Invasive species control

    Invasive species control : 10 posts by 7 authors. Recently I came across a post of Dendrobium barbatulum growing on Acacia. So I felt like writing about it. There are many ways to look at it, but ultimately it is not a happy moment in anycase.   Orchid seed germination is strictly dependent […]

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Echinopsis chamaecereus

Echinopsis chamaecereus H.Friedrich & Glaetzle, Bradleya 1: 96 1983. (syn: Cereus silvestrii Speg.; Cereus silvestrii var. crassicaulis Backeb.; Chamaecereus silvestrii (Speg.) Britton & Rose; Lobivia silvestrii (Speg.) G.D. Rowley);   Peanut Cactus;       Cactus for ID : MNP,Mumbai : 120313 : AK-1 : 1image. 4 posts by 2 authors. Seen during an exhibition at […]

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Uncommon trees of mysore and glimpse of Ranganathittu flora

    Few Uncommon trees of mysore and glimpse of Ranganathittu flora :  Visit following link in MYSORENATURE.ORG on above subject for more information, drafted by KBS Sir.        

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Mucuna gigantea

Mucuna gigantea (Willd.) DC., Prodr. 2:405. 1825 (syn: Carpopogon giganteum (Willd.) Roxb.; Dolichos gigantea Willd. [Spelling variant]; Dolichos giganteus Willd.; Mucuna gigantea subsp. tashiroi (Hayata) H. Ohashi & Tateishi; Mucuna grevei Drake; Mucuna tashiroi Hayata; Negretia gigantea (Willd.) Oken; Stizolobium giganteum (Willd.) Spreng.; Stizolobium giganteum (Roxb.) Kuntze; Stizolobium quadrialatum (Baker) Kuntze;                               Carpogon giganteus (Willd.) Roxb.; […]

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Impatiens mullaingiriensis

Impatiens mullaingiriensis Bhaskar, Taxon. Monogr. Impatiens W. Ghats 159. 2012;   India (Karnataka) as per Catalogue of life;    Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week :: RKC_04 :: 08 MAR 13 :: Balsaminaceae » Impatiens sp. 02 from Kemmanugundi :  3 images. 3 posts by 2 authors. Impatiens sp. for ID plz. Loc.: Kemmanugundi, Karnataka (ca […]

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Strombocactus disciformis

Strombocactus disciformis (DC.) Britton & Rose, Cactaceae 3: 106-107, f. 115, 116 106 1922. (syn: Mammillaria disciformis DC.; Strombocactus jarmilae Halda);       Cactus for ID : Flower Show,Mumbai : 110313 : AK-2 : 1 image. 3 posts by 2 authors. Another cactus seen at the flower show in Mumbai during Feb, 2011. Crested […]

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Impatiens travancorica

Impatiens travancorica Bedd., Icon. pl. Ind. or. 29., t. 142. 1868 ; Image by Santhosh Kumar – validation by V.Bhaskar   Annual herb, 10-15 cm high; stems branched, rarely glabrous. Leaves rosulate at top, ovate-elliptic, crenate and ciliate on crenatures at margin, subacute at apex, 1-3 x 1-2 cm; petioles slender, 1.5-4 cm long. Peduncles […]

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Argyreia species- Lonavala, Mulshi, Pune

      identification no100313sn1 : 4 images. 8 posts by 8 authors. Please Help in identification of this plant. date/time:oct12 location:ambyvalley rd, lonavala,mulshi,pune habitat:wild plant habit:climber height:may be 5-6 ft. Argyreia sp I presume Ipomoea sp Most probably Argyreia speciosa. Pictures relating to habit, close up of the flower(s) and the leaf surface would […]

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Impatiens aliciae

Impatiens aliciae C.E.C.Fisch., Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1934: 389 1934. ; Images by E.S. Santhosh Kumar     Annual herb, 20-35 cm high, often procumbent; stems branched; internodes 5-7 cm long. Leaves opposite, subsessile, linear-lanceolate, narrow at base, serrate at margin, apiculate at apex, 2-10 x 0.3-0.9 cm, glabrous or minutely papillose-hispidulous above, glabrous and […]

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Impatiens wightiana

Impatiens wightiana Bedd., Madras J. Lit. Sci. ser. 2, 20:67. 1858 ; Image by Santhosh Kumar    Erect glabrous herbs. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate, acuminate, base rounded or obtuse, margins serrate or crenate, to 15 x 5 cm; petiole to 7 cm long with a few stipitate glands below the lamina. Racemes 10-15 cm long; flowers 2 […]

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Impatiens verticillata

Impatiens verticillata Wight, Madras J. Lit. Sci. 5:15. 1837 ; Image by Santhosh Kumar     [efloraofindia:148398] Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week: : BALSAMINACEAE: Impatiens verticillata from Kerala :  1 image. 5 posts by 5 authors. Impatiens verticillata from Kerala Very nice! You have a great collection of endemic balsams.      References: GRIN  The Plant […]

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Impatiens tangachee

Impatiens tangachee Bedd., Madras J. Lit. Sci. ser. 2, 20:66. 1859 ; Image by Santhosh Kumar  Shrubs. Leaves to 11 x 2.5 cm, elliptic, acute, base cuneate, glabrous, serrate with prolonged bristles, green above and pale beneath, subsessile. Racemes axillary; peduncle to 12 cm; bracts 5 mm, ovate; flowers pink, irregular; sepals 3, lip 1 […]

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Impatiens cordata

Impatiens cordata Wight, Madras J. Lit. Sci. ser. 1, 5:10. 1837 ;   Annual herbs, stem prostrate and rooting at nodes. Leaves ovate-cordate, acuminate, sparsely hairy along nerves, to 5 cm across; petiole to 3 cm long. Flowers in axillary umbellate, 3-5 flowered racemes, peduncle 5-7 cm long. Flowers 2.5 cm long, pink with purple […]

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Impatiens leptura

Impatiens leptura Hook. f., Fl. Brit. India 1:467. 1875 ; Image by Santhosh Kumar     [efloraofindia:148398] Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week: ESSK 14 BALSAMINACEAE: Impatiens from Kerala : 1 image. 1 post by 1 author. Impatiens leptura Hook.f. from Kerala       References: GRIN  The Plant List  473. Impatiens leptura Hook. f. – IIIM  […]

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Impatiens diversifolia

Impatiens diversifolia Wall. ex Wight & Arn., Prodr. fl. Ind. orient. 139. 1834 ; Images by Santhosh Kumar     [efloraofindia:148398] Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week: ESSK 10: BALSAMINACEAE: Impatiens from Kerala :  2 images. 1 post by 1 author. Impatiens diversifolia from Kerala      References: GRIN  The Plant List  Flora Of Davanagere District: Karnataka, India […]

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Impatiens grandis

Impatiens grandis B. Heyne ex Wall., W. Roxburgh, Fl. ind. 2:465. 1824 (Syn: (=) Impatiens hookeriana Arn.); Images by Vijayasankar Raman      Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week : BALSAMINACEAE : RVS 5 : Impatiens grandis : 3 images. 9 posts by 8 authors. Impatiens grandis, from the Western Ghats of Tirunelveli, TN. Very beautiful, at […]

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indigenous plants scientific names, local names and their distribution

    may i get indigenous plants scientific names, local names and their distribution plz :  basically i used to get big confusion while discussing about indigenous plants and their availability and conservation. Thanks, … & welcome to efloraofindia. We are working in that direction. Pl. see our efforts till now with pictures at efi links: /home […]

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Impatiens levingei

Impatiens levingei Gamble ex Hook.f. (Unresolved), Rec. Bot. Surv. India 4: 39 1906. ; Image by Santhosh Kumar    Small herbs; stem very small or absent. Leaves few, to 5 x 6 cm, broadly ovate, deeply cordate at base, acute at apex, distantly serrate, glabrous; petiole to 11 cm long. Scape 15-18 cm long, 1-3-together. […]

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Biophytum reinwardtii var. keralanum

Biophytum reinwardtii var. keralanum E.S.S. Kumar & al., Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany 25: 745. 2001[2002].; India (Kerala) as per Catalogue of life;     Biophytum reinwardtii var keralanum :  1 image. 3 posts by 3 authors. Kindly see another endemic plant of Kerala: Biophytum reinwardtii var keralanum E S S Kumar & al.. This […]

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