Ruellia simplex C.Wright, Anales Acad. Ci. Méd. Habana 6: 321 1869. (syn: Ruellia brittoniana Leonard [Illegitimate]);


April 2013

Kindly help Id this potted plant height about 2 ft at a housing society garden at Pune. Is this any Ruellia spp?

It may be Ruellia brittoniana

Thank you … for the Id

Attaching some more pictures of leaves and fruit.
The stem is very hairy and nodes appear purplish. Can this be Ruellia tuberosa? Id help … post

After careful observation of many Ruellia specimens and photographs with me I doubted this plant shows more affinity towards Ruellia simplex rather than to R. brittoniana. Expect the comments from other experts!

May i know what are the differences between Ruellia simplex and R. brittoniana?
As per following sites they are synonyms, maybe one is illegitimate –
Leaves in Ruellia simplex seem to be more linear, as per following sites, one or two images show a bit broader leaves too –





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