Crassula tetragona

Crassula tetragona L., Sp. Pl. 283 1753.; South Africa (N-Cape Prov., E-Cape Prov., W-Cape Prov.), Madeira (introduced) (Madeira Isl. (introduced)), New Zealand (introduced) as per Catalogue of Life;   Crassula tetragona ATJAN2018/10 NEW ON EFLORAOFINDIA : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Crassula tetragona SHIMLA MAY 2016   Succulent for ID ATJUNE2016/35 : 6 […]

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  Fwd: FROM THE NATURE : SUN’S COLOURS= COLOURS OF FLOWERS : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Prof. A Lalithamba sent me an interesting story describing the colours of sun. She talks about a tradition in the Southern states, where 7th day of the month Maagha is celebrated as Ratha Saptami (Birth day […]

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Corylopsis himalayana

Corylopsis himalayana Griff., J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 23: 641 1854. ; NE-India, Bhutan (introduced) as per Catalogue of Life; Common name: Himalayan Winter Hazel   Addition of Corylopsis himalayana Griff. (Hamamelidaceae) to EFI website : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Kindly find Corylopsis himalayana Griff. (Hamamelidaceae) photos for the EFI website References: Catalogue of […]

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Erythroxylum sinense

Erythroxylum sinense Wu, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 71: 189. 1940. (syn: Erythroxylum kunthianum Kurz; Sethia kunthiana Wall.); Common name: Chinese Coca China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hunan, Jiangxi, Yunnan, Zhejiang), India (Meghalaya), Bangladesh, Myanmar [Burma] (Kachin, Taninthayi) as per Catalogue of Life;   Addition of Erythroxylum kunthianum Kurz. to EFI website : 3 posts by 3 […]

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Cyclea species- Pali near Mumbai

  Climber for ID : 14072013 : RV 2 : Attachments (3). 4 posts by 3 authors. Need help to identify a climber found in wild…… picture taken yesterday in Pali near Mumbai. Cyclea peltata? yes it looks like Cyclea peltata With ciliate margins, it can be some other species of Cyclea as per BSI Flora […]

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Cyclea species

  Fwd: pata – efloraofindia | Google Groups : 4 images. Sanskrit   – pata malayalam – patathali Latin        – cyclea peltata With ciliate margins, it can be some other species of Cyclea as per BSI Flora of India

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Calophyllum polyanthum

Calophyllum polyanthum Wall. ex Choisy (syn: Calophyllum amoenum Wall. ex Choisy; Calophyllum angustifolium Dalz. & Gibs.; Calophyllum elatum Beddome; Calophyllum smilesianum Craib; Calophyllum smilesianum var. lutea Craib; Calophyllum williamsianum Craib);      Bhutan, Sikkim, Darjeeling, China (S-Yunnan), Myanmar [Burma] (Kayin, Mon, Rakhine), Thailand, Vietnam, India (West Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala), Andamans (Middle Andamans, South […]

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Tetrataenium aquilegifolium

Tetrataenium aquilegifolium (C.B.Clarke) Manden., Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 80(4): 92 1995. (syn: Heracleum aquilegifolium C. B. Cl.); India (W-Ghats (Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu)) as per Catalogue of Life; Heracleum aquilegifolium for confirmation / correction : 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (7) September 30, 2016. Tung, Maharashtra.Points in favor are:1. The petiole / petiolule is winged.2. […]

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Agave striata

Agave striata Zucc., Nova Acta Phys.-Med. Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. Nat. Cur. 16(2): 678 1833. (Syn: Agave ensiformis Baker; Agave hystrix (Pasq.) Baker; Agave recurva Zucc.; Agave richardsii Baker; Agave striata var. mesae A.Berger; Agave striata var. recurva (Zucc.) A.Terracc.; Agave striata f. recurva (Zucc.) Voss; Bonapartea hystrix Pasq.);     Mexico Northeast as per Catalogue of Life;   […]

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Memecylon species- Goa

  Help identify this flower : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)- 5 MB.  Saw this very small flower near Goa. Might be a weed. Can you identify it. Reminds me of Memecylon!  Memecylon umbellatum Burm. f  ?? Agree with … If you have any other image, than post for species id.  I am an […]

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Bauhinia purpurea ?

Bauhinia purpurea ?;   SK923 01 JAN-2018 : 8 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)- 1 MB.  Location: Motel du Mugling, Kurintar, Nepal  Date: 13 July 2017 Altitude: 900 ft. Bauhinia vahlii Wight & Arn.???But seed pods look different ! No it is not Bauhinia vahlii. Any suggestion ? Pl. check  /species/a—l/f/fabaceae/bauhinia/bauhinia-purpurea Does not look like […]

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Heliconia species- Bali, Indonesia

  SK943 11 JAN-2018 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Location: Bali, Indonesia  Altitude: Sea Level Heliconia ….. ???? Images sent by a friend ! Pl. check  /species/a—l/h/heliconiaceae/heliconia Did not find exact match. You can check on net. 

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Crinum species- Bangkok, Thailand

  Fwd: SK916 28 DEC-2017:ID 1 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)- 2 Mb.  Location: Bangkok, Thailand Date: 22 August 2012 Altitude: 40 ft. Pl. check  /species/a—l/a/amaryllidaceae/crinum Crinum woodrowii Baker ??? Another image of the same plant!  Attachments (1)- 2 Mb.  I think insufficient images.  Ok … Let us ignore it !

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Aglaia simplicifolia

Aglaia simplicifolia (Bedd.) Harms, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 3(4): 300 1896. (syn: Aglaia gagnepainiana Pellegr.; Aglaia haplophylla Harms; Aglaia heterobotrys Merr.; Aglaia matthewsii Merr.; Aglaia mirabilis Harms; Aglaia neotenica Kosterm.; Aglaia odoardoi Merr.; Aglaia shawiana Merr.; Aglaia sterculioides Kosterm.; Aglaia triandra Ridl.; Aglaia unifoliolata Ridl.; Beddomea racemosa Ridl.; Beddomea simplicifolia Bedd.); Common name: Simple-Leaved Aglaia peninsular Malaysia (Pahang, Terengganu, Selangor, […]

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Mesua species ?- Pynursla area, East Khasi Hills, Meghalaya

  Help in Identification : 16 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Request your kind help in identifying a small? tree. The tree was located in an unreachable place in a gorge, hence only have images from far. Two fruits? or flower buds? are seen which look unusual and may aid in identification. Photographed in […]

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Dactylicapnos paucinervia

Dactylicapnos paucinervia (K.R.Stern) Lidén & M.K.Pathak (syn: Dicentra paucinervia K.R.Stern); N-Burma (Kachin), NE-India (Sikkim, Darjeeling, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya), SE-Tibet as per Catalogue of Life;   Identity requested? : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)- 1 Mb or more.  Location: Arunachal Pradesh 24.12.17 Dicentra sp. Fumariaceae Thanks … Seems convincing. Dactylicapnos macrocapnos (Prain) Hutch.   Or […]

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