Tagetes species

Tagetes species;   Marigold Flower and Plant – Growing, Care and Facts | The Flower Expert – Flowers Encyclopedia ID Please – indiantreepix | Google Groups

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Tagetes minuta

Tagetes minuta L. , Sp. Pl. 887 1753. (Syn: Tagetes bonariensis Pers.; Tagetes glandulifera Schrank; )Tagetes glandulosa Schrank ex Link; Tagetes porophyllum Vell.; Tagetes tinctoria Hornsch.); Images by Sheetal Pachpande (1), Gurcharan Singh (2,3) & Prashant Awale (4)    Wild Marigold, Stinking Roger, Mexican marigold, Stinkweed, Tall khakiweed;      Manali, HP- Oct’09?; Mohra near Uri on June 24, […]

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Tagetes erecta

Tagetes erecta L. , Sp. Pl. 887 1753. (Syn: Tagetes ernstii H.Rob. & Nicolson; Tagetes excelsa Soule; Tagetes heterocarpha Rydb.; Tagetes major Gaertn. [Illegitimate]; Tagetes remotiflora Kunze; Tagetes tenuifolia Millsp.); Images by Dinesh Valke & D.S.Rawat, (For more photos & complete details, click on the links)   TAG-e-teez — named for Tages, an Etruscan God who […]

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Tagetes erecta L. (Images by Dinesh Valke & D.S.Rawat, (For more photos & complete details, click on the links))   Tagetes minuta L. (Images by Sheetal Pachpande (1), Gurcharan Singh (2,3) & Prashant Awale (4))  Tagetes patula L. (Images by Gurcharan Singh, (Prashant Awale – Id by D.S.Rawat) & (Bhagyashri Ranade – Id by Satish Phadke)) ARE INDIAN MARIGOLDS EDIBLE : […]

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Tacca chantrieri

Tacca chantrieri André, Rev. Hort. 73: 541 1901. (syn: Clerodendrum esquirolii H.Lév.; Schizocapsa breviscapa (Ostenf.) H.Limpr.; Schizocapsa itagakii Yamam.; Tacca esquirolii (H.Lév.) Rehder; Tacca garrettii Craib; Tacca lancifolia var. breviscapa Ostenf.; Tacca macrantha H.Limpr.; Tacca minor Ridl.; Tacca paxiana H.Limpr.; Tacca roxburghii H.Limpr.; Tacca vespertilio Ridl.; Tacca wilsonii H.Limpr.); Common name: Bat Flower, Cat’s Whiskers, […]

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Tacca chantrieri Images by Promila Chaturvedi & Vijayasankar Raman Tacca integrifolia Ker Gawl.        Tacca leontopetaloides Images by Vijayasankar & Prasad K. Das                                                      Tacca species- Rajnagar, Kumarghat, Tripura      

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Tabebuia rosea ?

Tabebuia rosea ?;   ”For Id 30122011MR2’’ ?Bamboo plant at Pune The colour and shape of flower reminds me of Tabebuia rosea … could be a wrong guess. Tabebuia species indeed. Most likely T.rosea as …  said….. May be Bamboo is just near it. To me also it seems like Tabebuia rosea – Bignoniaceae If I […]

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Handroanthus chrysotrichus (Cultivated)

Handroanthus chrysotrichus (Mart. ex DC.) Mattos , Loefgrenia 50: 4 1970. (Syn: Gelseminum chrysotrichum (Mart. ex DC.) Kuntze; Handroanthus chrysotrichus var. obtusata (DC.) Mattos; Tabebuia chrysotricha (Mart. ex DC.) Standl.; Tabebuia chrysotricha var. obtusata (DC.) Toledo; Tecoma chrysotricha Mart. ex DC.; Tecoma chrysotricha var. obtusata (DC.) Bureau & K.Schum.; Tecoma flavescens Mart. ex DC.; Tecoma […]

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Syzygium malaccense

Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merr. & L.M.Perry , J. Arnold Arbor. 19: 215 1938. (Caryophyllus malaccensis (L.) Stokes; Eugenia domestica Baill.; Eugenia macrophylla Lam.; Eugenia malaccensis L.; Eugenia pseudomalaccensis Linden; Eugenia purpurascens Baill.; Eugenia purpurea Roxb.; Jambosa domestica DC.; Jambosa domestica Blume; Jambosa macrophylla (Lam.) DC.; Jambosa malaccensis (L.) DC.; Jambosa purpurascens DC.; Jambosa purpurea (Roxb.) […]

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Syngonium species ?

Syngonium species ?;       Syngonium – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Bamboo like vine – indiantreepix | Google Groups            

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Syngonium species

Syngonium species;         ID please 181209SSS1 – efloraofindia | Google Groups     re:climber for id 20080804_1 : 8 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (1). climber for id, at aurangabad, ms Looks like the ornamental leafy vine Syngonium sp. I have the variegated and the red ones at home Syngonium macrophyllum? May […]

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Syngonium macrophyllum

Syngonium macrophyllum Engl., Pflanzenr. IV, 23E: 128 1920.; Image by Aarti Khale – identified by Mahadeswara Swamy, (inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade )      Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight: August 1 to 14, 2014 : Araceae : Syngonium For Validation : Peradeniya,Sri Lanka : 110814 : AK-6 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1).   Seen […]

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Syngonium auritum (L.) Schott (Image by Bhagyashri ranade – identified by Ajinkya Gadave)  Syngonium macrophyllum Engl. (Image by Aarti Khale – identified by Mahadeswara Swamy, (inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade)) Syngonium podophyllum Schott (Images by Gurcharan Singh,(Alka Khare – validation by Promila Chaturvedi), (Arundhati Boyce – identification by Ajinkya Gadave) & (Bhagyashri Ranade – identified by Gurcharan […]

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  Calyptocarpus vialis Synedrella nodiflora   Calyptocarpus vialis- right one & Synedrella nodiflora- left one Calyptocarpus vialis- left ones & Synedrella nodiflora- right ones Synedrella nodiflora (L.) Gaertn. (Images by Dinesh Valke & (Bhagyashri Ranade – Id by Neil Soares) (For more photos & complete details, click on the links))   Calyptocarpus vialis Less.     Sclerocarpus africanus Jacq. (Images by Dinesh Valke (Id by Prashant Awale & […]

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Symphytum officinale L. (Images by Gurcharan Singh, Usha Desai and Dinesh Valke, Inserted by Gurcharan Singh (Please click links to see details and more images)) Symphytum page (‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Boraginaceae‎) with images of species in efloraofindia : 1 post by 1 author. Pl. go through Symphytum page (Boraginaceae) with  images of species in efloraofindia (done by …). If you find any mis-identification, pl. let us […]

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Symphorema involucratum

Symphorema involucratum Roxb., Pl. Coromandel 2: 46 1805. (Syn: Analectis speciosa Vahl; Congea involucratum (Roxb.) Wall.; Congea paniculata Wall. [Invalid]);   Bhingri • Marathi: भिंगरी Bhingri • Telugu: Budamarri, Esaparatiga, gubbadara, Isaparatige • Kannada: Betta thakkaali • Oriya: Chokantua;     Symphorema involucratum – efloraofindia | Google Groups : Symphorema involucratum.Family :        VerbenaceaeCommon Name :        BhingariHabit :        ShrubHabitat :        ForestsLocation […]

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Symphorema involucratum Roxb.   Symphorema polyandrum Wight   Symphorema (‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Lamiaceae) page with images of species in efloraofindia : 1 post by 1 author. Pl. go through Symphorema (‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Lamiaceae) page with images of species in efloraofindia. If you find any incorrect identification, pl. let us know. If anybody can send images of other species of this genera […]

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  Swietenia macrophylla King Images by J.M.Garg, (inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade) Images by tspkumar                Swietenia mahagoni (L.) Jacq.    

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Swertia tetragona

Swertia tetragona (Edgew.) Clarke in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 4:122. 1883. (Syn: Ophelia tetragona Edgew.) as per Flora of Pakistan;             Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Fortnight: Swertia tetragona from Himachal : GSG-23 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2). Swertia tetragona from Himachal. District Sirmour; 1700 m asl. Another very good upload … […]

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