Impatiens bicolor

Impatiens bicolor Royle, Ill. bot. Himal. Mts. 1(5):151. 1835; 2(2): t. 28. 1834 as per efi thread and Flora of Pakistan; . Impatiens : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Please help in ID of this Impatiens species. Picture taken at sub-tropical Jammu. Picture is small, but with rosa upper petal and yellow lower sepal […]

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Impatiens bicornuta

Impatiens bicornuta Wall., Fl. Ind. ed. Carey 2: 460 460 1824. ; . SK673 25 JUL-2017:ID : 10 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (8) Location: Shivapuri National Park, Nepal Altitude: 7500 ft. Date: 22 July 2017 I think impatiens species. Yes, it is. I suppose this is Impatiens bicornuta, as it has rather long S-shaped spur. […]

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Impatiens tomentosa

Impatiens tomentosa B.Heyne, Numer. List 4751 1831. (Syn: Impatiens rufescens Benth.); . im-PAY-shuns — impatient; referring to the seed pod’s habit of bursting open … Dave’s Botanary toh-men-TOH-suh — covered with fine, matted hairs … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: marsh balsam • Marathi: फोंडा तेरडा phonda terda . Endemic to: Western Ghats (of […]

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Impatiens goughii

Impatiens goughii Wight, Ill. Ind. Bot. 1: 160 1839. (Syn: Impatiens anamallayensis Bedd. (Unresolved); Impatiens circaeoides Turcz. (Unresolved); Impatiens pulniensis Bedd. (Unresolved)); Images by Badri Narayanan – Id by Kottaimuthuji & Santhosh Kumar  High Wavy Mountains flora 20092012 TBN 1 ? Impatiens for id: Please id the following, details of which are as follows: Date :19/08/2012 Location :High Wavies, Theni […]

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Impatiens maculata

Impatiens maculata Wight, Madras J. Lit. Sci. 5:12. 1837; Images by (Muthu Karthick – Id by Tabish), Prashant Awale & (Vijayasankar Raman – validation by Prashant Awale), (For more photos & complete details, click on the links)   Spotted Balsam, Spotted Jewelweed;   Endemic to the W.Ghats of Tamil Nadu and Kerala; Impatiens (Balsam) for identification 070912MK01: Please […]

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Impatiens devendrae

Impatiens devendrae Pusalkar, Taiwania, 55(1): 13-23, 2010; . Images by Ritesh Kumar Choudhary (id by Wojciech) (Rosa form)      Impatiens bicolor_RKC_030611: Impatiens bicolor Balsaminaceae  Loc.: On way to Churdhar, Himachal Pradesh, ca 1500 msl. Date: August, 2010. I don’t think so. I checked many pictures and descriptions. I. bicolor should be bicolored, rosa and yellow […]

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Impatiens thomsonii

Impatiens thomsonii Hook. f., J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 4: 128 128 1860. ;   im-PAY-shuns — impatient; referring to the seed pod’s habit of bursting open … Dave’s Botanarytom-SON-ee-eye — named for Thomas Thomson … superintendent of Calcutta Botanic Garden … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: Thomson’s balsam Native to: Afghanistan, India, Pakistan   […]

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Impatiens johnsiana

Impatiens johnsiana, Ratheesh, Sunil, & Anil;      two more new species from Kerala: I am herewith attaching two new species described by Ratheesh Narayanan and team.I would like to say few words about him, he is not only a good taxonomist but an excellent silent field worker and a great lover of RET plants of […]

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Impatiens dasysperma

Impatiens dasysperma Wight, Madras J. Lit. Sci. 5:7, t. 2. 1837; . Impatiens dasysperma is similar to I. talbotii Hook.f. but differs in the presence of quadrangular stem, obovate standard petals and glabrous capsules as compared to circular stem, orbicular standard petals and tomentose capsules of the latter; In I. talbotii, the capsule is tomentose. In […]

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Impatiens herbicola

Impatiens herbicola Hook. f., Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1911:354. 1911; Images by (Muthu Karthick – Id by V.Bhaskar) & (Subhanjan Kayet – Id by Prabhu Kumar & V.Bhaskar), (For more photos & complete details, click on the links)       Balsam plant for identification 020712MK02: Please help me in identifying this plant found along roadside near montane […]

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Impatiens mohana

Impatiens mohana Ratheesh, Sujana & Anil; A new plant species from Kerala: I am herewith sharing a paper entitled Impatiens mohana (Balsaminaceae), a new scapigerous Balsam from Wayanad, Western Ghats, India for your future reference. Kindly see the attached file. Congratulations … for new published species. By the way it would be interesting to know […]

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Impatiens leschenaultii

Impatiens leschenaultii (DC.) Wall. ex Wight & Arn., Prodr. fl. Ind. orient. 131. 1834 (Syn: Balsamina leschenaultii DC. ); . im-PAY-shuns — impatient; referring to the seed pod’s habit of bursting open … Dave’s Botanary ay-shen-NAWL-tee-eye — named for Jean Baptiste L T Leschenault de la Tour, French botanist and traveller . commonly known as: Leschenault’s balsam […]

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Impatiens scapiflora

Impatiens scapiflora B.Heyne, Fl. Ind. 2: 464 1824. (Syn: Impatiens cordifolia Herb. Madr. ex Wall.); S-India as per Catalogue of life; As per efi thread: In I.acaulis the wing petals are bilobed where as in I. scapiflora it is 3-lobed;         Balsam flowers sprout everywhere endurng the mist: When it rains in coorg, Pink […]

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Impatiens disotis

Impatiens disotis Hook.f., Rec. Bot. Surv. India 4: 43 1906. (Unresolved);        South East Asian Impatiens: I would like to know about the type specimen details of Impatiens disotisHook.f., a little known Balsaminaceae member endemic to the Western Ghats of India. I also request to  the experts to furnish details of any researchers […]

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Impatiens walleriana (Cultivated)

Impatiens walleriana Hook.f., Fl. Trop. Afr. 1: 302 1868. (Syn: Impatiens episcopi H.J.Veitch (Unresolved); Impatiens giorgii De Wild.; Impatiens holstii Engl. & Warb.; Impatiens lujai De Wild.; Impatiens sultani Hook.f.);  im-PAY-shuns — impatient; referring to the seed pod’s habit of bursting open … Dave’s Botanarywall-er-ee-AH-nuh — named for Horace Waller, missionary in central Africa … Dave’s […]

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Impatiens balfourii

Impatiens balfourii Hook.f., Bot. Mag. 129: t. 7878 1903.;    Images by Alok Mahendroo     Chamba heights al200811a… impatiens: Another Impatiens for id.. location Chamba Altitude 3500 mts Habit herb Habitat wild Plant height 2 feet  I think this is the same species as the one which is there in the unidentified list at […]

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Impatiens veerapazhasii

Impatiens veerapazhasii sp. nov.;   Epiphytic herbs on tree trunks, to 10 cm long, scapigerous, rhizome 7-8 mm, globose, thick with numerous root hairs. Leaves 2-4, highly variable, radical, broadly ovate or ovate-lanceolate, obliquely cordate or deeply cordate at base, rounded or obtusely acute at apex, margins distantly serrate, papillate on margins, 5-10 × 2-4 […]

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Impatiens laxiflora

Impatiens laxiflora Edgew., Trans. Linn. Soc. London 20: 39 39 1851. (syn: Impatiens elata Edgew.; Impatiens laxiflora var. edgeworthii Hook.f.; Impatiens laxiflora var. khasiana Hook.f.; Impatiens laxiflora var. sikkimensis Hook.f.; Impatiens laxiflora var. stracheyi Hook.f.; Impatiens leggei Pusalkar & D.K.Singh; Impatiens micranthemum Edgew.) as per Merging Impatiens leggei Pusalkar & D.K.Singh page to Impatiens laxiflora Edgew.; .   Merging Impatiens leggei Pusalkar & D.K.Singh page to Impatiens laxiflora […]

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Impatiens sulcata ?

Impatiens amplexicaulis Edgew. Please verify?? : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4). Date: 24 JULY, 2014 Location: On the way to Kalinchok, Dolakha District, East Nepal Altitude : 9000 ft. I don’t think it is I amplexicaulis – even uppermost leaves are clearly petiolate (see picture of I. badrinathi in Pusalkar & Singh 2010 […]

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Impatiens sulcata

Impatiens sulcata Wall., Fl. India, ser. 2 2: 458 458 1824. (Syn. Impatiens gigantea Edgew.); . Images by (Krishan Lal – Id by Wojciech ) & (Balkar Singh, (For more photos & complete details, click on the links) . Gigantic Himalayan Balsam; . As per efi thread: Flowers looks quite similar to those of Impatiens glandulifera, but […]

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