Elaeodendron orientale Jacq., Icon. Pl. Rar. 1: t. 48 1782. (Syn: Elaeodendron indicum Gaertn.; Rubentia olivina J.F. Gmel. ); el-lee-oh-DEN-dron — from the Greek elaia (olive) and dendron (tree) or-ee-en-TAY-lee — of or from the Orient, eastern commonly known as: false olive Native of: Mauritius [efloraofindia:34578] DV – 09MAY10 – 1003 :: ¿ Diospyros / […]
Category: Elaeodendron
Elaeodendron paniculatum
Elaeodendron paniculatum Wight & Arn., Prodr. Fl. Ind. Orient. 157 1834. (Synonym : Cassine paniculata (Wight & Arn.) Lobr.-Callen) As per efi thread; Common name: Panicled Cassine • Malayalam: തന്നീമരമ് Thannimaram • Marathi: मोठा भुत्या Motha Bhutya • Tamil: தந்நீரமரம் Tanneermaram Trees of Lalbagh – bangalore – RA – Ilex Paraguariensis […]
Elaeodendron species
Elaeodendron species As per efi thread; Cassine species: I would very much appreciate seeing a picture of a ripe fruit of a species of Cassine. The colour and shape is very diagnostic of the species. Also check if you find any fruit image at efi site links: /species/a—l/c/celastraceae/cassine Found these images of […]
Elaeodendron glaucum
Elaeodendron glaucum (Rottb.) Pers., Syn. pl. 1:241. 1805 (syn. (≡) Cassine glauca (Rottb.) Kuntze; (≡) Mangifera glauca Rottb. (basionym)); . Common name: Ceylon Tea • Hindi: जमरासी Jamrasi, मलकाकनी Malkakni, Kondagaidh, ढेबरी Dhebri • Marathi: Motha bhutya, Butkus • Tamil: கருவலீ Karuvali, கந்நீரமரம் Kanniramaram • Telugu: నిరిజా Nirija, Noorijia, Bhutan-kusama • Kannada: Kannurmara, Mookurichi, Kannire […]