Heliotropium curassavicum

Heliotropium curassavicum L., Sp. Pl. 130 1753. (Syn: Coldenia succulenta Peter; Heliotropium curassavicum var. violaceum Ram. Goyena; Heliotropium lehmannianum Bruns; Heliotropium virens E.Mey. ex DC. (Unresolved);                              Heliotropium chenopodioides Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.; Heliotropium chilense Bertero; Heliotropium curassavicum var. chenopodioides (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Lehm.; Heliotropium glaucophyllum Moench; Heliotropium glaucum Salisb.; Heliotropium portulacoides DC. ex […]

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  Helinus lanceolatus Brandis (Jammu & Kashmir (Poonch, Kashmir), Pakistani Kashmir (Mirpur), N-India (Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra), Nepal, Myanmar [Burma], Pakistan (Salt Range, Murree, Jhelum) as per Catalogue of life)         Flora of Peninsular India: Helinus lanceolatus FRLHT Indian Medicinal Plants Nomenclature Database with images/ herbarium, […]

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Heliconia psittacorum

Heliconia psittacorum L.f., Suppl. Pl. 158 1782. (Syn: Bihai cannoidea (A.Rich.) Kuntze; Bihai humilis (Aubl.) Griggs; Bihai psittacorum (L.f.) Kuntze; Bihai sylvestris Gleason; Heliconia andrewsii Klotzsch; Heliconia aurea Linden ex Lem.; Heliconia bahiensis Barreiros; Heliconia ballia Rich.; Heliconia brasiliensis var. concolor Petersen; Heliconia cannoidea A.Rich.; Heliconia goiasensis Barreiros; Heliconia hirsuta var. cannoidea (A.Rich.) Baker; Heliconia […]

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Helianthus tuberosus

Helianthus tuberosus L., Sp. Pl. 905 1753. (Syn: Helianthus esculentus Warsz.; Helianthus serotinus Tausch; Helianthus tomentosus Michx.; Helianthus tuberosus var. subcanescens A.Gray); Images by Balkar Singh, Inserted by Gurcharan Singh   Jerusalem artichoke, sunroot, sunchoke, earth apple or topinambur;     Ritterhude, Germany; Rudbeckia-Topinambur from my garden in Ritterhude 10.10.10.NB – efloraofindia | Google Groups […]

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Helianthus species

Helianthus species;         in Ritterhude, Germany;  More “sunflowers” from my garden in Ritterhude 10.10.10.NB-2 – efloraofindia | Google Groups                  

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Helianthus argophyllus

Helianthus argophyllus Torr. & A.Gray, Fl. N. Amer. (Torr. & A. Gray) 2 318 1842. (Syn: Helianthus annuus var. argophyllus (Torr. & A.Gray) Alef.);     Images by Gurcharan Singh, Inserted by Gurcharan Singh     Botanical Garden of Khalsa College, Delhi– May’10?; Helianthus argophyllus from Delhi – efloraofindia | Google Groups    Asteraceae Fortnight Part 1-Radiate […]

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Helianthus annuus L. (Images by Satish Phadke, Dinesh Valke, Aarti Khale, Alka Khare and D S Rawat (Inserted by Gurcharan Singh)) Cultivar ‘Teddy Bear’ (Images by Gurcharan Singh and Aarti Khale, Inserted by Gurcharan Singh)   Helianthus argophyllus Torr. & A.Gray (Images by Gurcharan Singh, Inserted by Gurcharan Singh) Helianthus debilis subsp. cucumerifolius (Torr. & A.Gray) Heiser (Images by Gurcharan Singh, D S Rawat, Aarti Khale and Prashant Awale, Inserted by Gurcharan Singh) […]

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  Harpullia arborea (Blanco) Radlk. (Australia (N-Queensland), Java, Sri Lanka, India (Assam, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala), Bangladesh, New Guinea, Fiji, Tonga (‘Eua), Western Samoa, peninsular Malaysia (Perak, Pahang), Thailand, S-Vietnam, Solomon Isl., Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi, Moluccas, Lesser Sunda Isl., Philippines (throughout), USA (I) (Florida (I)) as per Catalogue of life)           […]

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Hardwickia binata

Hardwickia binata Roxb.;   papri, calam, katudugu, Anjan • Hindi: Anjan • Telugu: Yepi • Marathi: Kamara • Malayalam: Aacha • Kannada: Kammara • Tamil: Acha;    India (N); Andhra Pradesh ; Bihar ; Delhi ; Goa ; Gujarat ; Karnataka ; Kerala ; Madhaya Pradesh ; Maharashtra ; Punjab ; Rajasthan ; Tamil Nadu […]

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Haplanthodes plumosa

Haplanthodes plumosa (T.Anderson) Panigrahi & G.C.Das, Bull. Bot. Surv. India 23: 200 1981 publ. 1983. (syn: Bremekampia tentaculata var. plumosa (T. Anders.) M.R.Almeida; Haplanthodes tentaculatus var. plumosa (T. Anders.) R.B. Majumdar; Haplanthus plumosus T. Anders.) as per Catalogue of life;  SW-India (Maharashtra) as per Catalogue of life;  As per efi thread: H. verticillatus has cladodes […]

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As per efi thread: H. verticillatus has cladodes 2.5cm or longer, stiff, very sharp pointed bifid or rarely trifid …accidental prick is very painful, stinging. Plant about a meter tall or less, stout. Flowers light to deep shade of violet. In H. tentaculatus cladodes are up to 1.5cm, soft, hairy, tip inconspicuously bifid, non-prickly. Three varieties […]

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   Handroanthus chrysanthus subsp. meridionalis (A.H.Gentry) S.O.Grose (Cultivated- Lalbagh, Banglore) (Images by Aarti Khale, Inserted by Gurcharan Singh (Click link to see details and more images)) (Images by Ranjini Kamath (Id by Shrikant Ingalhalikar & Anita Dake) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links))    Handroanthus chrysotrichus (Mart. ex DC.) Mattos (Images by Raman Arunachalam, Aarti S Khale, Satish Phadke & Padmini Raghavan (Id […]

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  Halenia elliptica D.Don           Halenia perrottetii Griseb.    From Floral Database of Tamilnadu :    Binomial Habit Notes References Distribution Halenia perrottetii Griseb. Herb Western Ghats, Evergreen Forests, Grasslands Flora of Tamil Nadu, VOL. II, 1987 Dindigul, Nilgiri   Species with description & pictures in Flowers of India as on […]

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  Hackelia uncinata (Benth.) C.E.C.Fisch. (Images by Nidhan Singh (Validated by Gurcharan Singh), Dinesh Valke (id by Umeshkumar Tiwari, Gurcharan Singh & Nidhan Singh, Gurcharan Singh), Gurcharan Singh, Prashant Awale (id by Gurcharan Singh), Balkar Singh (Id by Gurcharan Singh) & Suresh Rana ( (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links))     Hackelia macrophylla […]

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Habenaria reniformis

Habenaria reniformis (D.Don) Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 6: 152 1890. (Syn: Aopla reniformis (D.Don) Lindl.; Habenaria clovisii Gagnep.; Herminium reniforme (D.Don) Lindl. ex Wall.; Listera reniformis D.Don; Neottia reniformis (D.Don) Spreng.);      Orchidaceae: Habenaria reniformis (D.Don) Hook.f. – efloraofindia | Google Groups   Habenaria diphylla (Orchidaceae) sometimes wrongly identified as Habenaria reniformis : 11 […]

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Habenaria ramayyana

Habenaria ramayyana Ram.Chary & J.J.Wood, Kew Bull. 36: 235 1981.;           Re: [efloraofindia:49914] Orchidaceae: Habenaria ramayyana Ram.Chary & J.J.Wood : 2 posts by 1 author. Habenaria ramayyana Ram.Chary & J.J.Wood, Kew Bull. 36: 235 (1981).Just wanted to share information about this taxa due to its unique name. This is endemic to […]

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