Pterygota alata ‘diversifolia’; ‘Mad Tree’; 201210-PR -For ID-Chennai.: Please help me id the tree whose varied leaves I have photographed. Photography is not permitted in the Agri-hort garden, hence I have snapped some of the fallen leaves. Someone has given me a hint that the leaves belong to a tree called the “Mad Tree” […]
Category: Pterygota
Pterygota alata ?
Pterygota alata (Roxb.) R.Br ?; Pterygota alata 2 ? : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author. Same seedling from the previous post. Is this Pterygota alata : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. One year old potted seedling in Hyderabad. Seed collected from Western Ghats; seed flat, ovoid and winged. Could […]
Pterygota alata
Pterygota alata (Roxb.) R.Br., Pterocymbium 234 1844. (Syn. Clompanus alata (Roxb.) Kuntze; Pterygota roxburghii Schott & Endl.; Sterculia alata Roxb.); . ¿ ter-ee-GO-to ?– from the Greek pterygotós (winged) a-LAY-tuh — winged . commonly known as: buddha coconut • Assamese: tula • Bengali: buddha narikel • Kannada: kolugida • Malayalam: porila • Marathi: करवटी karvati • […]