Abutilon species- Delhi

  ID weed AR04 080318 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) March 2018 in Delhi.  Whole plant and dried flower pic attached.  An APP identified it as velvetleaf.  It is a weed….. Near wheat fields.  Plz also tell Hindi or local name if anyone knows. Pl. check  /species/m—z/m/malvaceae/abutilon  

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Clematis roylei

Clematis roylei Rehder, J. Arnold Arbor. 22: 575 1941. (Syn: Clematis nutans Royle [Illegitimate]); Common name: Royle’s Clematis India (Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh), Nepal, Myanmar [Burma] (Kachin, Chin) as per Catalogue of Life; India: Shaded places in forests along banks of rivers or streams, 500 – 2200 m. Himachal […]

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Musa species- Chennai, Tamilnadu

    Banana-like plant for id 030311MK3: Please help to id this plant. Is this any Musaceae? Location: nursery at Padappai near Chennai Altitude: c. 10msl Date: 08 Jan 2011 This plant is seen planted in a pot. My colleague told that he had seen this plant in the plains of Mudumalai wls, TN [alt: […]

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Eucalyptus species- sapling at Bhopal, MP

  Is this a Santalum sapling? : 6 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (1) There are quite a few trees at a spot in Manav Sangrahalaya, Bhopal (near the auditorium and the houses from Himachal and Sikkim) which have a black bark and fruits-berries that resemble a variety of jamun and attract a lot of birds.  […]

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Eucalyptus globulus ?

Eucalyptus globulus ?;   Seed of which tree? : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)- 4 MB.  Place: Bombay Shola, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu Date: 19/01/18 Can not say.     Here is a picture of the leaves alongside the seeds. Would this be helpful for identification? Attachments (1) – 6 mb Some Eucalyptus species.  Definitely […]

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Eucalyptus globulus

Eucalyptus globulus Labill., Voy. Rech. Pérouse 1: 153 1800. (syn: Eucalyptus gigantea Dehnh.; Eucalyptus glauca A.Cunn. ex DC.; Eucalyptus globulosus St.-Lag.; Eucalyptus globulus subsp. globulus ; Eucalyptus maidenii subsp. globulus (Labill.) J.B.Kirkp.; Eucalyptus perfoliata Desf.; Eucalyptus pulverulenta Link [Illegitimate]); New South Wales to Tasmania as per WCSP; Australia (Tasmania, Victoria), N-New Zealand (introduced), S-New Zealand […]

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Eucalyptus species- California, USA

  Eucalyptus species for ID California Jun 2011: 2 images. I would appreciate if I can get a possible ID of this Eucalyptus tree growing in Palo alto Baylands park California.A huge tree. Flowers few cm white to cream in clusters.

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Eucalyptus species- California, USA

    Eucalyptus for ID California Jun 2011: 2 images.  I would appreciate if I can get a possible ID of this Eucalyptus tree growing in Palo alto Baylands park California.A huge tree. Flowers few cm violet in clusters.

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Eucalyptus woodwardii (Australia)

Eucalyptus woodwardii Maiden, J. Nat. Hist. Sci. Soc. Western Australia 3: 42 1910. ; SC. Western Australia as per WCSP;   Flora-Aus.-82:   Eucalyptus diversifolia. Pl confirm sp. Worldwide 700 species of this genus, all but 12 spp. endemic to Australia. Does not match with the stated species. May be Eucalyptus woodwardii as per images at […]

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Eucalyptus species- Jaipur, Rajasthan

  ID-DKB175a(Eucalyptus robusta?) : 5 posts by 4 authors. 2 images. This is an Eucalyptus  species with Cracked bark. I think Eucalyptus robusta? please confirm. I believe so. We have one nearby, and it resembles this tree. Thanks, In these days (29.8.09) flowering on this tree. It is near Jaipur (Rajasthan) Now monsoon time. This […]

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Darwinia citriodora (Australia)

Darwinia citriodora (Endl.) Benth., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 9: 180 1865. (syn: Genetyllis citriodora Endl.; Genetyllis pimeloides F.Muell.; Hedaroma latifolium Lindl.); SW. Australia as per WCSP;   Flora-Australia-85 : 2 images.Darwinia sp. Probably Darwinia citriodora Was Not knowing about any Genus or species related to a great scientist. References: The Plant List Ver.1.1  WCSP  IPNI […]

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Actephila excelsa ?

Actephila excelsa ?   260218BHAR02 KMTR : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)- 1 MB.  Found in Mundandurai, near Papanasam dam Tamil nadu. I think difficult to id with such images.   Please check for Actephila excelsa (Euphorbiaceae)

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Blastus cochinchinensis

Blastus cochinchinensis Lour., Fl. Cochinch. 2: 527 1790. (syn: Anplectrum parviflorum Benth.; Blastus marchandii H. Lév.; Blastus parviflorus (Benth.) Triana); China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hunan, Yunnan), Taiwan, Cambodia, India, Myanmar [Burma], Vietnam, Japan (Yakushima Isl.), Ryukyu Isl. as per Catalogue of Life; Blastus cochinchinensis : 4 posts by 2 authors. I am currently updating […]

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Acantholimon lycopodioides (Girard) Boiss. (China (NW-Xinjiang), N-India, Pakistan (Chitral, Swat, Kohistan), Pakistani Kashmir (Astor, Gilgit, Baltistan), Tajikistan, Afghanistan (Badakshan, Wakhan, Baghlan, Kunar / Nuristan, Laghman, Parwan), Jammu & Kashmir (Dras, Ladakh, Zanskar), Tibet as per Catalogue of Life)   Some species found in India with description & keys from Flora of Pakistan (Distribution): Acantholimon lycopodioides (Girard) […]

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Protium serratum

Protium serratum (Wall. ex Colebr.) Engl., Monogr. Phan. 4: 88 1883. (syn: Bursera serrata Wall. ex Colebr.; Dracontomelon laoticum Evrard & Tardieu; Icica bengalensis Voigt; Icica indica Wight & Arn.; Icica serrata DC.; Schinus benghalensis Buch.-Ham.; Schinus niara Buch.-Ham.; Schinus saheria Buch.-Ham.; Tingulonga serrata (Wall. ex Colebr.) Kuntze); India (Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Assam, […]

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