Mackaya indica (Nees) Ensermu, Kew Bull. 47(4): 673 1992. (syn: Asystasia thyrsacanthus T. Anders.; Eranthemum indicum (Nees) C. B. Cl.; Odontonemella indica (Nees) Lindau; Pseuderanthemum indicum (Nees) A. M. & J. M. Cowan; Thyrsacanthus indicus Nees); . India (E-Himalaya, NE-India), Myanmar [Burma], Bhutan, Nepal as per Catalogue of Life; . Shrub 1-2.5m. Strem erect, brown, […]
Category: Mackaya
Mackaya macrocarpa
Mackaya macrocarpa (Wall. ex Nees) Das, Fl. Assam 3: 447 1939. (syn: Asystasia macrocarpa Wall. ex Nees; Ruellia macrocarpa Wall.); . Myanmar (Chin, Kachin); Bhutan; India (Bengal, E-India, NE-India, Darjeeling, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim); Nepal; Bangladesh as per CoL; . Decumbent or ascending undershrub to 2m, but usually less. Stems glabrous below, sparsely pilose above. Leaves […]