Extending botanical knowledge to rural India

    Re: Extending botanical knowledge to rural India (Alirajpur pilot) : 4 posts by 3 authors. we are documenting the botanical wealth in our villages in Alirajpur. most of the flora that have been documented by the village people have Bhili names and only a few have Hindi names. So to get the latin […]

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Tecoma stans var. angustata

Tecoma stans var. angustata Rehder, Mitteil. Deutsch. Dendrol. Ges. 1915: 227 (1915);    As per efi thread: In Tecoma stans var. angustata Rehd. (syn: T. incisum (Rose & Standl. ex Woot. & Standl.) I. M. Johnston: leaflets narrow, incised-toothed. Tecoma Species For ID : Garden Of Five Senses,Delhi : 100614 : AK-25 : 7 posts by […]

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Migrant birds may be virtual dispersal highways for plants

    Fwd: Tiny plants ride on the coattails of migratory birds: Migrant birds may be virtual dispersal highways for plants : 1 post by 1 author. New information about the role of migratory birds influencing plant distribution comes from evidence of them carrying microscopic bits of plants (bryophyte diaspores). Read on Tiny plants ride […]

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Palaquium polyanthum

Palaquium polyanthum (Wall. ex G.Don) Baill., Traité Bot. Méd. Phan. 1500 1884. (Syn: Bassia polyantha Wall. ex G.Don; Dichopsis polyantha (Wall. ex G.Don) Benth.; Isonandra polyantha (Wall. ex G.Don) Kurz);    Assam to Indo-China; Assam, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Vietnam as per POWO;     Tree from Bangladesh SM033 : 14 posts by 3 authors. Habit: Tree Habitat: […]

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Palaquium polyanthum (Wall. ex G.Don) Baill. (Assam to Indo-China; Assam, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Vietnam as per POWO)   Flora of Peninsular India with keys at species links, if any: Palaquium bourdillonii (Kerala) Palaquium ellipticum (Karnataka and Kerala) Palaquium ravii (Kerala)

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Aniseia martinicensis (Jacq.) Choisy Images by Sourav Mahmud, inserted by Gurcharan Singh (Please click link to see details and more images)

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Hemlata Pradhan, botanist painter

Hemlata Pradhan, botanist painter : 3 posts by 2 authors. Other recipients: http://www.indianbotanists.com/2014/06/botanical-illustration-painting-plant.html?spref=fb cheers,Kiran Srivastavamumbai http://www.indianbotanists.com/2014/06/botanical-illustration-painting-plant.html?spref=fb Thanks Kiran Ji, I was lucky enough to meet … at her art school in Kalimpong.. a great display of art by her students was a real treat for me.. as illustrators are be becoming rare, she is doing […]

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Syzygium species- Chittagong Hill Tract, Bangladesh

  Tree ID from Bangladesh SM048 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1). Habit: Tree Habitat: Hill forest along the stream Location: Chittagong Hill Tract Fruiting: May Eugenia / Syzygium sp. Fruits of Syzygium samarangense (Blume) Merr. & L.M.Perry; that is our very common JAMRUL, looks same at certain stage of growth. Leaves of JAMRUL are not […]

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Flora of Karnataka

Flora of Karnataka : 11 posts by 9 authors. I am just entrusted with the final editing of the Flora of Karnataka (Dicotyledons), to be completed within next six months so that it can be published by Botanical Survey of India on priority basis.In the above context, I request you all to kindly inform me […]

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Ocotea lancifolia

Ocotea lancifolia (Schott) Mez, Jahrb. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 5: 254 1889. (Syn: Laurus lanceolaria Roxb.; Nectandra stenophylla Meisn.; Ocotea angustifolia (Schott) Mez [Illegitimate]; Ocotea gracilipes Mez; Ocotea lanceolata (Nees) Nees [Illegitimate]; Ocotea lanceolata var. gracilipes Hassl.; Ocotea lanceolata f. latifolia Hassl.; Ocotea ligustrina Nees; Ocotea martiana (Meisn.) Mez; Ocotea pulchra Vattimo-Gil; Oreodaphne angustifolia (Schott) […]

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Fibrous plants of India, Odisha for making cloths

    fibrous plants of India, Odisha for making cloths : 6 posts by 3 authors. I am researching the fibrous plants of Odisha and Central Indian provinces (special attention), but also rest of India for a research project on cloths made from the fibrous plants. Would appreciate if anybody has any information on plant, […]

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Primula meadia (USA)

Primula meadia (L.) A. R. Mast & Reveal, Brittonia 59:81. 2007 (syn: ≡) Dodecatheon meadia L. (basionym));           Plumbaginaceae and Primulaceae (incl. Myrsinaceae) Fortnight: Primula meadia from California-GSJUN22 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3). Primula meadia (L.) A. R. Mast & Reveal syn: Dodecantheon meadia L. Shooting star, Pride of Ohio […]

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Primula florindae (USA- Cultivated)

Primula florindae Kingdon-Ward, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 15(72): 84–85 1926. ;   Primula florindae (common names Tibetan cowslip, giant cowslip)) is a species of flowering plant in the family Primulaceae, native to southeastern Tibet, where it grows in huge numbers close to rivers like the Tsangpo. It is a substantial herbaceous perennial growing to […]

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Ensete glaucum

Ensete glaucum (Roxb.) Cheesman, Kew Bull. 2: 101 1947 publ. 1948. (syn: Ensete agharkarii (Chakravorti) Hore, B.D.Sharma & G.Pandey; Ensete calospermum (F.Muell.) Cheesman; Ensete giganteum (Kuntze) Nakai; Musa agharkarii Chakravorti; Musa calosperma F.Muell. [Invalid]; Musa gigantea Kuntze; Musa glauca Roxb.; Musa nepalensis Wall.; Musa troglodytarum var. dolioformis Blanco); Assam; Bangladesh; Bismarck Archipelago; China South-Central; East […]

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Plant Discoveries 2013

    Plant Discoveries 2013 [1 Attachment] : 1 post by 1 author. Shri Prakash Javadekar, Hon’ble Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change released bilingual publication of Botanical Survey of India entitled “ Plant Discoveries 2013” during world environment day function at New Delhi on 5 June 2014. […]

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Pterospermum diversifolium

Pterospermum diversifolium Blume, Bijdr. 88 1825. (syn; Dombeya diversifolia Spreng.; Pterospermadendron diversifolium Kuntze (Unresolved);                                Pterospermum glabrescens Wt. & Arn.); India: Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala as per BSI Flora of India;   Tamil: Vattapolavu Malayalam: Pambaram, Malavuram   Habit- Trees up to 20 m tall. Trunk\bark- Bark brown, smooth; blaze red. Branchlets- Branches horizontal; young […]

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