannada | 30Nov2010AR03 Regional name Dhupada mara, Dammar (Hindi) (To be validated) Ragi hosahalli, Western ghats Uttara Kannada Oct 2010 Leaves-20cms, Opposite, Tree height 45 feet, white bark Habitat: Forest, Western ghats No flowers or fruits observed – Possibly Ailanthus triphysa – … […]

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Mammillaria haageana subsp. elegans

Mammillaria haageana subsp. elegans D.R. Hunt, Mammillaria Postscripts 6: 9 9 1997. (Syn: Mammillaria collina J.A. Purpus; Mammillaria elegans DC.; Mammillaria haageana var. collina (J.A. Purpus) T. Linzen et al; Neomammillaria collina (J.A. Purpus) C.E. Britton & Rose);     Mammillaria haageana subsp elegans from Delhi: Mammillaria haageana subsp elegans D. R. Hunt (syn: M. […]

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Grevillea pteridifolia (Cultivated)

Grevillea pteridifolia Knight, Cult. Prot. 121 1809 (Syn: Grevillea chrysodendrum R.Br.; Hakea pteridifolia (Knight) Christenh. & Byng); Australia (N-Western Australia, N-Northern Territory, N-Queensland) as per Catalogue of life;      Grevillea sp from Tirumala forest area (AP): 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (9) Probably a hybrid of two grevillea sp. Honeygem (Grevillea banksii X Grevillea […]

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Canna glauca

Canna glauca L., Sp. Pl. 1 1753 (Syn: Canna angustifolia L. ….); Image by Rakesh – Id by Satish Pardeshi  Heliconia ID:  The leaves of the plant resemble that of Heliconia sp. Requested to please particularly identify. Very common near swamps and ponds. Picture taken on 26/01/11   References:

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Hewittia malabarica (L.) Suresh Images by Surajit Koley (Inserted by J.M.Garg) From Floral Database of Tamilnadu :   Binomial Habit Notes References Distribution Hewittia sublobata (L.f.) Kuntze is a synonym of Hewittia malabarica Climbing Herb Plains, Dry Localities Flora of Tamil Nadu, VOL. II, 1987 All districts   FRLHT Indian Medicinal Plants Nomenclature Database with images/ […]

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Ipomoea violacea

Ipomoea violacea L., Sp. Pl. 1: 161 161 1753 (Syn: Calonyction grandiflorum (Jacq.) Choisy; Calonyction jacquinii G. Don; Calonyction tuba (Schltdl.) Colla; Convolvulus grandiflorus Jacq.; Convolvulus tuba Schltdl.; Ipomoea glaberrima Bojer ex Hook.; Ipomoea grandiflora (Jacq.) Hallier f.; Ipomoea longiflora R. Br.; Ipomoea macrantha Roem. & Schult.; Ipomoea tuba (Schltdl.) G. Don); Images by Dinesh […]

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Crinum × powellii (Cultivated)

Crinum × powellii Baker, Handb. Amaryll. 95 1888; Image by (Aarti Khale – identified by Gurcharan Singh), (Inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade)    Common name: Cape lily      Lily for ID : 270111 : AK-2: This one is Crinum powellii cv. Roseum – I think is a very common garden Lily in india I have them […]

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