Kunzea capitata (Australia)

Kunzea capitata (Sm.) Heynh., Alph. Aufz. Gew. 337 1846. (Syn: Callistemon capitatus (Sm.) Rchb.; Kunzea capitata var. glabrescens Benth.; Kunzea hirsuta Turcz.; Kunzea schaueri Schauer [Illegitimate]; Melaleuca eriocephala Sieber ex Spreng.; Metrosideros capitata Sm.; Stenospermum capitatum (Sm.) Sweet ex Heynh.); E. New South Wales as per WCSP;     Flora-Aus-78: 2 images. Kunzia-capitata–a shrub native […]

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Epilobium tibetanum

Epilobium tibetanum Hausskn., Oesterr. Bot. Z. 29: 53 1879. (Syn: Epilobium leiospermum Hausskn.; Epilobium nuristanicum Rech.f.; Epilobium pseudo-obscurum Hausskn.; Epilobium pseudobscurum Hausskn.; Epilobium roseum var. anagallidifolium C.B. Clarke); Afghanistan (Badakshan, Wakhan, Kabul, Kunar / Nuristan, Parwan), Pakistani Kashmir (Baltistan, Astor, Gilgit), Pakistan (Hazara, Kurram, Chitral, Swat), Tibet, Bhutan, Sikkim, Chumbi, Jammu & Kashmir (Kashmir, Ladakh, […]

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Lemna species

Lemna species,     ID of aquatic plant!: I require your help in identifying this plant. It surely isn’t Spirodela polyrhiza which is quite large. It looks more of Lemna gibba or Lemna minor or Wolffia globosa. I strongly suspect it to be Woffia globosa. I would be happy if you could help me out […]

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Araucaria bidwillii (Cultivated)

Araucaria bidwillii Hook., London J. Bot. 2: 503 1843. (Syn: Columbea bidwillii (Hook.) Carrière; Marywildea bidwillii (Hook.) A.V.Bobrov & Melikyan);         Tree for ID : Lalbagh, Bangalore : 300412 : AK-2: Another very tall tree seen on the 15th of April,12 at Lalbagh. Another Pine? Leaf tip had a very sharp spine. Araucaria bidwillii […]

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Araucaria araucana (Molina) K.Koch (Images by Aarti S Khale (Id suggestion by J M Garg) & Pudji Widodo (Id suggestion by Gurcharan Singh)(Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links))     Araucaria bidwillii Hook. (Images by D S Rawat, Raman Arunachalam, Alka Khare (Validation by D S Rawat) & Aarti S Khale (Id […]

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Names of Plants in India site

Names of Plants in India site;   This site makes an attempt to gather and share common names of the plants found in India. The common names are just as important as the scientific names. Strangely — 1) some of the names are not common at all, and we may find them not known to us […]

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Indian Flora facebook group

Indian Flora facebook group;     India , one of the important bio-diversity zone of the world is rich in flora . And it has all the reason to be so with Himalaya in one side, coast on other and deserts and evergreen forest on either of the sides. With Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats […]

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Plumeria species

Plumeria species;     Lichens in Chennai?: Thanks to my son, I got to see this Lichen-like growth on a common white Frangipani tree/ Champa Tree or சம்பங்கி as shown in the photo enclosed. I always thought Lichens are kind of Bio-indicators of clean air! Am sure the place where I live (Vannandurai) is not […]

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  Misopates orontium subsp. gibbosum (Wall.) D.A.Sutton (India, Jammu & Kashmir, Nepal, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan (Kabul, Laghman), Sudan, Uganda, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Socotra as per Catalogue of life)                       

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Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (Introduced)

Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC. (Syn: Botor tetragonoloba (L.) Kuntze; Botor tetragonolobus (L.) Kuntze; Dolichos ovatus Graham; Dolichos tetragonolobus L.); India (I); Andhra Pradesh ; Arunachal Pradesh; Assam; Bihar ; Delhi; Goa; Haryana ; Himachal Pradesh; Karnataka ; Maharashtra ; Manipur; Meghalaya; Mizoram; Nagaland ; Orissa; Punjab ; Rajasthan; Sikkim; Tamil Nadu; Tripura; Uttar Pradesh; West Bengal […]

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Vitex peduncularis

Vitex peduncularis Wall. ex Schauer, Prodr. 11: 687 1847. (Syn: Vitex alata Roxb. [Illegitimate]; Vitex morava Buch.-Ham. ex Wall. [Invalid]; Vitex peduncularis f. roxburghiana (C.B.Clarke) Moldenke; Vitex peduncularis var. roxburghiana C.B.Clarke);    Tree, 7-18 m high; stem and branches slender, obtusely 4-angular or subterete; young parts pubescent, glabrous when mature; nodes annulate; internodes 2.5-6 cm […]

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Atrichum species ?

Atrichum species ?;   Moss for ID – RK – 1: Request ID .Pic taken early March 2011.Los Altos,California. … this is a moss. Please provide the size of the capsule and leaf size with photograph for identification of the species. I regret this is the only pic have.This is the first time i have […]

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Conyza japonica

Conyza japonica (Thunb.) Less. ex DC., Prodr. 5 382 1836. (Syn: Blumea compactiflora H.Lév. & Vaniot; Blumea copelandii Elmer; Conyza congesta Spreng. ex DC.; Conyza multicaulis DC.; Conyza veronicifolia Wall. ex DC.; Eschenbachia japonica (Thunb.) J.Kost.);   Common name: Japanese Fleabane • Nepali: सलह झार Salaha jhar ;  Erect herb up to 60 cm tall, often […]

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Stackhousia viminea (Australia)

Stackhousia viminea Sm., Cycl. 33: no. 1 1816. (Syn: Stackhousia doryopetala Schuch.; Stackhousia flava Hook. fil.; Stackhousia monogyna Sieber ex Benth.; Stackhousia viminea f. flava (J. D. Hook.) Pampan.);     Flora-Aus-77: Stockhousia viminiea      References: Catalogue of Life http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl/record/kew-2580325 RBYG

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Styphelia triflora (Australia)

Styphelia triflora Andrews, Bot. Repos. 1: t. 72 1799. (Unresolved);      Flora-Aus-76: A shrub–Styphelia triflora      References: http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl/record/kew-2592852

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