This herb was shot from Kalimpong and Pelling in Sikkim in May 2014, I hope this is a Lysimachia sp.
can this be L. debilis ?? Please suggest id..

For me it is very close to Lysimachia evalvis.

Very similar to your another Lusimachia suggested by you as L. foenum-graecum

Thanks a lot … for inputs and appreciation…
I hope a final verdict regarding id will be obtained soon..

efi page on Lysimachia foenum-graecum. However, no distribution in India is shown for this in FOC as per link: Lysimachia foenum-graecum
FOC page on Lysimachia evalvis

However, looks slightly different w.r.t. the relative size of the pedicels vis-à-vis the leaf size, sepals being longer than the petals ect. May be some closely related species.
Please permit me to upload some of my pending pics of the fortnight, due to network issues I could not complete my uploads till 14th June. This one was also shot from Pelling, may be similar to one earlier uploaded and tentatively identified as Lysimachia evalvis by … this mainly differs in having violet colour of stem and leaves…

Ludwigia sp. probably

I do not think it could be Ludwigia sp.

I have same type post. … could you please check the link below once.

Yes, … Your plant appears to be same.
And it appears to be close to Plant illustration but description in Flora of China appears to be contradictory.
Description better matches with Biodiversity of Bhutan
Pl. decide.

I think more closer to images at Lysimachia tetragona (syn. Lysimachia alternifolia Wall.) rather than those at Lysimachia evalvis as per

However, looks slightly different w.r.t. the relative size of the pedicels vis-à-vis the leaf size, sepals being longer than the petals ect. May be some closely related species.



SK1126 20 MAY 2018 : 9 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8)

Location: Soureni, India
Date: 8 May 2018
Altitude: 4200 ft.
Habit : Wild
Lysimachia ciliata L.  ??

Yes, I guess not matching !

Pl. check species available at 

Someone suggested it could be L. alternifoila and coloration due to pigments looking for light.

Your opinion please.

It appears to be close to Plant illustration of Lysimachia evalvis but description in Flora of China appears to be contradictory.
Description better matches with Biodiversity of Bhutan

Yes …! Description seems matching but cannot confirm.

Do we have any member having more knowledge in this sp.?

I think more closer to images at Lysimachia tetragona (syn. Lysimachia alternifolia Wall.) rather than those at Lysimachia evalvis as per

However, looks slightly different w.r.t. the relative size of the pedicels vis-à-vis the leaf size, sepals being longer than the petals ect. May be some closely related species.




Id plz : 7 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3).

can anyone help me id this tiny herb
pic taken : Sikkim May 2014

Nice set of photographs… Could this be some Lysimachia sp… Just a wild guess…

Sikkim is the smallest state with more than 5000 species of flowering plants. I know less than ten percent of that during my tenure there. The genus is confirmed. The species I do not know.

Yes it is Lysimachia alternifolia

I think more closer to images at Lysimachia tetragona (syn. Lysimachia alternifolia Wall.) rather than those at Lysimachia evalvis as per
However, looks slightly different w.r.t. the relative size of the pedicels vis-à-vis the leaf size, sepals being longer than the petals ect. May be some closely related species.