Bougainvillea spectabilis ?

Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd., Sp. Pl. 2: 348 1799. (Syn: Bougainvillea bracteata Pers.; Bougainvillea brasiliensis Raeusch.; Bougainvillea brasiliensis Lund ex Choisy [Invalid]; Bougainvillea peruviana Nees & Mart. [Illegitimate]; Bougainvillea speciosa Schnizl.; Bougainvillea spectabilis var. hirsutissima J.A.Schmidt; Bougainvillea spectabilis var. parviflora Mart. ex J.A.Schmidt; Bougainvillea spectabilis var. virescens (Choisy) J.A.Schmidt; Bougainvillea virescens Choisy) ?; Keys available at Flora […]

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Flower & fungus at Gibbon Sanctuary, Aasam

  Flower for Id-ID19052016SH2 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Id of a flower pl. Location –Gibbon Sanctuary, Assam Date – April 2012 Any side view, … ? Having only this pic Looks like a Basidiomycetes fungus to me Flower for Id- ID19052016SH3 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Id of […]

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Indian Mushroom Diversity- A basic document

Fwd: Indian Mushroom Diversity : 1 post by 1 author. I have recently published one ebook on “Indian Mushroom Diversity-A basic document” by K.Manikandan and Rajeev Sharma through amazon kindle store. You can view this via google search Thanks, …

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Tricholepis elongata

Tricholepis elongata DC., Prodr. (DC.) 6: 563 1838. (syn: Carduus elongatus Wall. [Invalid]; Cnicus elongatus Wall. ex C.B.Clarke);   Fwd: Doubt in the proper identification. : 7 posts by 3 authors. 1 image. This plant is reported from Mandi. Himachal Pradesh. It seems like Cirsium sp. but I am not that sure. You are requested […]

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Advice about Tamron 90 macro

Advice about Tamron 90 macro (mixed thread): I need advice about your lens Tamron 90 macro. Your tamron 90 macro create excellent picture (of course your skill is good). Do you use tripod stand while taking picture with this macro usually? because D40 has no facility for Vibration Reduction/Image stabilizer system. Another question is what I […]

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Callitriche palustris L. (Albania, Austria, +Belgium, England, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Switzerland, Netherlands, Hungary, Iceland, Norway, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Siberia, Japan, N-Spain, Andorra, France, Corsica, Italy, Serbia & Kosovo, ?Montenegro, ?Bosnia & Hercegovina, ?Macedonia, Slovenia, Croatia, ?Bulgaria, ?Crimea, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, W-, C-, N- & E-European Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Northern Caucasus, Armenia, […]

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Mass planting in dryland Karnataka

Need seeds and saplings for mass planting in dryland Karnataka : 5 posts by 2 authors. Sarvodaya Farms, outside Dharwad, Karnataka, is a labour of love of Geeta & Suresh, a couple deeply dedicated to creating a sustainable habitat in the countryside. This ~20-acre land comes under “scrub forest” classification, Dharwad district itself is a […]

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Zeuxine flava

Zeuxine flava (Wall. ex Lindl.) Trimen, Syst. Cat. Fl. Pl. Ceylon 90 1885. (syn: Haplochilus flavus (Wall. ex Lindl.) D.Dietr.; Hetaeria flava Lindl. ex Wall. [Invalid]; Monochilus flavus Wall. ex Lindl.; Zeuxine aurantiaca Schltr.); Himalaya to China (SE. Yunnan) and Indo-China as per WCSP; Assam; Bangladesh; Borneo; China South-Central; East Himalaya; India; Myanmar; Nansei-shoto; Nepal; […]

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Juglans sigillata

Juglans sigillata Dode, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 2: 94 1906. ; Sikkim flora-up-2 : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) Id of the plant in Sikkim pl Interesting inflorescence Meliaceae? Anacardiaceae?? Looks like Engelhardia spicata to me. I think Engelhardtia spicata Lechen ex Blume in budding stage (Juglandaceae) Looks like Juglans regia Linn Yes, good […]

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Pachira glabra (Cultivated)

Pachira glabra Pasq., Rendiconto Accad. Sci. Soc. Borbon. Napoli 7: 18 1868. (syn: Bombacopsis glabra (Pasq.) Robyns; Bombax anisophyllum Buxb.; Bombax columellatum Buxb.; Bombax glabrum (Pasq.) A.Robyns; Bombax glabrum Robyns; Bombax kimuenzae De Wild. & T.Durand; Bombax oleagineum (Decne.) A.Robyns; Bombax oleagineum Robyns; Pochota glabra (Pasq.) Bullock); Malvaceae week 0905-9112011 UD 027 Pachira aquatica:   Family: […]

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Tricholepis species- Mandi, Himachal Pradesh

  Fwd: Doubt in the proper identification. : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) This plant is reported from Mandi. Himachal Pradesh. It seems like Cirsium sp. but I am not that sure. You are requested to provide assistance. This should be Serratula pallida in my opinion….!! … I think leaves are different!topic/indiantreepix/suHCyqqedXs […]

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Tree planting- Yelahanka and Marasanndra

Greetings! : 1 post by 1 author. We would like to plant trees  in Yelahanka and Marasanndra (Bangalore) within gated communities and would like your advice.  How do we go about this? Look forward to your response. Following may be of some help: Native Trees for Urban Spaces

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Need seeds and saplings for mass planting in dryland Karnataka

Need seeds and saplings for mass planting in dryland Karnataka : Sarvodaya Farms, outside Dharwad, Karnataka, is a labour of love of Geeta & Suresh, a couple deeply dedicated to creating a sustainable habitat in the countryside. This ~20-acre land comes under “scrub forest” classification, Dharwad district itself is a semi-arid place with ~1000mm avg. […]

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Ganoderma species- Lonavala, Pune, Maharashtra

  identification no 04052016sn1 : 7 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (2) Can anyone identify this fungi. I think it is Trametes sp., may be versicolor. date/time”sept15 location: aambyvalley rd., lonavala, pune habitat: wild color; brown growing on dead tree. Looks like Ganoderma sp. can be quite tricky to say for sure until they have […]

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Trichoglottis tenera

Trichoglottis tenera (Lindl.) Rchb.f., Gard. Chron. 1872: 699 1872. (syn: Cleisostoma tenerum (Lindl.) Hook.f.; Oeceoclades tenera Lindl.; Oeonia alata A.Rich.; Saccolabium tenerum (Lindl.) Lindl.; Trichoglottis tenera (Hook. f.) Schltr.); Common name: Thin Trichoglottis S. India, Sri Lanka (as per WCSP)  Images by tspkumar Epiphytes, to 60 cm high, stem terete, woody, scandent. Leaves 3 x […]

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Perilla frutescens var. japonica

Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt. var. japonica; Dalhousie id al291011-A:  Another Plant for Id Location DalhousieAltitude 1400 mtsHabit herbHabitat wildPlant height 2 feetSeason Sept – Oct Yes I think same photographed by us also on way to Chakrata, not identified yet. I am not certain, but this could be a member of the genus Perilla in Lamiaceae. Thanks dear … for […]

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Dimorphotheca jucunda (Cultivated)

Dimorphotheca jucunda E.Phillips, 1936.; Images by Gurcharan Singh (Id by J.M.Garg) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links)    Asteraceae Fortnight Part 1-Radiate Heads: Osteospermum ecklonis from California and Delhi-GS56 : Attachments (4). 2 posts by 2 authors. Osteospermum ecklonis (DC.) Norl. A shrubby plant with oblong to oblanceolate, denticulate […]

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