Images of species from genera other than Cordia, Ehretia, Euploca & Heliotropium as on 6.8.16 (Pl. click on these links to see their images): .
Boraginaceae member- Paddar valley, J&KBoraginaceae member- Tangmarg, J&K Borago officinalis L. (Introduced)
Eritrichium canum (Benth.) Kitamura (Afghanistan to Central Himalaya: Afghanistan, Nepal, Pakistan, Tibet, West Himalaya, Xinjiang as per POWO) Eritrichium spathulatum(Benth.) C. B. Cl., J.D.Hooker (NE. Pakistan to Tibet: Pakistan, Tibet, West Himalaya as per POWO) Eritrichium villosum (Ledeb.) Bunge (NE. European Russia to Kamchatka and W. Himalaya, Alaska (St. Lawrence Island): Afghanistan, Alaska, Altay, Buryatiya, Chita, East European Russia, Kamchatka, Kazakhstan, Khabarovsk, Kirgizstan, Krasnoyarsk, Magadan, Mongolia, North European Russi, Pakistan, Tadzhikistan, Tibet, Tuva, West Himalaya, West Siberia, Xinjiang, Yakutskiya as per POWO)
Nonea edgeworthii A. DC. (Pakistan to W. Himalaya and Central India: India, Pakistan, West Himalaya as per POWO) Nonea edgeworthii or a new species ? Onosma bracteata Wall. in W.Roxburgh (W. Central & Central Himalaya to SW. Tibet: Nepal, Tibet, West Himalaya as per POWO)
Onosma pyramidalis Hook.f. (W. Central & Central Himalaya: Nepal, West Himalaya as per POWO):
Tournefortia montana Loureiro (E. Himalaya to China (Yunnan) and Indo-China: Assam, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China South-Central, East Himalaya, Laos, Vietnam as per POWO)
Trigonotis microcarpa (DC.) Benth. ex C.B. Clarke (China (Guangxi, SW-Guizhou, NW-Yunnan, SE-Yunnan, W-Yunnan), S-Tibet, SE-Tibet, Bhutan, Sikkim, India, Nepal as per Catalogue of Life)
. Boraginaceae Week: June 4 to 10, 2012-Introduction: Boraginaceae is an interesting family of flowering plants often easily recognised by somewhat rough stems and coiled inflorescence. Here is some information to help members with uploads of members of this family. Members are requested to participate liberally with uploads of both identified and unidentified photographs. Boraginaceae A. L. de Jussieu Borage family 117 genera, 2,435 species Widely distributed in temperate, tropical and subtropical regions. Salient features: Bristly herbs, stems cylindrical, leaves alternate, inflorescence helicoid cymes, flowers pentamerous, actinomorphic, carpels 2, ovary 4-lobed, style gynobasic, fruit with 4 nutlets. Major genera: Cordia (300 species), Heliotropium (250) Tournefortia (240), Onosma (140), Myosotis (90), Cynoglossum (75) and Ehretia (75). Description: Herbs, shrubs or trees (Cordia), sometimes lianas, inner phloem lacking, hairs with basal cystolith and often calcified or silicified and as such plants bristly, rough to touch. Leaves alternate, simple, entire, venation pinnate, reticulate, stipules absent. Inflorescence usually of helicoid cymes, rarely scorpioid. Flowers bisexual, actinomorphic, rarely zygomorphic (Echium), hypogynous, pentamerous. Calyx with 5 sepals, free or slightly connate at base, persistent. Corolla with 5 petals, united, rotate, tubular or funnel shaped, usually plicate. Androecium with 5 stamens, epipetalous, inserted in corolla tube, filaments free, bithecous, anthers introrse, dehiscence longitudinal, pollen grains tricolporate or multiporate, filaments often with nectar discs at base. Gynoecium with 2 united carpels, ovary superior, deeply 4-lobed, bilocular, axile placentation, becoming 4-locular due to false septa, style 1, terminal or gynobasic, stigma 1 or bilobed, capitate or truncate, ovary seated on a nectary. Fruit a drupe with one 4-seeded, two 2-seeded or four 1-seeded pits or schizocarp with four 1-seeded nutlets; seeds with embryo straight or curved. Pollination mostly by insects. Drupaceous fruits are dispersed by birds, whereas corky ones (Argusia, Cordia) are carried away by water. Economic importance: Several species of Heliotropium (heliotrope), Mertensia (virgin bluebells), Myosotis (forget-me-not), Cordia (Geiger tree), Cynoglossum (hound’s tongue) and Pulmonaria (lungwort) are grown as ornamentals. Several species such as Borago officinalis (borage), Symphytum officinalis (comphrey) and Lithospermum spp. (pucoon) have been used as medicinal herbs. Alkanna tinctoria (alkanet) is a source of red dye used to stain wood and marble and to colour medicines, wines and cosmetics. Expected genera in India Adelocaryum Anchusa Arnebia Asperugo Bothriospermum Chionocharis Cordia Cynoglossum Ehretia Echinospermum Eritrichium Hackelia Heliotropium Lappula Lindelofia Lithospermum Lycopsis Maharanga Mertensia Microula Myosotis Onosma Paracaryum Pseudomertensia Rochelia Solenanthus Trigonotis To add in short: Flora of Mah. BSI mentions following native genera . . Species, genera & family page of Boraginaceae are now with images : 1 post by 1 author. Species & genera pages of (Boraginaceae) in efloraofindia are now with images. This work was done by mainly me, … & … It is one of the big families in efi & the work started on 16.7.16 in a systematic way & was completed today only on 6.8.16. It involves inserting images on around 69 species pages (say around 500 images) & 27 genera pages. It also involved a lot of cleansing work, correctly identify some of the threads, putting them at their proper places, proper formatting of the species pages etc. It was certainly a very rewarding experience. I request our members to pl. take up one family each & try to make efloraofindia more constructive. We will be rendering what ever assistance is required by the members, in this matter. |
Updated on December 24, 2024