Ruellia brevifolia (Pohl) C. Ezcurra, Darwiniana 29: 278 1989. (syn: Cyrtacanthus corymbosus Mart. ex Nees; Echinacanthus dichotomus Kuntze; Ruellia graecizans Backer; Ruellia longifolia (Pohl) Griseb.; Ruellia serratitheca Rusby; Ruellia ventricosa Kunth; Stephanophysum brevifolium Pohl; Stephanophysum longifolium Pohl; Stephanophysum macrandrum Bremek.; Stephanophysum ventricosum Nees); . S. Tropical America: Argentina Northeast, Argentina Northwest, Bolivia, Brazil North, Brazil South, Brazil Southeast, Brazil West-Central, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru; Introduced into: […]
Category: Ruellia
Ruellia beddomei
Ruellia beddomei C. B. Cl., Fl. Brit. India 4: 413 1884. (syn: Dipteracanthus beddomei (C.B.Clarke) Santapau; Ruellia cernua T.Anderson); . India (C- to E- & S-India, Upper Gangetic Plains), Nepal as per CoL; , Clarke ; leaves elliptic acute hairy on both surfaces, bracteoles subpetioled ovate acute leaf-like, sepals 1/2 in., corolla 3 in. R. cernua, Anders, in Journ. […]
Ruellia ciliatiflora (outside India)
Ruellia ciliatiflora Hook., Bot. Mag. 66: t. 3718 1839. (syn: Ruellia lorentziana Griseb.; Ruellia lorentziana paraguariensis Hassl.; Ruellia lorentziana parvifolia Hassl.; Arrhostoxylum ciliatiflorum (Hook.) Nees); . Mexico (Baja California Sur, Campeche, Chiapas, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Colima, Durango, Hidalgo, Morelos, Nuevo León, Oaxaca, Puebla, Queretaro, Quintana Roo, San Luis Potosi, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tabasco, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Yucatán); Colombia […]
Ruellia chartacea (Cultivated)
Ruellia chartacea (T. Anders.) D.C. Wassh., Opera Bot. 92: 265 1987. (syn: Aphelandra chartacea T. Anders.; Ruellia colorata Baill.); Colombia (Amazonas, Cauca, Putumayo), Ecuador, Peru, Puerto Rico (I) as per Catalogue of Life; Common name: Peruvian Wild Petunia, Red Shrimp Plant, Lobster claw Plant for ID : Conservatory : Atlanta Botanical Garden : Atlanta, […]
Ruellia affinis (Cultivated- USA) ?
Ruellia affinis (Schrad.) Lindau, J. Agric. Soc. India n.s., 1: 269 1868. (syn: Arrhostoxylum affine (Schrad.) Nees; Dipteracanthus affinis (Schrad.) Nees; Neowedia affinis Schrad.; Ruellia affinis (Schrad.) T. Anders. (ambiguous synonym); Ruellia grandiflora Blanch. ex Nees) ?; NE-Brazil (Bahia) as per Catalogue of Life; Plant for ID : Conservatory : Atlanta Botanical Garden : Atlanta, […]
Ruellia longepetiolata (Introduced)
Ruellia longepetiolata (Oerst.) Hemsl. (syn: Dipteracanthus humifusus Oerst.; Dipteracanthus longepetiolatus Oerst.; Dipteracanthus squarrosus Fenzl; Ruellia humifusa (Oerst.) Hemsl.; Ruellia squarrosa (Fenzl) Cufod.); . Mexico (San Luis Potosi, Queretaro, Hidalgo, Veracruz, Puebla), New Caledonia (I) as per Catalogue of Life; . Ornamental for ID from Panipat-March 2011 : This herb was found growing in a nursery […]
Ruellia pseudopatula
Ruellia pseudopatula Ensermu, Kew Bull. 57: 747 2002. ; . Ethiopia, Djibouti, Saudi Arabia, S-Yemen, India (NW-India (Haryana, Punjab)) as per Catalogue of Life; . Need id assistance for JNU Plant 130415SP1-4 : 8 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4) I need id assistance of following images belonging to Ruellia sp? (Acanthaceae) Date:13/04/15 Locality: JNU […]
Ruellia inundata (Cultivated) ?
Ruellia inundata Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp. 2: 239 1818. (Syn: Aphragmia haenkei Nees; Aphragmia inundata (Kunth) Bremek. & Nann.-Bremek.; Dipteracanthus haenkei (Nees) Nees; Ruellia albicaulis Bertero ex Spreng.; Ruellia galeottii Leonard) ?; . Acanthaceae Fortnight ::Ruellia inundata :: Mumbai :: PKA-MAR51/51: : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (8) Sharing few photographs of a Ruellia […]
Ruellia patula ?
Ruellia patula ?; . As per efi thread : The key in Flora of Pakistan reads: Erect shrublet with hoary shoots. Flowers pale-white. Capsule glabrous, 8-10-seeded 1 Ruellia patula Prostrate to procumbent, ± pubescent herb. Flowers purple-violet. Capsule sparsely hairy, 16-20-seeded 2 Ruellia prostrata . Garden Flower For ID : Acanthaceae : Muscat : 06MAR16 […]
Ruellia simplex ?
Ruellia simplex C.Wright, Anales Acad. Ci. Méd. Habana 6: 321 1869. (syn: Ruellia brittoniana Leonard [Illegitimate]); . efloraofindia:”For Id 09042013MR2’’ is this Ruellia spp at Pune : Attachments (4). 5 posts by 3 authors. April 2013 Kindly help Id this potted plant height about 2 ft at a housing society garden at Pune. Is this […]
Ruellia species ?
Ruellia (syn: Dipteracanthus) species ?; . Id-160412-PR-1: No images visible now. This can be a Dipteracanthus sp. in my opinion…
Ruellia species
efloraofindia:”For Id 08092011MR1’’ ?Zinia Pune: Request for identification is this called Zinia? Date/Time-Sep 2011 Location-Place, Altitude, GPS-Pune Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-Garden Plant Habit-Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Plant Height/Length- about 1.5 feet Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-Green Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- dark purple Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds-Not seen This should be any […]
Ruellia tuberosa
Ruellia tuberosa L., Sp. Pl. 635 1753. (syn. Cryphiacanthus barbadensis Nees; Dipteracanthus clandestinus C.Presl); . POTPOTI, Wayside Tuberrose, bluebell, Waterkanon, Watrakanu, Minnie Root, Iron root, Feverroot, Popping pod, Ruwel (Marathi); . Acanthaceae Fortnight SN 01 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2) Ruellia tuberosa L., weeds in the garden and roadside, ACANTHACEAE FORTNIGHT:: Ruellia […]
Ruellia strepens (Cultivated)
Ruellia strepens L., Sp. Pl. 634 1753. (Syn. Dipteracanthus micranthus Engelm. & A.Gray; Dipteracanthus strepens C.Presl; Dipteracanthus strepens var. calycinus Nees; Dipteracanthus strepens var. clandestinus Nees; Dipteracanthus strepens var. dillenii Nees; Dipteracanthus strepens f. pedunculatus Nees; Dipteracanthus strictus Nees; Hygrophila illinoiensis A.Gray (Unresolved); Pattersonia carolinensis J.F.Gmel. (Unresolved)); Images by Prashant Awale (Inserted by J.M.Garg) Common name: […]
Ruellia prostrata
Ruellia prostrata Poir., Encycl. 6:349. 1804 (syn. (≡) Dipteracanthus prostratus (Poir.) Nees); . Bell Weed, Prostrate Wild Petunia, Black weed • Marathi: Kali dhawani • Tamil: Pottakanchi • Malayalam: Upudali • Telugu: Neelambaram • Gujarati: Kalughavani, Kali Dhraman; . Prostrate to suberect herb with ovate sparsely hairy 2-3 cm long leaves; flowers pale purple to […]
Ruellia nudiflora (Cultivated)
Ruellia nudiflora (Engelm. & A. Gray) Urb., Symb. Antill. 7: 382 382 1912.; Common wild petunia, Violet Wild Petunia, Violet Ruellia, Longneck Ruellia; 01042012GS1 for ID: Ruellia nudiflora or Ruellia tuberosa??: Photographed Today from Vikas Puri, Delhi. Was growing outside a private house so could not dig out for possible tuberous roots. Bracts […]
Ruellia makoyana (Cultivated)
Ruellia makoyana Closon (Unresolved), Rev. Hort. Belge Étrangère 21: 109 1895. (Syn: Dipteracanthus makoyanus (Closon) Boom); . ‘Monkey plant’; . Ruellia makoyana (monkey plant, trailing velvet plant) is a species of flowering plant in the family Acanthaceae, native to Brazil. It is an evergreen perennial growing to 60 cm (24 in) tall by 45 cm (18 in) wide, with […]
Ruellia elegans (Cultivated)
Ruellia elegans Poir., Encycl., Suppl. 4: 727 727 1816. (Syn: Arrhostoxylum formosa (Bonpl.) Nees; Ruellia formosa Bonpl.); Images by P. Chitralekha (Identified by Surajit Koley), Devendra Bhardwaj & Aarti S. Khale (Inserted by J.M.Garg) Common name: Red ruellia, Brazilian petunia Ruellia elegans – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 1 image. plants from my Garden B.Name- Ruellia elegans […]
Ruellia simplex (Cultivated)
Ruellia simplex C.Wright, Anales Acad. Ci. Méd. Habana 6: 321 1869. (Syn: Arrhostoxylum microphyllum Nees; Cryphiacanthus angustifolius Nees; Ruellia angustifolia (Nees) Lindau [Illegitimate]; Ruellia brittoniana Leonard [Illegitimate]; Ruellia coerulea Morong; Ruellia ignorantiae Herter; Ruellia longipes Urb.; Ruellia malacosperma Greenm.; Ruellia microphylla (Nees) Lindau [Illegitimate]; Ruellia microphylla Cav.; Ruellia pacifica Svenson; Ruellia spectabilis Britton [Illegitimate]; Ruellia […]
Ruellia patula
Ruellia patula Jacq., Misc. Austriac. 2: 358 1779. (Syn: Dipteracanthus matutinus C.Presl; Dipteracanthus ocymoides C.Presl; Dipteracanthus patulus (Jacq.) Nees; Dipteracanthus sudanicus Schweinf.; Petalidium patulum (Jacq.) Dalzell & A.Gibson; Ruellia aromatica Roxb. ex Nees; Ruellia axillaris Wall. ex Nees (ambiguous synonym); Ruellia bracteophylla Chiov.; Ruellia concavifolia Ortega; Ruellia gongodes Lindau; Ruellia ibbensis Lindau; Ruellia matutina Hochst. & […]