Echinocactus platyacanthus Link & Otto, Verh. Vereins Beförd. Gartenbaues Königl. Preuss. Staaten 3: 423 1827. (Syn: Copiapoa macracantha (Salm-Dyck) Meregalli [Invalid]; Echinocactus arachnoideus Scheidw.; Echinocactus aulacogonus Lem. .; Echinocactus edulis Haage ex C.F.Först. [Invalid]; Echinocactus ghiesbreghtianus Lem.; Echinocactus grandis Rose ..; Echinocactus helophorus Lem. ..; Echinocactus ingens Zucc. ex Pfeiff. ………..; Echinocactus irroratus Scheidw.; Echinocactus karwinskii Zucc. ex Pfeiff.; […]
Category: Echinocactus
Echinocactus platyacanthus ?
Echinocactus platyacanthus (syn: Echinocactus ingens) ?; . Cactus For ID : MNP,Mumbai : 020513 : AK-5 : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 2 authors. Again a small potted Cactus at the BBC Show in MNP, Mumbai on 31/3/13. Cultivated plant. This one is tough …, It looks like a Gymnocalycium to me, but species? I’m not […]
Echinocactus species ?
Echinocactus species ?; Plant for ID: This cactus growing in our Garden flowered last week. May I request you for an help to ID this plant please. What a gorgeous picture of an equally gorgeous flower…Your cactus has not only flowered , it has produced all those little cactus-lets: babies… my question: how big […]
Echinocactus grusonii
Echinocactus grusonii Hildm., Deutsche Gärtn.-Zeitung 1886(3): 27 1886. (Syn: Echinocactus corynacanthus Scheidw.; Echinocactus galeottii Scheidw.); . Echinocactus gurusonii from Cactus Park Panchkula: Echinocactus grusonii from Cactus Park Panchkula It is also known as Mother-in-Law’s taffet. Plants from Cactus Garden: Corypantha elephantoides from Panchkula.. : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 2 authors. This one was shot […]