
Lamium album L.   Lamium amplexicaule L.         FRLHT Indian Medicinal Plants Nomenclature Database with images/ herbarium, distribution, local names etc. : Lamium album DESF. is a synonym of Lamium flexuosum Ten. (W. & WC. Medit. as per WCSP) Lamium amplexicaule L. Species with description & pictures in Flowers of India as on […]

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Lagotis cashmeriana

Lagotis cashmeriana Rupr., Sert. Tianschan. 64 1869. (Syn: Gymnandra cashmeriana Royle ex Benth.); Pakistan (Swat, Hazara), Jammu & Kashmir (Kashmir), NW-India as per Catalogue of Life; Kashmir Lagotis;   Upper chamba al290811a:   Continuing the adventures… another beautiful flower for id.. Location Chamba Altitude 4000 mts Habit herb Habitat wild Height 5-6 inches This one looks […]

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Lagotis cashmeriana Rupr. (Pakistan (Swat, Hazara), Jammu & Kashmir (Kashmir), NW-India as per Catalogue of Life)             Lagotis globosa Hook. f. (C-Asia, W-Tibet, Pakistan (Chitral), Pakistani Kashmir (Deosai), Jammu & Kashmir (Ladakh, Kashmir, Poonch) as per Catalogue of Life)   Lagotis kunawurensis Rupr. (N-India (Kunawur), Pakistani Kashmir (Deosai, Baltistan), Jammu & Kashmir […]

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Laggera alata (D.Don) Sch.Bip. ex Oliv. (Images by Shivaprakash, Nidhan Singh and Prashant Awale (Inserted by Gurcharan Singh) (click links to see details and more images) Laggera crispata (Vahl) Hepper & J.R.I.Wood     BSI Flora of India with details & keys (Volume 13- 1995 ?) (Distribution): Laggera alata (D. Don) Sch.- Bip. ex Oliver (India: Major part of India, ascending […]

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Lagerstroemia tomentosa

Lagerstroemia tomentosa C. Presl, Abh. Königl. Böhm. Ges. Wiss., ser. 5 142 142 1844. (Syn: Lagerstroemia tomentosa var. caudata Koehne; Murtughas tomentosa (C. Presl) Kuntze);  White Crape Myrtle, Leza;   Moderate sized tree with floppy branches and downy leaves. Flowers are white or very pale pink, 40-50mm wide. Fruit cup is saucer shaped and the […]

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Lagerstroemia species/ Cultivars

Lagerstroemia species/ Cultivars;        Kolkata, on 16 Jan 2009;  Untimely blooming of Lagerstroemia speciosa – indiantreepix | Google Groups Kala Bhondara- which species of Lagerstroemia? – indiantreepix | Google Groups id301208kau1 – indiantreepix | Google Groups Lagerstroemia microcarpa or Lagerstroemia parviflora;   Tree for id 220510MK1 – efloraofindia | Google Groups    TREE […]

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Lagenaria siceraria

Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl., Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 3: 435 1930. (Syn: Lagenaria vulgaris Ser. ….);  lag-en-AR-ee-uh — from the Greek lagena (flask); shaped like a bottlesy-ker-AR-ee-uh or sy-ser-AR-ee-uh — Latinized form of shekar, from the Hebrew meaning strong (fermented) drink … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: bottle gourd, calabash gourd, long melon, […]

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  Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl.     The Cucurbitaceae of India: Accepted names, synonyms, geographic distribution, and information on images and DNA sequences by Susanne S. Renner, Arun K. Pandey. (2013)- Accepted names: Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl.          

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Lactuca species ?

   from Mohali waste land;  Or is this one – efloraofindia | Google Groups     VOF Week 270812_DS_09: Daisy like blue coloured flower- another unknown species for me.Please help to identify. Lacutuca sp, perhaps leaves help further.     

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Lactarius turpis ?

Lactarius turpis (Weinm.) Fr., 1838 (syn: Agaricus turpis Weinm., 1828; Galorrheus turpis (Weinm.) P. Kumm., 1871; Lactarius necator sensu auct. mult. (2005) (misapplied name); Lactarius plumbeus sensu A.A. Pearson (1950), auct. pl. (misapplied name); Lactarius turpis var. turpis Fr., 1838; Lactifluus turpis (Weinm.) Kuntze, 1891) ?;       Ugly Milk-cap;   5 pictures for you – efloraofindia […]

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Editing efloraofindia pages

Editing efloraofindia pages Go the concerned Efloraofindia page. One has to click on ‘sign in’ to google by clicking at the bottom left of the page (if it shows ‘Sign in’ at the bottom left) . Click on “Edit page’ tab at top right.Editing is as simple as correcting a word document.After editing click on […]

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Lamiaceae member

   Identification help : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)- 1 mb each.  Please identify this. Is this Ageratina adenophora?. Thanks, … It is not Ageratina adenophora as per images and details herein. When and where these images were clicked ? … is correct, it’s not Asteraceae member, it’s Lamiaceae member, check with that, When […]

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Kydia calycina Roxb. Images by tspkumar   Kydia glabrescens Mast. (Myanmar [Burma] (Chin, Kachin, Sagaing, Shan), India (Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura), Bhutan, China (S-Yunnan), Vietnam, Nepal as per Catalogue of Life)  

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Kopsia fruticosa

Kopsia fruticosa (Roxb.) A.DC., Prodr. 8: 352 1844. (syn. Calpicarpum roxburghii G.Don [Illegitimate]; Cerbera fruticosa Roxb.; Cerbera fruticosa Ker Gawl.; Kopsia roxburghii (G.Don) Pharm. ex Wehmer [Illegitimate]; Kopsia vinciflora Blume; Tabernaemontana longiflora Rusby; Tabernaemontana rosea Ten.);   Shrub Vinca, Pink Kopsia, Kopsia Merah, Pink Gardenia • Bengali: Dakur;   As per efi thread:  K.albiflora with complete […]

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Kopsia arborea Blume (Images by Aarti S Khale (Id by Vijayasankar Raman) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links))  Kopsia fruticosa (Roxb.) A.DC. (Images by Pravin Kawale, Sushmita Jha & Ranjini Kamath (Ids by Dinesh Valke) & Surajit Koley (Id by E S Santhosh Kumar) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & […]

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Kleinia grandiflora

Kleinia grandiflora (wallich ex DC.) N.Rani, 801 1983. (Syn: Cacalia grandiflora Wall. [Invalid]; Notonia grandiflora DC.; Senecio grandiflorus (DC.); Senecio indicus Backer); Images by Anurag N Sharma (Id by Vijayasankar Raman), Pravin Kawale (id by Shrikant Ingalhalikar), P. Santhan (Inserted by J.M.Garg), B. Rathinasabapathy (Id by N Muthu Karthick), T Badri Narayanan (Id by Vijayasankar Raman & N […]

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Kleinia balsamica (Dalzell & A.Gibson) P.Halliday  (Images by Darshan Kokate (Id by Jui Pethe) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links))    Kleinia ficoides (L.) Haw. (Images by Gurcharan Singh (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links)) Kleinia fulgens Hook.f. (Cultivated) (Images by Gurcharan Singh & Aarti […]

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