Siphonodon celastrineus Griff. (E. Himalaya to New Guinea: Andaman Is., Bangladesh, Borneo, Cambodia, East Himalaya, India, Jawa, Laos, Lesser Sunda Is., Malaya, Maluku, Myanmar, New Guinea, Philippines, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Thailand, Vietnam as per POWO)
Category: Celastraceae
Celastraceae member
Microtropis latifolia Wight ex M.A.Lawson Microtropis ramiflora Wight Images by Muthu Karthick, Validation by Santhosh Kumar (Inserted by J.M.Garg) Microtropis species- Sispara, Kerala . In Flora of India Vol-5. (Eds.-N.P.Singh, J.N.Vohra, P.K.Hajra and D.K. Singh; published by Botanical Survey of India) the account of Indian Celastraceae is written by K. Ramamurthy. As […]
Catha edulis (Vahl) Forssk. ex Endl. (Cultivated)
Glyptopetalum grandiflorum Bedd.
Stackhousia viminea Sm. (Australia)
Salacia beddomei Gamble Salacia brunoniana Wight & Arn. Salacia chinensis L. Salacia fruticosa Wall. Salacia gambleana Whiting & Kaul Salacia malabarica Gamble Salacia oblonga Wall. . In Flora of India Vol-5. (Eds.-N.P.Singh, J.N.Vohra, P.K.Hajra and D.K. Singh; published by Botanical Survey of India) the account of Indian Hippocrateaceae (included in Celastraceae in […]
Reissantia arborea (Roxb.) Hara (Central Himalaya to China (S. Yunnan, SW. Guangxi) and Myanmar: Assam, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Myanmar, Nepal as per POWO) Reissantia indica (Willd.) N. Hallé . From Floral Database of Tamilnadu : Binomial Habit Notes References Distribution Reissantia grahamii (Wight) Ding Hou Shrub Western Ghats & Eastern Ghats , Moist Deciduous Forests Flora of […]
Pleurostylia opposita (Wall.) Alston (Images by B. Rathinasabapathy (ID by Vijayasankar Raman) and P. Santhan, inserted by Gurcharan Singh (please click Links to see details))
Parnassia mysorensis F. Heyne ex Wight & Arn. Parnassia nubicola Wall. ex Royle (E. Afghanistan to China (NW. Yunnan): Afghanistan, China South-Central, East Himalaya, Nepal, Pakistan, Tibet, West Himalaya as per POWO) Parnassia nubicola subsp. occidentalis Schönbeck-Temesy Parnassia species- Nilgiris, TN Parnassia wightiana Wall. ex Wight & Arn. . From Floral Database of Tamilnadu : Binomial Habit Notes Ref. Distrib. […]
Maytenus boaria Molina (Cultivated- USA) Gymnosporia & Meytenus : 1 post by 1 author. I have updated eFI (efloraofindia) page on Gymnosporia & Maytenus in view of Dr. Archer saying that “According to a number of studies it is now very clear there is no species of Maytenus in India or anywhere else but South America. “ Attempts have […]
Lophopetalum wightianum Arn. Images by Anurag N. Sharma From Floral Database of Tamilnadu : Binomial Habit Notes References Distribution Common name Lophopetalum wightianum Arn. Lofty tree Western Ghats, Moist Deciduous Flora of Tamil Nadu, VOL. I, 1983 Coimbatore, Nilgiri Venkottai FRLHT […]
Loeseneriella africana var. obtusifolia (Roxb.) N.Hallé (India, Sri Lanka, Indo-China: India, Laos, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand as per POWO) Loeseneriella arnottiana (Wight) A.C. Sm. Loeseneriella species- Narcondam Island, Andamans . In Flora of India Vol-5. (with keys) (Eds.-N.P.Singh, J.N.Vohra, P.K.Hajra and D.K. Singh; published by Botanical Survey of India) the account of Indian Hippocrateaceae (included in Celastraceae in eFI) is written […]
Gymnosporia acuminata Hook. fil. ex M. Laws. (India (West Bengal, Arunachal Pradesh, Darjeeling, Assam, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu), Sikkim, Myanmar [Burma] (widespread), Bhutan, China (Yunnan) as per Catalogue of Life) Gymnosporia buchananii Loes. Gymnosporia emarginata (Willd.) Thwaites (As per efi thread (Gymnosporia emarginata is now considered an endemic species to southern India and Sri Lanka, and have […]
Euonymus carnosus Hemsl. Euonymus dichotomus B. Heyne ex Wall. (SW. India, Sri Lanka as per POWO) Euonymus echinatus Wall. Euonymus fimbriatus Wall. Euonymus fortunei (Turcz.) Hand.-Mazz. (Photos from USA) Euonymus frigidus Wall. Euonymus grandiflorus Wall. (Photos from USA) Euonymus hamiltonianus Wall. Euonymus indicus B.Heyne ex Wall. Euonymus japonicus Thunb. Euonymus lucidus D. Don Images by […]
Cassine albens (Retz.) Kosterm. Elaeodendron glaucum (Rottb.) Pers. Images by tspkumar Cassine kedarnathii Sasidh. & Swarupan. Elaeodendron orientale Jacq. (Cultivated) Elaeodendron paniculatum Wight & Arn. Elaeodendron species- Anmod, Karnataka . In Flora of India Vol-5. (Eds.-N.P.Singh, J.N.Vohra, P.K.Hajra and D.K. Singh; published by Botanical Survey of India) the account of Indian Celastraceae is […]
Celastrus monospermus Roxb. Celastrus paniculatus Willd. Celastrus paniculatus subsp. aggregatus : Note the infructescence is shorter than leaf. Celastrus stylosus Wall. , From Floral Database of Tamilnadu : Binomial Habit Notes References Distribution Celastrus paniculatus Willd. subsp. aggregatus K.T.Mathew Shrub Western Ghats, Evergreen Forests, Endemic Matthew 1999 Dindigul Celastrus paniculatus […]
Cassine albens (Retz.) Kosterm. Elaeodendron glaucum (Rottb.) Pers. Images by tspkumar Cassine kedarnathii Sasidh. & Swarupan. Elaeodendron orientale Jacq. (Cultivated) Elaeodendron paniculatum Wight & Arn. In Flora of India Vol-5. (Eds.-N.P.Singh, J.N.Vohra, P.K.Hajra and D.K. Singh; published by Botanical Survey of India) the account of Indian Celastraceae is written by […]
Arnicratea grahamii (Wight) N.Hallé Species with description & pictures in Flowers of India as on 18.1.14: Botanical name Synonyms Family Common name Arnicratea grahamii Hippocratea grahamii, Reissantia grahamii Celastraceae Running Straggler The Flora of Kerala: Ranunculaceae-Connaraceae by G. V. S. Murthy, P. Veṇu, Botanical Survey of India Botanical Survey of India, 2005 – […]