Asparagus curillus Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb., Fl. Ind. ed. 1832 2: 152 1832. (syn: Asparagopsis curilla (Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb.) Kunth; Asparagus nepalensis Baker; Protasparagus curillus (Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb.) Kamble); . W. Central & Central Himalaya to India (Punjab): India, Nepal, West Himalaya as per POWO; . Asparagus filicinus Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don: 2 very high res. images. Location: Kalikot, West […]
Category: Asparagus
Asparagus capitatus
Asparagus capitatus Baker, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 14: 607 (1875) (syn: Protasparagus capitatus (Baker) Kamble); . E. Afghanistan to W. Himalaya: Afghanistan, Pakistan, West Himalaya as per POWO; . . id request Asparagus: 4 high res. images. Please check the attached images of Asparagus, it seems filicinus for me. Captured Garhwal Uttarakhand. 1200 amsl. Caldodes – tuft […]
Asparagus dumosus
Asparagus dumosus Baker, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 14: 608 1875. (syn: Protasparagus dumosus (Baker) Kamble); Images by Paresh Churi – identified by Rohit Kumar (inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade) Asperagus sp. for id from Gujarat, Lakhpat, Aug-2015 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) Please identify this sp. from arid region, it is common in […]
Asparagus gonoclados
Asparagus gonoclados Baker, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 14: 627 1875. (Syn: Protasparagus gonoclados (Baker) Kamble); . Images by Anurag Sharma – identified by Santhan P & Vinayak Upadhya, (inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade) ANSEPT27 Asparagus sp. for Id : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4). Thadiyandamol, Coorg August 2014 For me this one […]
Asparagus asiaticus
Asparagus asiaticus L., Sp. Pl. 313 1753. (Syn: Asparagopsis willdenowii Kunth; Asparagus divaricatus Royle [Invalid]; Asparagus gracilis Salisb.; Asparagus steudneri Schweinf. ex Engl.; Protasparagus asiaticus (L.) Kamble); Image by Santhan P (inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade) Asparagus asiaticus L : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author. Date/Time- 27/06/2010 Location- Place, Altitude, GPS-: 610m, Kalasapura […]
Asparagus officinalis ?
Asparagus officinalis ?; 170713 ASP 115 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. Please ID this small creeper with no flowers. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in Oct 2012. Looks like Asparagus officianalis.-Asparagaceae. Needs more pics. SK1249 02 JUL 2018 : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)- around […]
Asparagus adscendens
Asparagus adscendens Roxb., Fl. Ind. ed. 1832 2: 153 1832. (Syn: Asparagopsis adscendens (Roxb.) Kunth; Asparagus satawur James A.Murray; Protasparagus adscendens (Roxb.) Kamble); . Asparagus adscendens ATJULY2018/02 : 12 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) Asparagus adscendens Local name: Sanspai Sacred plant in lower areas of H.P. and worshiped during marriages. Clicked at Solan (H.P.) what a spectacular show this plant puts out and essential ingredient of the original Kansar in Gujarat. […]
Asparagus setaceus
Asparagus setaceus (Kunth) Jessop, Bothalia 9: 51 1966. (Syn: Asparagopsis setacea Kunth; Asparagus asiaticus var. amharicus Pic.Serm.; Asparagus lujae De Wild.; Asparagus plumosus Baker; Asparagus plumosus var. tenuissimus auct.; Asparagus zanzibaricus Baker; Protasparagus plumosus (Baker) Oberm.; Protasparagus setaceus (Kunth) Oberm.); . efloraofindia:”For Id 08102012MR2’’ is this garden plant Asparagus plumosus at Pune: 02/10/2012 potted plant […]
Asparagus species
efloraindia: 211111 BRS184: Pl. find the attached file contain photos for id.request. Date: 19.11.2011, Location: Peelamedu, Coimbatore Habitat: Garden Habit: herb/climber Asparagus sp., I suppose yes Sir Asparagus Herb ID request – RK20 – 16-Oct-2012: Would really like to know the id of this herb with very slim trifoliate leaves in Mumbai. I haven’t […]
Asparagus aethiopicus
Asparagus aethiopicus L., Mant. Pl. 1 1770. (Syn: Asparagopsis aethiopica (L.) Kunth; Asparagopsis lancea (Thunb.) Kunth; Asparagus aculeatus Voss; Asparagus laetus Salisb.; Asparagus lanceus Thunb.; Asparagus maximus Voss;Asparagus sprengeri Regel ; Protasparagus aethiopicus (L.) Oberm.); Images by (Bhagyashri Ranade – identified by Arving Kadus) & (Neha Singh – identified by Giby Kuriakose), (inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade) […]
Asparagus falcatus
Asparagus falcatus L., Sp. Pl. 313 1753. (Syn: Asparagus aethiopicus var. ternifolius Baker; Asparagus falcatus var. falcatus ; Asparagus falcatus var. ternifolius (Baker) Jessop; Protasparagus falcatus (L.) Oberm.); Image by Aarti Khale – identified by Giby Kuriakose (inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade ) SW. Ethiopia to S. Africa, Arabian Pen., India, Sri Lanka (as per […]
Asparagus officinalis
Asparagus officinalis L., Sp. Pl. 313 1753. (Syn: Asparagus polyphyllus Steven; Asparagus altilis (L.) Asch.; Asparagus altilis subsp. oxycarpus (Steven) K.Richt.; Asparagus altilis subsp. polyphyllus (Steven ex Ledeb.) K.Richt.; Asparagus caspius Schult. & Schult.f.; Asparagus caspius Hohen. [Illegitimate]; Asparagus collinus Schur [Illegitimate]; Asparagus esculentus Salisb.; Asparagus hedecarpus Andrews ex Baker; Asparagus littoralis Steven; Asparagus officinalis […]
Asparagus filicinus
IUCN Red List Status: Data Deficient (DD) Asparagus filicinus Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 49 1825. (Syn: Asparagus filicinus var. brevifolius Baker; Asparagus filicinus var. brevipes Baker; Asparagus filicinus var. giraldii C.H.Wright; Asparagus filicinus var. megaphyllus F.T.Wang & Tang; Asparagus filicinus var. microclada Hook.f.; Asparagus qinghaiensis Y.Wan; Protasparagus filicinus (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) Kamble; Protasparagus […]
Asparagus densiflorus
Asparagus densiflorus (Kunth) Jessop, Bothalia 9: 65 1966. (Syn: Asparagopsis densiflora Kunth; Asparagus myriocladus Baker; Asparagus sarmentosus var. comatus Baker; Asparagus sarmentosus var. densiflorus (Kunth) Baker; Protasparagus densiflorus (Kunth) Oberm.); Images by (Aarti Khale – identified by Ajinkya Gadave & Pankaj Kumar) & Prashant Awale, (inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade) Asparagus densiflorus: I had seen […]
Asparagus racemosus
Asparagus racemosus Willd., Sp. Pl. 2: 152 1799. (syn. Asparagopsis abyssinica Kunth; Asparagopsis acerosa Kunth; Asparagopsis brownei Kunth; Asparagopsis decaisnei Kunth; Asparagopsis floribunda Kunth [Illegitimate]; Asparagopsis hohenackeri Kunth; Asparagopsis javanica Kunth; Asparagopsis retrofracta Schweinf. ex Baker; Asparagopsis sarmentosa Dalzell & A.Gibson [Illegitimate]; Asparagopsis subquadrangularis Kunth; Asparagus acerosus Roxb. [Illegitimate]; Asparagus dubius Decne.; Asparagus fasciculatus R.Br. [Illegitimate]; […]