
Thesium himalense Royle (China (Sichuan, Yunnan), India (Himachal Pradesh), Jammu & Kashmir, Sikkim, Nepal, Afghanistan (Wakhan), ?Pakistan, Pakistani Kashmir (Baltistan) as per Catalogue of Life) (Images by D.S.Rawat) Flora of Peninsular India Thesium wightianum (India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu) as per Catalogue of Life) Species with description & keys from Flora of Pakistan (Distribution): Thesium himalense Royle ex […]

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Tibetia himalaica

Tibetia himalaica (Baker) H.P.Tsui (syn: Amblytropis uniflora (Jacot Guill.) H.P.Tsui; Gueldenstaedtia diversifolia Maxim.; Gueldenstaedtia himalaica Baker; Gueldenstaedtia santapaui Thoth.; Gueldenstaedtia uniflora Jacot Guill.); Bhutan (N) ; China (N) ; Gansu ; Quinghai ; Sichuan ; Xizang Zizhiqu ; India (N): Sikkim ; Uttar Pradesh ; West Bengal; Nepal (N) (from ILDIS) Common name: Himalayan Tibetia                       […]

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Daucus carota var. carota ?

Daucus carota var. carota ?;   Apiaceae Fortnight :: ID Request :: VJTI Flower Show :: ARKJUN-10/10 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Captured at VJTI Flower Show in February 2013. Not a good pic, but is it enough to ID? Is this Daucus carota var. carota….found in a floral arrangement in the […]

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Mujaffar Shaikh

Publication List   1) Sudip Ray, S. Mujaffar and S. Mishra. 2011. Ethnomedicinal plants used by tribals of East Nimar, Madhya Pradesh. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 10(2):367-371. ISSN: 0975-1068  2) S. Mujaffar Sudip R., Anis S. and C.M. Solanki. 2010. Wall Flora of Burhanpur     (M.P.). National Journal of Life Sciences, 7(3):131-133.  ISSN:0972-995X  3) S. […]

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Mucuna species- Jog falls, Shimoga, Karnataka

  identification (plant/jun15/11) : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) Request for identification/validation of photos of climber taken at Jog falls, Shimoga, Karnataka Name: Butea sp./erythrina sp.? Family: Leguminosae Its Mucuna species are those tiny orangeish flowers related ? No, those are the winged seeds of a tree; diptercarpaceae

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Avicennia species- Kaiga, Uttar Kannada, Karnataka

  Flora of Kaiga_ID_Please_21082011 PJ1 : 5 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1) This mangrove is commonly seen along Kali river during my rafting in kali river from kaiga township to karwar. Date/Time-:18/08/11   –    16:30 Location- Place, Altitude – Kaiga , Uttar Kannada ,Karnataka, 380 mtrs Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-   wild Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- tree […]

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Seseli libanotis

Seseli libanotis (L.) W. Koch, Nova Acta Acad. Leop.-Carol. 12, 1:111. 1824. Boiss., Fl. Or. l.c. 967. (Syn: Athamanta libanotis Linn.; Libanotis montana Crantz; Seseli sibiricum auct. non L.: C.B. Clarke) as per Flora of Pakistan;  Europe, Turkey, Iran, W. Pakistan, India as per Flora of Pakistan;  Albania, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, Bosnia & Hercegovina, England, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Czech Republic, […]

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Baliospermum calycinum var. corymbiferum

Baliospermum calycinum var. corymbiferum (Hook.f.) Chakrab. & N.P.Balakr., Bull. Bot. Surv. India 32: 13 1990 publ. 1992. ; image by Dr. Tapas Chakrabarty   Baliospermum calycinum var. corymbiferum (Euphorbiaceae) from Sikkim : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Based on Baliospermum corymbiferum Hook.f. Undershrubs or shrubs in open places of subtropical forests, often near […]

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Rao Jonnakuti Prakasa

Dr. Prakasa Rao Jonnakuti Publications: Published: 1. K.Aruna, D. Syamala, J.Prakasa Rao, J.Suneetha & M.Venkaiah. (2015). Ethno Medicinal Plants used by Jatapu Women in Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh, India. The Journal of Ethnobiology and Traditional Medicine Photon 124: 958-969. ISSN: 6642-3194. Received Nelson Mandela Research Award-2015 in Ethnobiology.   2. J. Prakasa Rao, K. V. […]

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Bhagat Rani Babanrao

Dr. Rani Babanrao Bhagat Assistant Professor Department of Botany Anantrao Pawar College, Pirangut Tal-Mulshi, Dist-Pune 412115 Maharashtra, India Papers Published:  National                                                                                                         Total- 17 Rani Bhagat and V.B. Shimpale “Corbichonia decumbens; Forssk. Jack. (Exell)-  “A new record for the state of Maharashtra”, in the proc. Publis. by  Dept. of Botany Goa University ( Janarthanam & Narsimhan) […]

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Pilea scripta

Pilea scripta (Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) Wedd., Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 4, 1: 187 1854. (syn: Adicea scripta (Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) Kuntze; Pilea goglado Wedd. (ambiguous synonym); Pilea nepalensis Wedd.; Urtica scripta Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don; Urtica triplinervis Buch.-Ham. ex Wall. (ambiguous synonym)); S-Tibet, China (W-Yunnan), India, Myanmar [Burma], Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim, Pakistan (Hazara, Murree), Jammu & Kashmir […]

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Pimpinella species ?- Dalhousie

  Apiaceae Fortnight (June 2015):: For id from Dalhousie:: NS-21/21 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) This herb was recorded from Dalhousie.. Please suggest id.. some Pimpinella sp. ?? Pimpinella species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available)

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Heracleum species ?- Chakrata area

  Apiaceae Fortnight (June 2015):: Heracleum? for specific id from Chakrata:: NS-01/01 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) I do not have much to share for this fortnight, still few identifications are pending.. Please suggest id for this erect plant which was recorded from Chakrata area in monsoons.. I think this can be […]

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Garg Arti

LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF DR. ARTI GARG   BOOKS : 2 1.  Garg, A. 2006. Bee Botany of Bhimtal in Western Himalayas. Melissopalynological      analysis. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh,   Canaught  place, Dehradun, Uttaranchal.   2.  Husain, T., Garg, A. & Agnihotri, P. 2010. Genus Pedicularis L. (Scrophulariaceae) in      India (A revisionary study) Bishen […]

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Raju Jacob Solomon Aluri (2)

SHORT COMMUNICATIONS AND NOTES PUBLISHED BY PROF. A.J. SOLOMON RAJU 1. 1992 Raju J S Aluri Ecology of pollination in two mint species Lamiales Newsletter (London) 1 17-18 2. 1997 Rao S P           Atluri J B        Reddi C S          Raju J S Aluri Fly by nights: Rockbee pollinators of red sanders Bee-keeping […]

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Raju Jacob Solomon Aluri (1)

List of papers published by   PROF. Aluri Jacob Solomon Raju   S.No. Year Authors Title of the paper Journal Vol. Pages 1. 1988 Raju J S Aluri Pollination ecology of Jasminum angustifolium Vahl. (Oleaceae). Proc. Indian Nat. Sci. Acad. B54 (2&3) 165-169 2. 1989 Raju J S Aluri Reproductive ecology of Ocimum americanum L. and […]

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Biswas Sas.

List of Important Publications of Dr Sas. Biswas     I      Floristic Survey and Taxonomic Studies Gregarious flowering of Aechmanthera gossypina (Nees) Nees in .Mussoorie Hills. Indian Forester 101 (10):597-99 + photo, 1975. (Sas. Biswas) On the identity of some food plants of Garo Hills, Meghalaya,. Indian J. Forestry 6(3):203-213 + photo, 1983. (Sas..Biswas & […]

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Pimpinella species- Sinhagad

  Apiaceae Fortnight :: ID Request :: Sinhagad :: ARKJUN-09/09 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Requesting to please provide ID of the plant captured at Sinhagad near Pune in August 2014. Pimpinella sp.

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