Leucas stricta ?

Lamiacae: Leucas zeylanica (L.) W.T.Aiton: 1 high res. image. synonyms: Leucas zeylanica (L.) R.Br., Leucas zeylanica (L.) Sm. location/date: Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, October 1994 It looks different from images at https://efloraofindia.com/2014/01/16/leucas-zeylanica/ I think it appears close to images at https://efloraofindia.com/2015/06/30/leucas-stricta/ seems L zeylanica May I request you to have a look at […]

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Leucas deodikarii

Leucas deodikarii Billmore & Hemadri, Indian Forester 96: 858 1970.; . W. India (N. Sahydari Range) as per POWO; . Common name: Deodikar’s Leucas . Leucas deodikarii Endemic leucas of Maharashtra: 3 images. Leucas deodikarii (Lamiaceae) Palu near Bhiwade Khurd (Murbad hills), Thane Dist, Maharashtra Date 2013 July for this post yes sir     . References: POWO […]

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Leucas marrubioides var. pulneyensis

Leucas marrubioides var. pulneyensis Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 4: 684 1885. ; . S. India, Sri Lanka, Peninsula Malaysia as per POWO; . ID requested: Leucas chinesis? (Mudumalai, Nilgiris, TN): 5 images. Leucas chinensis? Dry deciduous forests, Mudumalai, Nilgiris, TN September 2019 ~ 900 m altitude. Looks different ! Appears close to images at Leucas lanata Benth. But the […]

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Leucas prostrata

Leucas prostrata (Hook.f.) Gamble, Fl. Madras 1154 1924. (syn: Leucas hirta var. prostrata Hook.f.); Prostrate or ascending herbs, with knotty root-stock and several branches from it; branches densely tawny hispid, often rooting on the nodes, hairs stiff and spreading. Leaves upto 2.5 x 1.5 cm, ovate, obtuse, crenate, ciliate, rounded at base, tawny hispid with […]

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Leucas zeylanica var. walkeri

Leucas zeylanica var. walkeri (Benth.) Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 4: 689 1885. (syn: Leucas indica var. nagalapuramiana (Chandrab. & S.R.Sriniv.) N.Rama Rao; Leucas lavandulifolia var. nagalapuramiana Chandrab. & S.R.Sriniv.; Leucas walkeri Benth.); C. India, Sri Lanka as per WCSP;   Submission of Leucas zeylanica var. walker : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Plant […]

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Leucas wightiana

Leucas wightiana Wall. ex Benth., Pl. Asiat. Rar. 1: 60 1830. (Syn: Leucas aspera var. wightiana (Wall. ex Benth.) Benth.); W. & S. India as per WCSP; Erect, annual herbs, profusely branched, 15-35 cm high; branches 4-gonous, scabrid or hirsute with deflexed-appressed hairs. Leaves subsessile, 3-8 x 0.2-1 cm, linear, obtuse, entire or obscurely distantly […]

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Leucas stricta

Leucas stricta Benth., Pl. Asiat. Rar. 1: 61 1830. (syn: Phlomis stricta B.Heyne ex Hook.f.); India; Myanmar as per WCSP; Erect, annual herbs, 15-25 cm high; stem and branches 4-gonous, pubescent and sparsely hispidly hairy with spreading hairs. Leaves 2.5-6.5 x 0.3-1.5 cm, oblong-lanceolate or linear, obtuse, entire or distantly serrulate, pubescent both sides and […]

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Leucas hyssopifolia

Leucas hyssopifolia Benth., Pl. Asiat. Rar. 1: 60 1830.; Images by Nidhan Singh – Id by Surajit Koley Pakistan to Myanmar (from WCSP) Benth, in Wall. Pl. As. Rar. i. 60, Lab. 615, and in DC. Prodr. xii. 531 ; perennial, erect, hispidly hairy, leaves 1-2.1/2 in. linear obtuse, margins recurved entire, whorls terminal and axillary […]

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Leucas nutans

Leucas nutans (Roth) Spreng., Syst. Veg. 2: 743 1825. (Syn: Leucas decurva Benth.; Phlomis nutans Roth); . Pakistan to Myanmar (from WCSP); . Images by Nidhan Singh – Id by A.Lalithamba, (inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade)   Lamiaceae (Incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: Leucas sp. from Panipat- NS May 115/115 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) This […]

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Leucas lavandulifolia ?

Leucas lavandulifolia ?;         For Id 300508JM : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) On 17/3/08 at Jayanti, Duars, West Bengal. This is a species of Leucas a herb of Mint family. I think it is Leucas aspera I was wondering if anyone on the list knew whether Chisocheton paniculatus, Dysoxylum binectariferum (Meliaceae) […]

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Leucas angularis

Leucas angularis Benth., Pl. Asiat. Rar. 1: 62 1830. (syn: Leucas pubescens Thwaites [Illegitimate]); . S. India, Sri Lanka (from WCSP); . Prostrate branching herbs, pubescent. Leaves to 3.5 x 1.5 cm, ovate, obtuse, base rounded or truncate, serrate, pubescent; petiole 0.5 cm. Whorls axillary, 4-6 flowered; bracts 3 mm, linear, ciliate; calyx tube 8 […]

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Leucas eriostoma

Leucas eriostoma Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 4: 686 1885. (Syn: Leucas eriostoma var. eriostoma ; Leucas lepistoma Wight ex Hook.f.; Phlomis eriostoma B.Heyne ex Hook.f.); . Stout, suffruticose undershrubs, upto 1 m high; stem and branches 4-gonous, hispid with long spreading hairs, degree of hairiness highly variable. Leaves opposite, 5-10 x 0.5-4 cm, linear, linear-lanceolate […]

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Leucas hirta

Leucas hirta (B.Heyne ex Roth) Spreng., Syst. Veg. 2: 743 1825. (Syn: Leucas helianthemifolia Benth.; Phlomis hirta B.Heyne ex Roth); Images by P. Santhan & N Muthu Karthick (Id by P. Santhan) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links)     Erect herbs; branches covered with reflexed hairs. Leaves […]

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Leucas zeylanica

Leucas zeylanica (L.) W.T.Aiton, Hortus Kew. 3: 409 1811. (Syn: Leonurus marrubiastrum Burm.f.; Leonurus parviflorus Moench; Leucas bancana Miq.; Leucas indica (L.) Sm.; Leucas malayana Hance; Leucas zeylanica (L.) R. Br.; Leucas zeylanica var. linearis L.H.Cramer; Leucasia zeylanica (L.) Raf.; Phlomis gracilis (L.) Salisb. [Illegitimate]; Phlomis indica L.; Phlomis octodentata Stokes; Phlomis zeylanica L.; Spermacoce […]

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Leucas decemdentata

Leucas decemdentata (Willd.) Sm., Cycl. 20: 6 1810. (Syn: Isodeca flaccida (R.Br.) Raf.; Leucas chinensis var. oliganthos Hassk.; Leucas decemdentata var. decemdentata ; Leucas flaccida R.Br.; Leucas flaccida var. petiolaris Benth.; Leucas flaccida var. scaberula (Hook.f.) S.R.Sriniv.; Leucas javanica Benth. .; Leucas lamioides (Muschl.) Hosseus [Illegitimate]; Leucas leucocephala Miq.; Leucas melissifolia Benth.; Leucas mollissima Wall. ex […]

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Leucas inflata (Oman)

Leucas inflata Benth., Labiat. Gen. Spec. 744 1835. (Syn: Leucas acrodonta Steud. [Invalid]; Leucas schimperi C.Presl; Physoleucas acrodonta Jaub. & Spach; Physoleucas arabica Jaub. & Spach; Physoleucas pachystachya Jaub. & Spach; Physoleucas schimperi (C.Presl) Jaub. & Spach);            Lamiaceae & Verbenaceae Week : Request for ID : Oman : 080711 : […]

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Leucas lanceifolia

Leucas lanceifolia Desf., Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. 11: 5 1824. ;        Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: Leucas lanceaefolia :: Nilgiris:: MKMAY001 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (7) Name: Leucas lanceaefolia Desf. Family: Lamiaceae Photographed in Nilgiris. Location: Parsons Valley, Nilgiris, TN Date: 19 Oct 2012 Alt.: 2250 msl  Nilgiris: Leucas for identification 011212MK01: Please […]

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Leucas suffruticosa

Leucas suffruticosa Benth., Labiat. Gen. Spec. 611 1834. ;   Images by Muthu Karthick   Much branched undershrubs, with long and stout root stock; branches terete, rigid, hispid with erect-appressed hairs and few bristle-like spreading hairs. Leaves sessile or subsessile, opposite, 1-3 x 0.15-0.3 cm, linear, obtuse, entire and revolute-margined, ciliate with bristle-like hairs, white […]

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Leucas rosmarinifolia

Leucas rosmarinifolia Benth., Pl. Asiat. Rar. 1: 61 1830. ; Image by Kanti Patel – Id by Franklin Jose   Much-branched, low shrubs, 30-60 cm high; stem and branches terete, greenish-grey, woody, strigose or villous with erect hairs. Leaves sessile, apparently fascicled or few opposite, 2-5 x 0.3-0.5 cm, linear, obtuse, entire and revolute-margined, strigose above […]

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Leucas diffusa

Leucas diffusa Benth., Labiat. Gen. Spec. 615 1834. (Syn: Phlomis diffusa Rottler ex Hook.f. [Invalid]); Images by Santhan P & (Muthu Karthick – validation by A.Lalithamba)        Leucas for id 271210MK2:  Kindly help to confirm this Leucas sp.Date/Time- 14-11-2010 / 05:00 PMLocation- Place, Altitude, GPca; 10msl; Kancheepuran dist., TNHabitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- waste landPlant Habit-herbHeight/Length- […]

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