Begonia × hiemalis (Cultivated- USA)

Begonia × hiemalis Fotsch, Begonien 130 1933.;   SK1690 02 Jan 2019 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)- 7 mb. Location : Brooklyn Bridge, New York, USA Date : 27 October 2013 Altitude  0 ft. Habit : Cultivated Which Begonia sp.? Attachments (1)- 6 mb.  hybrid, winter flowering wax begonias are many. dont know the antecedents. Most of […]

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Mucuna bracteata

Mucuna bracteata DC. (syn: Carpopogon bracteatum Roxb.; Mucuna brevipes Craib; Mucuna exserta C.E.C.Fisch.; Mucuna venulosa (Piper) Merr. & F.P.Metcalf; Stizolobium venulosum Piper); Andaman Is (N); Bangladesh (N); China (N) ; Yunnan ; Hainan (N) ; India (N); Arunachal Pradesh ; Assam; Bihar; Manipur; Meghalaya ; Mizoram ; Sikkim ; Tripura; West Bengal ; Laos (N) […]

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Clematis wightiana

Clematis wightiana Wall., Numer. List 4674 1828. (Syn: Clematis grata O. Hoffm. ex Baker; Clematis laxiflora Baker);   India (Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala), Saudi Arabia (Asir, C-Saudi Arabia) as per Catalogue of Life;      Clematis wightiana: Marathi name Son-jai At Rajgad, Pune 26Dec,2010 – Nice catch but the flower is infected by fungi (probably). […]

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Farfugium japonicum (Cultivated- USA)

Farfugium japonicum (L.) Kitam., Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 8: 268 (1939) (syn: Arnica tussilaginea Burm. fil.; Farfugium grande Lindl.; Farfugium japonicum f. aligulatum Konta; Farfugium japonicum var. formosanum (Hayata) Kitam.; Farfugium japonicum var. nokozanense (Yamamoto) Kitam.; Farfugium kaempferi (Sieb. & Zucc.) Benth.; Farfugium tussilagineum (Burm. fil.) Kitam.; Farfugium tussilagineum var. formosanum (Hayata) Kitam.; Ligularia farfugium C. […]

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Buxus sempervirens (Cultivated)

Buxus sempervirens L., Sp. Pl. 983 1753. (syn: Buxus angustifolia Mill.; Buxus arborescens Mill.; Buxus argentea hort. ex Steud.; Buxus aurea hort. ex Steud.; Buxus caucasica hort. ex K.Koch; Buxus colchica Pojark.; Buxus crispa hort. ex K.Koch; Buxus cucullata hort. ex K.Koch; Buxus elegantissima hort. ex K.Koch; Buxus fruticosa Borkh.; Buxus handsworthii hort. ex K.Koch; […]

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Merremia gemella

Merremia gemella (Burm. f.) Hallier f., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 16(4–5): 552, in obs. 1893. (syn: Convolvulus affinis Wall.; Convolvulus gemellus Burm. f.; Convolvulus polyanthus Wall.; Ipomoea gemella (Burm. f.) Roth; Ipomoea polyantha Miq.; Ipomoea radicans Bl.; Tirtalia gemella (Burm. fil.) Rafin.); Taiwan, ?Cambodia, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, peninsular Malaysia, Myanmar [Burma], New Guinea, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Sulawesi, […]

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Breynia fruticosa (Hong Kong)

Breynia fruticosa (L.) Müll.Arg., Prodr. 15(2): 237 1866. (syn: Andrachne fruticosa L.; Breynia fruticosa (L.) Hook. f.; Melanthesa chinensis Blume; Melanthesa glaucescens Miq.; Phyllanthus introductus Steud.; Phyllanthus lucens Poir.; Phyllanthus simsianus Wall. [Invalid]; Phyllanthus turbinatus Sims); S. China to Indo-China as per WCSP; China South-Central; China Southeast; Hainan; Thailand; Vietnam as per Catalogue of Life […]

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Blakea gracilis (Cultivated- USA)

Blakea gracilis Hemsl., Diagn. Pl. Nov. Mexic. 1: 13 1878. 9syn: Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama as per Catalogue of Life;   Plant for ID : Conservatory : Atlanta Botanical Garden : Atlanta, Georgia : 04DEC18 : AK-14 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Plant seen inside the Conservatory.  On searching, this looks close […]

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Mahonia japonica (Cultivated- USA)

Mahonia japonica (Thunb.) DC., Syst. Nat. 2: 22 1821. (Syn: Ilex japonica Thunb.; Mahonia japonica var. gracillima Fedde; Mahonia tikushiensis Hayata); Taiwan, Japan (I), Korea (I), Ryukyu Isl. (I), Europe (I), Uzbekistan (I) as per Catalogue of Life;    Mahonia japonica : Atlanta Botanical Garden : Atlanta, Georgia : 25DEC18 : AK-29 : 4 posts […]

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Heliconia species- Atlanta, Georgia, USA

  Plant for ID : Conservatory : Atlanta Botanical Garden : Atlanta, Georgia : 02DEC18 : AK-05 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Plant seen inside the Conservatory.  This was suggested to be Heliconia on their Planthotline. They have these Master Gardener volunteers who reply to the mails. Now, since these plants are […]

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Geogenanthus poeppigii (Cultivated- USA)

Geogenanthus poeppigii (Miq.) Faden, Taxon 30: 35 1981. (syn: Chamaeanthus wittianus Ule; Dichorisandra mosaica var. undata (Linden ex K.Koch) W.T.Mill. ex L.H.Bailey; Dichorisandra undata Linden ex K.Koch; Geogenanthus undatus (Linden ex K.Koch) Mildbr. & Strauss; Geogenanthus wittianus (Ule) Ule; Peperomia poeppigii Miq.; Uleopsis wittianus (Ule) Fedde); Peru to N. Bolivia and N. Brazil as per […]

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Anthurium recavum (Cultivated- USA)

Anthurium recavum Croat, Willdenowia 40: 99 2010. ; Colombia as per WCSP;   Araceae for ID : Conservatory : Atlanta Botanical Garden : Atlanta, Georgia : 29NOV18 : AK-37 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Araceae with large long leaves inside the Conservatory Anthurium veitchii ‘king’ To me looks different from Anthurium veitchii […]

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Asplenium antiquum (Cultivated- USA)

Asplenium antiquum Makino, J. Jap. Bot. 6(11): 32 1929. (syn: Neottopteris antiqua (Makino) Masam.; Neottopteris rigida var. erubescens Nakai; Thamnopteris antiqua (Mak.) Mak.); China (Fujian, ?Hunan), Taiwan, South Korea (Cheju Isl.), Japan, Ryukyu Isl. as per Catalogue of Life;   Plant for ID : Conservatory : Atlanta Botanical Garden : Atlanta, Georgia : 02DEC18 : […]

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Dendrobium lawesii (Cultivated- USA)

Dendrobium lawesii F.Muell., Melbourne Chem. Druggist June 1884 (syn: Chromatotriccum delphinioides (R.S.Rogers) M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones; Chromatotriccum lawesii (F.Muell.) M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones; Dendrobium delphinioides R.S.Rogers; Dendrobium lawesii var. salmonicolor Schltr.; Dendrobium pseudomohlianum Kraenzl.; Dendrobium warburgianum Kraenzl.; Pedilonum lawesii (F.Muell.) Rauschert); New Guinea; Solomon Is. as per Catalogue of Life;   Plant for ID : Conservatory : Atlanta […]

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94. Efloraofindia website updated upto 30th Nov.’18

Efloraofindia website updated upto 30th Nov.’18: 1 post by 1 author. It’s heartening to reiterate that Efloraofindia is the largest google e-group/ forum in the world in this field & the largest nature related e-group (and the most constructive) in India with around 3,12,900 messages so far & membership currently around 3030 nos. efloraofindia (eFI […]

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