Periploca aphylla subsp. aphylla

Periploca aphylla Decne., Voy. Inde 4: 109 1843. (syn: Campelepis viminea Falc.); Iran (EC-Iran, E-Iran, S-Iran, W-Iran), Iraq (NW-Iraq, SE-Iraq: Mesopotamia), Israel (Rift Valley, Judean Desert), Jordania (S-Jordania, W-Jordania), Oman (Dhofar, Mascat & Oman), Saudi Arabia (C-Saudi Arabia, Hejaz, Rub al Khali, Asir, Nejd Desert), Sinai peninsula (S-Sinai), Afghanistan (Herat, Kabul, Kandahar, Kunar / Nuristan, Laghman, Nangarhar, […]

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Dendrobium taprobanium

Dendrobium taprobanium Priyadarshana, T.S., A.G. Atthanagoda, I.H. Wijewardhane, N. Aberathna, I. Peabotuwage & P. Kumar. Phytotaxa 432 (1): 081–094, 2020; Some new articles published in 2020. : 2 posts by 2 authors. 4 attachments. Please find some of articles published this year. Hope you will find them interesting. They include 2 new species (Laos, Sri […]

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Celastraceae member ?- Nepal

  LNS_Tree species : 10 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1) – 3 mb. May I request ID of this tree species. From Nepal India boarder in Eastern Nepal.  A  15 m tall tree. Fruit is very hard and composite. When fruit is opened it looks like Annona.  Photo taken on 14.1.2019.  Is it Diospyros […]

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Brassica tournefortii (Cultivated)

Brassica tournefortii Gouan, Ill. Observ. Bot. 44 1773. (syn: Brassica sisymbrioides (Fisch. ex DC.) Grossh.; Brassica stocksii Hook.f. & Thomson; Brassica tournefortii var. dasycarpa O.E. Schulz; Brassica tournefortii var. leiocarpa Maire & Weiller; Brassica tournefortii var. recurvata Bornm.; Brassica tournefortii var. sisymbroides Fisch. ex DC.; Eruca erecta Lag.; Erucastrum minutiflorum Pau & Font Quer; Erucastrum tournefortii […]

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Anisodontea ‘New princess’ (Cultivated- USA)

Anisodontea ‘New princess’;   Anisodontea ‘New princess’ from California-GS04022020-4 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2) Anisodontea ‘New princess’      Malvaceae Common name: Cape Mallow A cultivar of hybrid origin, evergreen cultivated shrub up to 1 m tall with green ovate-triangular leaves and bright pinkish-purplish flowers.  Clicked from Fremont, California, April 14, 2019.  […]

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Angelica archangelica subsp. archangelica (Cultivated- USA)

Angelica archangelica L., Sp. Pl. 250 1753. (syn: Angelica intermedia Schult. ex Steud.; Angelica officinalis Moench (ambiguous synonym); Angelica procera Salisb.; Angelica sativa Mill.; Archangelica archangelica (L.) Karst.; Archangelica littoralis Agardh ex DC.; Archangelica officinalis Hoffm.; Archangelica sativa Bess.; Archangelica slavica Reuss; Ligusticum angelica Stokes; Selinum archangelica (L.) Link; Selinum archangelica (L.) Vest);       Belarus, Czech […]

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Anigozanthos ‘Landscape Orange’

  Anigozanthos hybrid ‘Landscape Orange’ from California-GS04022020-3 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Anigozanthos hybrid ‘Landscape Orange’ Hybrid cultivar with tough tall stems, deep green sword like leaves growing in a cluster and vibrant orange prolific flowers. Clicked from Fremont California, April 26, 2019′ References:

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Alloispermum integrifolium (Cultivated- USA)

Alloispermum integrifolium (DC.) H.Rob., 411 1978. (syn: Allocarpus integrifolius DC.; Alloispermum integrifolius DC.; Calea integrifolia (DC.) Hemsl.; Calea integrifolia var. dentata J. M. Coult.); Nicaragua, Mexico (Chiapas, Colima, Ciudad de Mexico, Durango, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Mexico State, Michoacan, Morelos, Oaxaca, Puebla, Queretaro, San Luis Potosi, Sinaloa, Tamaulipas, Veracruz), Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador as per Catalogue of […]

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Allium giganteum (Cultivated- USA)

Allium giganteum Regel, Gartenflora 32: 91 1883. (syn: Allium procerum Trautv. ex Regel); NE. Iran to C. Asia as per WCSP; Afghanistan; Iran; Tadzhikistan; Turkey; Turkmenistan; Uzbekistan as per Catalogue of Life;   Allium giganteum from California-GS03022020-2 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3) Allium giganteum Regel Common name: Giant onion Tallest species in […]

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Allium falcifolium (USA)

Allium falcifolium Hook. & Arn., Bot. Beechey Voy. 400 1840. (syn: Allium breweri S.Watson; Allium falcifolium var. breweri (S.Watson) M.E.Jones); SW. Oregon to NW. California as per WCSP;   Allium falcifolium from California-GS03022020-1 : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (2) Allium falcifolium Hook. & Arn. Common names: Scytheleaf onion, Coast flatstem onion  Bulbous perennial with […]

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Lantana montevidensis ‘Pot of Gold’

Lantana montevidensis ‘Pot of Gold’ ;   SK 2400 18 January 2020 : 7 posts by 2 authors. 3 images- 5 to 7 mb each. Location: Bangkok, Thailand Date:  07  December 2019  Elevation: MSL Habitat: Cultivated Lantana camara ‘Yellow’ ! Any specific ID ? You have posted a similar plant from Bangkok at Lantana involucrata Pl. check. […]

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Lantana ‘New Gold’

Lantana ‘New Gold’;   Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight :: Verbenaceae :: Lantana (yellow) :: cultivated :: DVMAY103/103 : 3 posts by 3 authors. 2 images. Lantana spp. Photos of lemon-yellow Lantana taken on different dates, in my neighbourhood. Not sure of the species … it is better I leave the ID just to genus level. […]

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Acmispon americanus (USA)

Acmispon americanus (Nutt.) Rydb. (syn: Acmispon aestivalis A.Heller; Acmispon americanum (Nutt.)Rydb. {Orthographic variant}; Acmispon elatus (Nutt.)Rydb.; Acmispon floribundus (Nutt.)A.Heller; Acmispon glabratus A.Heller; Acmispon gracilis A.Heller; Acmispon helleri (Britton)A.Heller; Acmispon helleri (Britton)Small; Acmispon mollis (Nutt.)A.Heller; Acmispon pilosus (Nutt.)A.Heller; Acmispon sericeus Raf.; Acmispon sparsiflorus A.Heller; Hosackia americana (Nutt.)Piper; Hosackia americana var. glabra (Nutt.)G.S.Torr.; Hosackia americana var. pilosa (Nutt.)Piper; Hosackia elata Nutt.; Hosackia elata var. glabra Nutt.; Hosackia floribunda Nutt.; Hosackia helleri (Britton)H.L.Blomq. & Oosting; Hosackia mollis […]

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Dischidia vidalii ?

Dischidia vidalii ?;   SK1258 05 JUL 2018 : 19 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)- around 600 kb each.  Location:  Kalimpong, WB, India Date: 10 May 2018 Altitude: 4300 ft. Habit : Cultivated. Hoya sp. ID ?? what is the size of these leaves. utterly important is size and then the flowers esp their color 1.5-2 cm. It was […]

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Pinus nigra (Cultivated)

Pinus nigra J.F.Arnold, Reise Mariazell Steyerm. 8 1785. ; Medit., E. Austria to N. Caucasus as per WCSP;   SK 2376 10 January 2020 : 8 posts by 2 authors. 4 images- 6 to 7 mb each. Location: Kalimpong, WB, India Date:  27  November 2019  Elevation: 1350m. Habitat: Cultivated Pinus nigra ! There are couple […]

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Echeveria × imbricata ?

Echeveria × imbricata  ?;   Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight: Succulent for identification : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1). Kindly help with identification of this Echeveris sp. (Cultivated). Echeveria imbricata or a closely related hybrid… the flowering stalk does not seem to have changed much..some think e imbricata itself is a hybrid… Thanks, […]

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Crassula rupestris (Cultivated)

Crassula rupestris L.f., Suppl. Pl. 189 1782. (syn: Crassula monticola N. E. Br.; Crassula punctata Mill.); South Africa (W-Cape Prov., E-Cape Prov.) as per Catalogue of Life;   SK 2378 11 January 2020 : 8 posts by 2 authors. 4 images- 5 to 7 mb each. Location: Kalimpong, WB, India Date:  27  November 2019  Elevation: 1350m. […]

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Crotalaria species- Neral

  Please identify the yellow flower 1 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) – 3 mb. Please help me in identifying the yellow flower, i forgot to mention the location it is near neral, maharashtra, today jan 2020 Pl. check comparative images at Crotalaria Difficult to id with this image. Pl. check Crotalaria […]

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