93rd Tree Appreciation Walk at Sagar Upvan, Colaba

93rd Tree Appreciation Walk at Sagar Upvan, Colaba on 29th April at 9.30 am : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)- List of the plants of Sagar Upvan (BPT) for 29th April,18.docx In this Summer time of heat & dust, heart burns & sweat….mercury soaring high, along with the prices of mangoes sky rocketing […]

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Is there a Step -by-step procedure to identify a plant/tree ?

Is there a Step -by-step procedure to identify a plant/tree ? : 2 posts by 2 authors. I’m very interested in identification of common plants/trees in my city Bengaluru. I’d like to know if there is a step-by-step process to taxonomically identify or at least short-list a particular tree/plant (by arrangement of leaves, veination etc […]

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Hymenocallis speciosa (Introduced) ?

Hymenocallis speciosa (L.f. ex Salisb.) Salisb., Trans. Hort. Soc. London 1: 340 1812. (syn: Hymenocallis erosa Salisb.; Hymenocallis speciosa var. angustifolia Herb.; Hymenocallis speciosa var. humilis Herb.; Hymenocallis speciosa var. longipetiolata Herb., not validly publ.; Nemepiodon speciosum (L.f. ex Salisb.) Raf.; Pancratium formosum M.Roem.; Pancratium speciosum L.f. ex Salisb.) ?; Bahamas; Cuba; Windward Is. as […]

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Hymenocallis rotata (Introduced)

Hymenocallis rotata (Ker Gawl.) Herb., Appendix 44 1821. (syn: Hymenocallis disciformis (Redouté) M.Roem.; Hymenocallis floridana (Raf.) C.V.Morton; Hymenocallis floridana subsp. amplifolia Traub; Hymenocallis lacera var. minor Chapm.; Hymenocallis laciniata Small; Hymenocallis mexicana Herb.; Hymenocallis paludosa Salisb., nom. illeg.; Hymenocallis rotata var. disciformis (Redouté) Herb.; Hymenocallis rotata var. quadrifolia Herb., nom. superfl.; Ismene knightii Knowles & Westc.; […]

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Hymenocallis tubiflora (Introduced)

Hymenocallis tubiflora Salisb., Trans. Hort. Soc. London 1: 341 1812. (syn: Hymenocallis borskiana de Vriese; Hymenocallis guianensis (Ker Gawl.) Herb.; Hymenocallis guianensis var. princeps Herb., not validly publ.; Hymenocallis guianensis var. tubiflora (Salisb.) Herb., nom. superfl.; Hymenocallis guianensis var. undulata (Kunth) Herb., nom. superfl.; Hymenocallis moritziana Kunth; Hymenocallis moritziana var. major Worsley; Hymenocallis petiolata (Willd. […]

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TMC Biodiversity Park, Thane

  TMC Biodiversity Park, Thane : 2 posts by 2 authors. 3 images. TMC Biodiversity Park  Thane Date: April 15, 2018 … Altitude: about 15 m (50 feet) asl This biodiversity park, run by the Municipal Corporation, has quite a large space relative to other gardens and parks in Thane; most of flora seems to […]

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Boerhavia diffusa ?

Boerhavia diffusa ?; Boerhavia repens : 6 posts by 1 author. Attachments (5) I had gone through the Boerhavia page, nice compilation, i would like to add Boerhavia repens, I have collected from Udayagiri of Nellore district; the plant branches are very long than B.diffusa; it is fleshy, viscid and sticky; the flowers are relatively larger […]

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Dattaji Salvi Udyan, Thane

Dattaji Salvi Udyan, Thane : 4 posts by 3 authors. Dattaji Salvi Udyan  Thane A tiny botanical garden (mix of exotics and natives) in Thane, now run by municipal corporation, open everyday, only during morning and evening. Good place to retreat for a small session of plant photography. Captured the essence of the garden.  A […]

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Begonia leptoptera

Begonia leptoptera H.Hara, J. Jap. Bot. 48: 98 1973.; Nepal as per WCSP; SK807 17 OCT-2017:ID : 18 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (9)- around 800 kb each.  Location:  Kharidhunga, Sindhupalchok, Nepal Date: 6 September 2017 Elevation : 8700 ft. Begonia … ?????? Pl. check with comparative images at Begonia  Some Begonia sp.  Kindly consult […]

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Stauntonia angustifolia (Wall.) Christenh.   Stauntonia latifolia (Wall.) Christenh. (Images by Mithilesh Kumar Pathak)     Holboellia (‎‎‎‎‎‎Berberidaceae) page with images of species in efloraofindia : 1 post by 1 author Pl. go through ‎Holboellia (‎‎‎‎‎‎Berberidaceae‎) page with images of species (done by …) in efloraofindia. If you find any mis-identification, pl. let us know. If […]

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Stauntonia angustifolia (Wall.) Christenh.   Stauntonia latifolia (Wall.) Christenh. (Images by Mithilesh Kumar Pathak)  

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Prunus species- Bhutan

  Flower for Id ( from Bhutan) -ID22032018SH1 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Flower for id pl. Location – Paro (Bhutan)Date – March. 2018 Prunus sp.?? Thanks … In fact initially I thought of Prunus avium, but these flowers are showing some reddish tinge and even some of the buds are red. […]

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86. Efloraofindia website updated upto 31st March’18

Efloraofindia website updated upto 31st March’18- more than 12,000 species : 1 post by 1 author. It’s heartening to reiterate that Efloraofindia is the largest google e-group/ forum in the world in this field & the largest nature related e-group (and the most constructive) in India with around 2,92,000 messages so far & membership currently […]

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Lotus glinoides (Oman)

Lotus glinoides Delile (syn: Lotus ehrenbergii Vierh.); Algeria (N); Egypt (N); Libya (N); Morocco (N); Middle East as per ILDIS;   Wild Plant For ID : Oman : 090314 : AK-12 : Attachments (1). 4 posts by 2 authors.  A very tiny wild plant seen on 31/1/14. Could be Melilotus or Trigonella, our common Fenugreek? Kindly […]

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Prunus domestica ?

Prunus domestica ?;   Flower for Id ( from Bhutan) – ID14032018SH3 : 14 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4) Flower for id pl. Location -Paro (Bhutan)Date – March. 2018 Should be Plum bloom-may be prunus meme  Can it be Prunus avium (wild cherry) …? In Prunus mume the anthers are dark yellow…. You may be […]

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