Peristylus secundus (Lindl.) Rathakr., Indian Forester 98: 31 1972. (syn: Coeloglossum secundum Lindl.); . S. India as per POWO; . 186-TSP-ID-14MAY2021-1-Orchid @ Mullaianagiri for ID: 3 high res. images. Kindly examine and identify this Orchid. This set of images was lost in my database. Found them accidentally while sifting through. Habit:Herb Habitat:Wild,terrestrial,grassy blanks of shola forest Sighting:,Mullaianagiri,Chikmagalur,about […]
Category: Peristylus
Peristylus aristatus ?
Peristylus aristatus ?; . Peristylus aristatus Lindl. : 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4)- around 1100 kb each. Location: Nagarkot, Kathmandu Date: 03 August 2019 Elevation: 2041 m. Habit : Wild No comments. You mean not sure without flowering ? Appears close as per other observations at Peristylus aristatus This genus is not that easy. […]
Peristylus goodyeroides
Peristylus goodyeroides (D.Don) Lindl., Sp. Orchid. Pl. 299 1835. (syn: Digomphotis undulata Raf. [Illegitimate]; Habenaria glaucescens Ridl.; Habenaria goodyeroides D.Don; Habenaria goodyeroides var. affinis King & Pantl.; Habenaria goodyeroides var. formosana Hayata; Habenaria grandis Benth. ex Ridl.; Habenaria hayatana Schltr.; Habenaria hollandiae (J.J.Sm.) Schltr.; Habenaria lauterbachii Kraenzl. ex K.Schum. & Lauterb. [Invalid]; Habenaria pandurilabia Schltr.; […]
Peristylus fallax
Peristylus fallax Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 298 1835. (syn: Habenaria fallax (Lindl.) King & Pantl.; Herminium fallax (Lindl.) Hook.f.; Monorchis fallax (Lindl.) O.Schwarz; Peristylus fallax var. dwarikae Deva & H.B.Naithani; Platanthera fallax (Lindl.) Schltr.); . Himalaya to China (SW. Sichuan, NW. Yunnan) as per WCSP; . Plant 24-35cm tall; tuber small, ellipsoid, 1.5 x […]
Peristylus spiralis
Peristylus spiralis A.Rich., Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. II, 15: 69 1841. (Syn: Habenaria torta Hook.f.); Terrestrial, leafy herbs with small, oblong, pyriform or globose tubers and fleshy root fibres; stem with spike 15-45 cm long, slender, flexuous with many, lanceolate sheaths above the leaves. Leaves 2.5-6.2 cm long, linear-lanceolate, obtuse, acute or acuminate, upper […]
Peristylus aristatus
Peristylus aristatus Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 300 1835. (syn: Habenaria aristata (Lindl.) Hook.f.; Peristylus exilis Wight); . per-ih-STY-lus — Greek: peri (around), stylos (column) … Dave’s Botanary a-ris-TAH-tus — long bristle tip … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: spiked peristylus . Native of: n-e and s India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar . Images by […]
Peristylus lacertifer
Peristylus lacertifer (Lindl.) J.J.Sm., Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9: 23 1927. (Syn: Coeloglossum lacertiferum Lindl.; Habenaria lacertifera (Lindl.) Benth.); ORCHIDACEAE Juss. Fortnight: Peristylus lacertifer (Lindl.) J.J.Sm. from Hong Kong, PKS-56 : Attachments (3). 6 posts by 5 authors. Peristylus lacertifer (Lindl.) J.J.Sm., Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg, III, 9: 23 (1927). Synonyms: Coeloglossum […]
Peristylus intrudens
Peristylus intrudens (Ames) Ormerod, Taiwania 56: 46 (2011).; ORCHIDACEAE Juss. Fortnight: Peristylus intrudens (Ames) Ormerod from Hong Kong, PKS-55 : Attachments (3). 4 posts by 3 authors. Peristylus intrudens (Ames) Ormerod, Taiwania 56: 46 (2011). Synonyms:Habenaria intrudens Ames, Schedul. Orchid. 6: 1 (1923).Peristylus spiranthes var. taipoensis S.Y.Hu & Barretto, Chung […]
Peristylus tentaculatus (Hong Kong)
Peristylus tentaculatus (Lindl.) J.J.Sm., Orch. Java 35 1905. (Syn: Glossaspis antennifera Rchb.f.; Glossaspis tentaculata (Lindl.) Spreng.; Glossula tentaculata Lindl.; Habenaria brandisii Hook.f.; Habenaria garrettii Rolfe ex Downie; Habenaria tentaculata (Lindl.) Rchb.f.; Habenaria tipulifera E.C.Parish & Rchb.f.; Peristylus brandisii (Hook.f.) Kraenzl.; Peristylus garrettii (Rolfe ex Downie) J.J.Wood & Ormerod; Peristylus tipuliferus (E.C.Parish & Rchb.f.) Mukerjee); . […]
Peristylus calcaratus (Hong Kong)
Peristylus calcaratus (Rolfe) S.Y.Hu, Quart. J. Taiwan Mus. 26: 398 1973. (Syn: Glossula calcarata Rolfe; Habenaria calcarata (Rolfe) Schltr. [Illegitimate]; Habenaria lilungshania S.S.Ying; Platanthera pricei Hayata); ORCHIDACEAE Juss. Fortnight: Peristylus calcaratus (Rolfe) S.Y.Hu from Hong Kong, PKS-51 : Attachments (5). 2 posts by 2 authors. Peristylus calcaratus (Rolfe) S.Y.Hu, […]
Peristylus duthiei
Peristylus duthiei (Hook.f.) Deva & H.B.Naithani, Orchid Fl. N.W. Himalaya 181 1986. (Syn: Herminium duthiei Hook.f.; Monorchis duthiei (Hook.f.) O.Schwarz; Peristylus duthiei var. inayatii Deva & H.B.Naithani); . Common name: Duthie’s Peristylus . Some more Orchids for ID_211010_RKC_03: Here are some more Orchids for ID plz. Place of Coll.: On way to Churdhar, Himachal Pradesh […]
Peristylus stocksii
Peristylus stocksii (Hook.f.) Kraenzl., Orchid. Gen. Sp. 1: 513 1898. (Syn: Habenaria stocksii Hook.f.); per-ih-STY-lus — from the Greek word peri (around) and stylos (column) STOKS-ee-eye — named for Dr J Ellerton Stocks … botanical works in Konkan and Sind commonly known as: Stocks’s peristylus Endemic to: Western Ghats (of India) Peristylus […]
Peristylus sahanii
Peristylus sahanii P. Kumar, G.S.Rawat & J.S.Jalal Kew Bulletin 65 (1): 1-4 (2010); Fwd: Peristylus sahanii: New orchid species for science. : 7 posts by 5 authors. Please find attached herewith our first new orchid to science (last time I had sent the second one), recently published in Kew Bulletin, UK. This was […]
Peristylus plantagineus
Peristylus plantagineus (Lindl.) Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 300 1835. (Syn: Habenaria elata (Dalzell) Alston; Habenaria goodyeroides Hook. [Illegitimate]; Habenaria wightii Trimen; Herminium plantagineum Lindl.; Peristylus elatus Dalzell); . per-ih-STY-lus — Greek: peri (around), stylos (column) … Dave’s Botanary plan-tuh-JIN-ee-us — resembling plantain … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: plantain-like peristylus . ¿ Endemic to ?: India . As per efi thread: Spur shorter than […]
Peristylus lawii
Peristylus lawii Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 5: t. 1695 1851. (syn. Habenaria lawii (Wight) Hook.f.); . per-ih-STY-lus — Greek: peri (around), stylos (column) … Dave’s Botanary LAW-ee-eye — named in honour of J. S. Law, ICS and botanist . commonly known as: lax-flowered peristylus • Gujarati: શિથિલ ફૂલછડી shitil phulchadi • Hindi: निर्मल फूलछडी nirmal phulchadi […]
Peristylus elisabethae
Peristylus elisabethae (Duthie) R.K.Gupta, Fl. Nainital. 351 1968. (Syn: Habenaria elisabethae Duthie; Herminium elisabethae (Duthie) Tang & F.T.Wang); Peristylus elisabethae ABAUG01/04 : 7 posts by 4 authors. 3 images. Yet another orchid. Is it Peristylus elisabethae? On Mcleodganj-Triund trek, HP 2500m approx. 31 July 2016 Yes, Peristylus elisabethae. I found this on my […]
Peristylus densus
Peristylus densus (Lindl.) Santapau & Kapadia, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 57: 128 1960. (Syn: Coeloglossum cernuum Rchb.f.; Coeloglossum densum Lindl.; Coeloglossum flagelliferum (Makino) Maxim. ex Makino; Coeloglossum peristyloides Rchb.f.; Coeloglossum tenue Lindl. [Invalid]; Glossula passerina Gagnep.; Gymnadenia tenuis Lindl. ex Wall. [Invalid]; Habenaria atramentaria Kraenzl.; Habenaria buchneroides Schltr.; Habenaria dankiaensis Gagnep.; Habenaria evrardii Gagnep.; […]
Peristylus constrictus ?
Peristylus constrictus (Lindl.) Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 300 1835. (Syn: Habenaria constricta (Lindl.) Hook.f.; Habenaria cylindrocalyx Gagnep.; Herminium constrictum Lindl.; Orchis leucantha Ham. ex Hook.f.; Platanthera constricta Lindl. ex Wall. [Invalid]) ?; . Peristylis sp – NSD 42 : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 2 authors. This Orchid is from Pench Tiger Reserve […]
Peristylus constrictus
Peristylus constrictus (Lindl.) Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 300 1835. (syn. Habenaria constricta (Lindl.) Hook.f.; Habenaria cylindrocalyx Gagnep.; Herminium constrictum Lindl.; Orchis leucantha Ham. ex Hook.f.; Platanthera constricta Lindl. ex Wall. [Invalid]); . Constricted Peristylus; . 051111PD05 peristylus constrictus Flora of Orissa: sharing another high altitude ground orchid peristylus constrictus form Orissa Name of the species: […]