Aiphanes horrida

Aiphanes horrida (Jacq.) Burret, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 11: 575 1932. (Syn: Aiphanes caryotifolia (Kunth) H.Wendl.); Images by Aarti S Khale (Validation by Balkar Singh) & Raman Arunachalam (Id by Aarti S Khale) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links)       Aiphanes horrida is a palm native to northern South […]

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Aiphanes horrida (Jacq.) Burret (Images by Aarti S Khale (Validation by Balkar Singh) & Raman Arunachalam (Id by Aarti S Khale) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links)) Aiphanes page (‎‎‎‎‎‎Arecaceae) with images of species in efloraofindia : 1 post by 1 author. Pl. go through ‎Aiphanes page (‎‎‎‎‎Arecaceae) with images of species […]

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Balanophora harlandii

Balanophora harlandii Hook.f., Trans. Linn. Soc. London 22: 426 1859. (Syn: Balania ceracea Tiegh. [Unplaced]; Balania harlandii (Hook.f.) Tiegh.; Balania henryi (Hemsl.) Tiegh.; Balania kawakamii (Valeton) Masam.; Balania kudoi (Yamam.) Yamam.; Balanophora ceracea (Tiegh.) Valeton; Balanophora esquirolii H.Lév.; Balanophora harlandii var. mutinoides (Hayata) F.W.Xing; Balanophora henryi Hemsl.; Balanophora kawakamii Valeton; Balanophora kudoi Yamam.; Balanophora lancangensis […]

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Astragalus rhizanthus subsp. candolleanus

Astragalus rhizanthus subsp. candolleanus (Benth.) Podlech (Syn: Astragalus candolleanus Benth.; Astragalus royleanus Bunge; Astragalus vexillilongus (Royle ex Benth.) E. Sheld.);      VOF Week: Astragalus candolleanus??? en-route Vasundhara Falls:  More or less prostrate herb seen en-route Vasundhara falls. Could this be Astragalus candolleanus??Family: Fabaceae. I think Yes for Astragalus candolleanus  Perhaps yes Good photographs   Fabaceae […]

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Goodyera biflora

Goodyera biflora (Lindl.) Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 6: 114 1890. (Syn: Epipactis biflora (Lindl.) A.A.Eaton; Epipactis macrantha (Maxim.) A.A.Eaton; Epipactis pauciflora (Schltr.) Hu; Georchis biflora Lindl.; Goodyera biflora var. macrantha (Maxim.) T.Hashim.; Goodyera macrantha Maxim.; Goodyera macrantha Maxim. ex Regel; Goodyera pauciflora Schltr.; Orchiodes biflorum (Lindl.) Kuntze; Peramium macranthum (Maxim.) Makino);   An orchid..Anoectochilus sp?? […]

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Derris canarensis

Derris canarensis (Dalzell) Baker, (Syn: Brachypterum canarense (Dalzell) Dalzell; Deguelia canarensis (Baker) Taub.; Deguelia oblonga (Benth.) Taub.; Derris ovalifolia (Wight & Arn.) “Benth., p.p.”; Pongamia canarensis Dalzell);  DER-riss — leather covering; referring to the tough seed pods¿ kuh-nair-EN-sis ? — of or from the Canara or Kanara region in s-w India commonly known as: Kanara derris […]

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Boraginaceae member ?

  Flower ID Request (30-5-2011): I took a pic of this flower in Darjeeling, West Bengal. I am putting up two cropped pics, one showing the flower and the other showing a part of the leaf. Please let me know what it could be. Could this be a Boraginaceae ?Just a wild guess, Lithospermum!!

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Launaea species

   Wild Flower for ID : 080811 : AK-3: A small wild herb with yellow flowers.Taken at Nasik, Maharashtra on 28/2/11.Quite common. Looks like Country Dandelion (Marathi- Van-gobi) Launaea sp, I hope Launaea procumbens may be Wild Plant for ID : Nasik : 251012 : AK-3: A small plant growing wild in our Nasik garden […]

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Kennedia rubicunda

Kennedia rubicunda Vent. (Syn: Glycine rubicunda Schneev.); Asia: India (I); Karnataka ; Tamil Nadu; Australasia: Australia (N) ; Tasmania (N); Pacific Ocean: New Zealand(North) (I) as per ILDIS;     Fabaceae week- flora-Australia: Kennedia rubikonda–a climber.     References:

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Banksia speciosa (Cultivated- USA)

Banksia speciosa R.Br., Trans. Linn. Soc. London 10: 210 1811. (Syn: Banksia grandidentata Dum.-Cours.; Sirmuellera speciosa Kuntze); Australia (S-Western Australia) as per Catalogue of life;     Plant for ID Jun 2011SMP2: An interesting plant observed in SFO Botanical garden in Jun 2011. Probably from Australia section. Don’t remember though… A shrub of about 4feet […]

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Echinocactus species ?

Echinocactus species ?;   Plant for ID: This cactus growing in our Garden flowered last week. May I request you for an help to ID this plant please. What a gorgeous picture of an equally gorgeous flower…Your cactus has not only flowered , it has produced all those little cactus-lets: babies… my question: how big […]

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Saussurea caespitosa

Saussurea caespitosa Wall., Numer. List [Wallich] n. 2913 2913 . (Unresolved);   Help required…………: I need guidance on the status of Saussurea caespitosa var. depressa(Hook. f.) Lipschitz. and S. taraxacifolia var. depressa Hook. f. According to the plant list the two of them are not synonyms and moreover the variety depressa does not find mention […]

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Alnus nitida

Alnus nitida (Spach) Endl., Gen. Pl. Suppl. 4(2): 20 1847. (Syn: Clethropsis nitida Spach); This species occurs in the temperate part of the Himalayas (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir). It usually occurs at low elevations (between 1,000 m and 3,000 m asl). Native: Afghanistan; India (Himachal Pradesh, Jammu-Kashmir, Uttaranchal); Nepal; Pakistan This species occurs as a large […]

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Gerbera species/ hybrids

Gerbera species/ hybrids;         efloraofindia:”Id 05112011MR3’’ diffferentiate Gerbera,Asters and Zinias Pune: help requested to understand and identify Gerbera, Asters and Zinias. I get very confused between the three. Can Gerbera be called bulbous plant: Gerbera is classified as bulbous plant in most gardening books although it does not produce bulbs/tubers/corms/rhizomes and is […]

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Chlorophytum species ?

Chlorophytum species ?;         ID: ID pl. Plant growing near Tadoba’s buffer zone. Zone’s photo also attached. It looks like Ananas Could it be Urginea indica Could this be a species of Chlorophytum?    

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Crotalaria cunninghamii (Australia)

Crotalaria cunninghamii R.Br.;     Fabaceae week-Flora Australia: Clotoria cunninghamii– parrot pea.      References:

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Centranthera tranquebarica

Centranthera tranquebarica (Spreng.) Merr., Anniv. Vol. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 57 1942. (Syn: Capraria humifusa Buch.-Ham. ex Wall.; Centranthera humifusa (Buch.-Ham. ex Wall.) Benth.; Centranthera lepidota (Roth) Hand.-Mazz.; Centranthera tonkinensis Bonati; Digitalis roxburghii Roth; Razumovia lepidota (Roth) Alston; Razumovia tonkinensis (Bonati) Merrill; Razumovia tranquebarica Spreng.; Torenia lepidota Roth); China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan), Cambodia, India, Laos, […]

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