Strobilanthes penstemonoides var. dalhousieana

Strobilanthes penstemenoides (Nees) T. Anderson var. dalhousieana Kuntze;  Strobilanthes penstemenoides (Nees) T. Anderson var. dalhousieana Kuntze is same as Strobilanthes dalhousieanus (Nees) Clarke  As per efi thread: The leaves are glabrous in var. penstemonoides, not var. dalhousieana.    Common name: Dalhousie Blue Bells • Hindi: Machine mashian ;     Strobilanthes pentstemonoides var. dalhousieana (Nees) J.R.I. Wood […]

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Crotalaria notonii

Crotalaria notonii Wight & Arn. (Syn: Crotalaria noveoides Griff.; Crotalaria rostrata Wight & Arn.);     Please identify this species of Crotolaria – NS 131012: Photographed at Shahapur a fortnight ago (13.10.12). Please identify this species of Crotolaria. My apologies for the poor quality of the phtographs as there was a strong breeze blowing. just a […]

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Cyperus rotundus ?

Cyperus rotundus ?;      Grass for ID : Oman : 221012 : AK-2: A grass with reddish brown flowers seen growing wild at a farm in Muscat on 27/1/2012. This is a very common grass. This is not a grass, but a sedge – Cyperaceae, probably Cyperus rotundus how can alay person tell the […]

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Piper aduncum (Indonesia) ?

Piper aduncum L., Sp. Pl. 29 1753. (Syn: Artanthe adunca (L.) Miq. .; Artanthe cearensis Miq.; Artanthe celtidifolia (Kunth) Miq.; Artanthe elongata (Vahl) Miq. ..; Artanthe galeottii Miq.; Artanthe galleoti Miq.; Artanthe granulosa Miq.; Artanthe velloziana Miq.; Lepianthes granulatum Raf. (Unresolved); Piper aduncifolium Trel.; Piper aduncum var. laevifolium C. DC.; Piper anguillaespicum Trel.; Piper angustifolium Ruiz & Pav. […]

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Rudbeckia species ?

Rudbeckia species ?;         Garden Flower for ID : Pahalgam : 221012 : AK-1: A garden plant with yellow flowers seen in Pahalgam on 6/11/2011. Unfortunately, I don’t have a picture of the full plant or leaves. Plant was about 3-4 feet in height. I hope Rudbeckia sp.     Asteraceae Fortnight […]

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Rudbeckia hirta L. (Images by Gurcharan Singh, Aarti Khale & (Nidhan Singh – validation by Gurcharan Singh), (For more photos & complete details, click on the links)) Rudbeckia laciniata L. (Images by Gurcharan Singh & Bhagyashri Ranade)  Fwd: completed insertion of images of identified species of Rudbeckia : 1 post by 1 author. Rudbeckia page (‎‎‎‎Asteraceae (Compositae)‎) with images of […]

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Abies pindrow var. brevifolia

Abies pindrow var. brevifolia Dallim. & A.B.Jacks., Handb. Conif. 126 1923. (syn: Abies gamblei Hickel; Abies pindrow subsp. brevifolia (Dallim. & A.B.Jacks.) Silba; Abies pindrow subsp. gamblei (Hickel) Rushforth; Abies pseudochensiensis Debreczy & I.Rácz); W. Himalaya as per WCSP; India: Garhwal and Kashmir Himalayas (Chamba District) as per Catalogue of Life;    Abies pseudochensiensis- A […]

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Pitcairnia species ?

Pitcairnia species ?;       Ornamental Plant for ID : Flower Show,Mumbai : 111012 : AK-2: A cultivated, garden plant seen at the Flower Show at Jijamata Udyan in Mumbai on 19/2/2011 with red flowers. Bromeliad species? This is a Bromeliaceae close to Pitcairnia sp. I found one more picture of the same on […]

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32nd Tree Appreciation Walk in Cannery Caves, SGNP, Borivali, Mumbai

Tree Appreciation Walk in Cannery Caves, SGNP, Borivali, Mumbai- 32nd;       32nd Tree Appreciation Walk in Cannery Caves, SGNP, Borivali, Mumbai on 28th October,12:  It’s time to sit quietly and listen to the falling leaves……..Grasses have stopped growing……… Greens of yesterday slowly blend in to Gold………Moi, Mahua, Behada, Kala Kuda, Semal, Bengal Kino, Haldu, […]

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Kas- introduction

Kas- introduction;       Kaas Week: October 1 to 14, 2012-Coordinator Mr. Shrikant Ingalhalikar: I am posting the introduction a little ahead since many of the members may be visiting Kas in the next 2 weeks. I request members to post plants found only on the lateritic plateau and avoid posting plants found in […]

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Kas- list of plants

Kas- list of plants;       Kaas Week: October 1 to 14, 2012-Coordinator Mr. Shrikant Ingalhalikar:   I am posting a check list of 175 plants found at Kas. Any additions to this list are welcome.   List of Plants found at Kas (175 sp) Actinodaphne angustifolia Adelocaryum coelestinum Adelocaryum malabaricum Adenoon indicum Aeginetia indica […]

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Kas- other details

Kas- other details;   Event : Kas Flora Walk   kaas tour.   The new (unwanted) face of Kaas – Maharashtra: Is this what we want Kas to be like! To stop the unregulated Flora tourism, are we justifying with local Fauna? Pic courtesy Jitendra Katre on Love Kaas, Conserve Kaas forum (FB group)   […]

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Kas in Pictures

Kas in Pictures;       Kas Week :: DV :: some moments in, around the famed plateau of Kas in different seasons: Kas plateau … about 4000 ft asl… one of the 39 World Heritage sites in the Western Ghats of India Wonderful compilation. Lovely pictures. Kas darshan at one go………. , Scenic route, […]

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Tulipa clusiana

Tulipa clusiana DC., Liliac. 1: t. 37 1803. (Syn: Liriactis albiflora Raf.; Tulipa aitchisonii A.D.Hall; Tulipa aitchisonii subsp. cashmiriana A.D.Hall; Tulipa aitchisonii var. clusianoides Wendelbo; Tulipa chitralensis A.D.Hall; Tulipa chrysantha Boiss.; Tulipa clusiana f. cashmeriana (A.D.Hall) Raamsd.; Tulipa clusiana var. chrysantha (A.D.Hall) Sealy; Tulipa clusiana f. clusianoides (Wendelbo) S.Dasgupta & Deb; Tulipa clusiana f. diniae […]

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Ropeway to Hemkund

Ropeway to Hemkund;     Some relevant news for Valley of Flowers National Park visitors:     Centre approves Hemkunt Sahib ropeway project   CHANDIGARH: For convenience of the pilgrims, the Centre government has given its approval for ropeway from Gurdwara Gobind Dham to Hemkunt Sahib. The project will cost around Rs 75 crore and expected […]

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Sansevieria kirkii var. pulchra (Cultivated)

Sansevieria kirkii var. pulchra N.E.Br.; Tanzania; Zambia; Zare as per Catalogue of Life;  Images by Bhagyashri Ranade – validation by Ajinkya Gadave  efloraofindia:”For Id 09102012MR2’’ which Sansevieria spp is this garden plant at Pune: Sep 2012 potted plant at a private society garden at Pune Flowers were not fragrant. No fruits were seen. Which Sansevieria […]

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Leccinum scabrum (Germany)

Leccinum scabrum (Bull.) Gray, 1821 (Syn: Boletus albus Gillet, 1881; Boletus avellaneus J. Blum, 1970; Boletus gilletii Sacc. & Cub., 1888; Boletus niveus Fr., 1815; Boletus oxydabilis (Singer) J. Blum, 1970 …; Boletus roseofractus (Watling) Hlaváček, 1988; Boletus rotundifoliae (Singer) S. Lundell, 1959; Boletus rotundifoliae (Singer) S. Lundell, 1959; Boletus scaber Bull., 1783 ………………………………….; Ceriomyces scaber (Bull.) Murrill, […]

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Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca (Germany)

Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca (Wulfen) Maire, 1921 (syn: Agaricus aurantiacus Wulfen, 1781; Agaricus subcantharellus Sowerby, 1809; Cantharellus aurantiacus (Wulfen) Fr., 1821 (ambiguous synonym); Cantharellus aurantiacus Krombh., 1841 (ambiguous synonym); Cantharellus aurantiacus var. aurantiacus (Wulfen) Fr., 1821 ……; Cantharellus brachypodus Chevall., 1826; Cantharellus ravenelii Berk. & M. A. Curtis, 1853; Cantharellus rufescens Fr., 1838; Clitocybe aurantiaca (Wulfen) Stud.-Steinh., […]

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