Need help with simple-leafed liana 1 image. Satpuras; 3/1/2021 Please try to click images during flowering and fruiting season also Celastrus paniculatus?
Category: Celastrus
Celastrus paniculatus subsp. aggregatus ?
Celastrus paniculatus subsp. aggregatus ?; . 04012013GS2: Tree from Kashmir for ID: Small tree photographed from Kashmir University Botanical Garden, on 19-5-2012, alt. 1600 m. Please help in ID. Any chances of Celastrus paniculatus?, I will check habit in next visit. Certainly not Celastrus paniculata! I thought c. paniculatus was a vine? Yes …, it is. I will have […]
Celastrus stylosus
Celastrus stylosus Wall., Fl. Ind. 2: 401 1824. (syn: Celastrus attenuatus Wall.; Celastrus crassifolius Wang (ambiguous synonym); Celastrus hypoleucus f. puberula Loes.; Celastrus neglecta Wall.; Celastrus stylosus var. angustifolius C. Y. Chen & T. C. Kao; Celastrus stylosus subsp. glaber D. Hou; Gymnosporia neglecta Wall. ex Lawson); . Bhutan, Thailand, Vietnam, India (Darjeeling, Assam, West […]
Celastrus monospermus
Celastrus monospermus Roxb., Fl. Ind. 2: 394 1824. (syn: Catha benthamii Gardn. & Champ.; Catha monosperma Benth.; Celastrus benthamii Rehder & Wilson; Celastrus championii Benth.; Celastrus laoticus Pitard; Monocelastrus monosperma (Roxb.) F. T. Wang & T.Tang); China (Fujiang, Guizhou, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Yunnan), India (West Bengal, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland), Sikkim, Vietnam, Java, Myanmar [Burma] (Magway, Rakhine, Shan), Laos, Thailand, […]
Celastrus paniculatus ssp. angladeanus
Celastrus paniculatus Willd. ssp. angladeanus S.J. Britto, B. Mani and S. Thomas; More publications relevant to Indian plant taxonomy- Celastrus paniculatus : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) – Celastrus paniculatus.pdf- 832 KB. Here are some more free access publications for your kind information. References: A new subspecies of Celastrus (Celastraceae) from the […]
Celastrus paniculatus subsp. aggregatus
Celastrus paniculatus subsp. aggregatus; . Note on Celastrus paniculatus Willd. ssp. aggregatus K.M. Matthew …: 1a. Inflorescence on lateral shoots, shorter than leaves …. ssp. aggregatus 1b. Inflorescence on terminal shoots, twice as long or more than twice as long as the leaves ….. ssp. paniculatus . Is is Celastrus species? : Attachments (3 + […]
Celastrus paniculatus
Celastrus paniculatus Willd., Sp. Pl. 1: 1125 1798 (Syn. Catha paniculata Scheidw.; Ceanothus paniculatus Roth; Celastrus alnifolius D.Don; Celastrus euphlebiphyllus (Hayata) Kaneh.; Celastrus metzianus Turcz.; Celastrus nutans Roxb.; Celastrus pubescens Wall.; Celastrus rothianus Schult.; Diosma serrata Blanco; Euonymus euphlebiphyllus Hayata); . black-oil plant, celastrus, oriental bittersweet, intellect tree, staff tree • Bengali: kijri, malkangani • […]