Saussurea schultzii

Saussurea schultzii Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 3: 366 (1881) (syn: Theodorea schultzii (Hook.f.) Kuntze); N. Pakistan to W. Himalaya and W. Tibet as per POWO; Images by Sayed Nudrat Zawar, ID by Gurcharan Singh, Pankaj Kumar, Srikant Ingalhalikar, Saroj Kasaju and J M Garg  ID for Leh Flowers 33 a-c : 9 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3) Please identify this plant This is Saussurea obvallata the Brahma […]

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Saussurea glanduligera

Saussurea glanduligera Sch.Bip. ex Hook.f., 371 1881. (syn: Saussurea glanduligera var. glanduligera ; Saussurea glanduligera var. major Hook.f.);   Ladakh flora 15, up. id pl : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Location -on the way getting down from Kongmarula to Shang-sumdo  at the height of appro 4700 mtr. on 7th August 16. id […]

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Saussurea graminifolia

Saussurea graminifolia Wall. ex DC., 536 1838. ;    Images by D.S.Rawat (1) and Prashant (2,3,4-validation by D.S.Rawat)     Saussurea graminifolia (Asteraceae) from Uttarakhand: Sep.2014_DSR_16 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1). Saussurea graminifolia (Asteraceae) photographed above Bhagwabasa near Roopkund (Chamoli) Uttarakhand 4500m altitude. Thanks for showing rare alpine beauty   Saussurea graminifolia?? […]

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Saussurea candolleana

Saussurea candolleana (DC.) Sch. Bip., Linnaea 19: 331 (1846). (syn: Saussurea pterocaulon Decne.; Aplotaxis candolleana Candolle, Prodr. 6: 541. 1838; Saussurea candolleana var. glabrata Lipschitz; S. candolleana subsp. platyptera Lipschitz);   Images by Anzar A.Khuroo (1,2-ID by J.M.Garg) and D.S.Rawat (3,4)    ASTERACEAE Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads Saussurea candolleana from Uttarakhand_DSR_30 : Attachments (1). 2 posts […]

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Saussurea atkinsonii

Saussurea atkinsonii C.B.Clarke, Comp. Ind. 226. 226 . ; Image by D.S.Rawat ASTERACEAE Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads: Saussurea atkinsonii from Uttarakhand_DSR_14 : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 2 authors. Saussurea atkinsonii C.B.Clarke is an endemic species of alpine Western Himalaya from Uttarakhand to J & K. It is listed in IUCN Red List of Threatened […]

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Saussurea glacialis

Saussurea glacialis Herder, in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. xi. (1867) II. 144. 144 1867. (Syn: Saussurea pamirica C.Winkl.; Saussurea violacea Pamp.); . Images by Suresh Rana, validation by Gurcharan Singh Saussurea sp. from Paddar valley J&K. 01 : Attachments (1). 5 posts by 3 authors. Request for ID confirmation. Can this plant be Saussurea glacialis […]

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Saussurea inversa

Saussurea inversa Raab-Straube, Willdenowia. 41: 92. 2011 (Syn: Brit. India 3: 377. 1881, not S. glabrata (Candolle) C. Shih (1999); S. gnaphalodes (Royle ex Candolle) Schultz Bipontinus var. glabrata (J. D. Hooker) Handel-Mazzetti; S. hypsipeta Diels var. glabrata (J. D. Hooker) Lipschitz.);   Inverse Snow Lotus;   Image by Suresh Rana   Saussurea sp. from […]

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Saussurea taraxacifolia

Saussurea taraxacifolia Wall. ex DC., Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 6: 532 1838. (Syn: Aplotaxis caespitosa DC.; Aplotaxis taraxacifolia DC.; Cyathidium taraxacifolium Lindl. ex Royle; Cyathidium taraxacifolium Lindl.);   Images by D.S.Rawat & Suresh Rana (ID by Gurcharan Singh)     Saussurea sp. from Paddar valley J&K. 06: Request for ID validation. Can this plant be Saussurea […]

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Saussurea gnaphalodes

Saussurea gnaphalodes (Royle) Sch.Bip., Linnaea 19: 331. 1846 331 1846. (syn: Aplotaxis gnaphalodes Royle; Aplotaxis sorocephala Schrenk; Haplotaxis sorocephala (Schrenk) Schrenk; Saussurea gnaphalodes (Royle) Ostenf.; Saussurea sorocephala (Schrenk) Hook.f. & Thomson ex C.B.Clarke; Saussurea sorocephala (Schrenk) Sch.Bip.; Saussurea sorocephala (Schrenk) Schrenk; Theodorea gnaphalodes (Royle) Kuntze); . Trans Himalayan Flower for ID : 5 posts by 3 […]

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Saussurea gossypiphora

Saussurea gossypiphora D.Don, in Mem. Wern. Soc. iii. (1821) 414. 1821. (Syn: Cnicus gossypinus Wall. ex DC.;  Eriocoryne nidularis Wall. ex DC.;                        Aplotaxis gossypina DC.; Saussurea gossypina Wall.);   Images by C.S.Rana (1) and Suresh Rana (2,3)   Flora Picture of the year 2011: Suresh Rana: I am sharing the photograph of Saussurea hopefully Saussurea gossypiphora […]

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Saussurea caespitosa

Saussurea caespitosa Wall., Numer. List [Wallich] n. 2913 2913 . (Unresolved);   Help required…………: I need guidance on the status of Saussurea caespitosa var. depressa(Hook. f.) Lipschitz. and S. taraxacifolia var. depressa Hook. f. According to the plant list the two of them are not synonyms and moreover the variety depressa does not find mention […]

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Saussurea costus

IUCN Red List Status: Critically Endangered (CR) . Saussurea costus (Falc.) Lipsch., Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) xlix. 131 (1964). 1964. (Syn: Aplotaxis lappa Decne.; Aucklandia costus Falc.; Aucklandia lappa Decne.; Saussurea lappa (Decne.) Sch.Bip.; Theodorea costus Kuntze); . so-SUR-ree-a — named for Nicolas-Theodore de Saussure, Swiss chemist and … Dave’s Botanary KOS-tus — derived […]

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Saussurea globosa

Saussurea globosa F.H.Chen, 1935. (Syn: Saussurea taipaiensis Ling); Image by Piyush Kumar Dutta, ID by Ritesh KumarChoudhary   Need Help for Identification:  Help me to identify the plant attached here with. I think your plant is Saussurea globosa. Pl check the following link to confirm References:

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Saussurea albescens

Saussurea albescens (DC.) Sch.Bip., Linnaea 19: 330 1846. (Syn: Aplotaxis albescens DC.; Himalaiella albescens (DC.) (Unresolved));   Tall perennial herb reaching 3 m with several stems from base; leaves linear, lanceolate, elliptic to oblong, lower petioled and sinuately lobed, upper entire and nearly sessile, up to 30 cm long, white woolly beneath; Flower-heads purplish, subcylindrical, up […]

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Saussurea uniflora

Saussurea uniflora (DC.) Wall. ex Sch.Bip., Linnaea 19: 320 1846. (Syn: Aplotaxis uniflora DC.; Saussurea uniflora (Wall. ex Hook.f.) C.B.Clarke; Saussurea uniflora Wall. ex Hook.f.; Saussurea uniflora var. sinensis J.Anthony);                   Refrences: 

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Saussurea simpsoniana

Saussurea simpsoniana (Fielding & Gardner) Lipsch.,“in Novit. Syst. Pl. Vasc., Acad. Sci. URSS, 1964, 319 (1964).” 1964. (Syn: Aplotaxis gossypina var. minor DC.; Aplotaxis simpsoniana Fielding & Gardner; Saussurea sacra Edgew.); . Common name: Phen Kamal • Dogri: ghuggi, jogi booti, jogi phull, jogipadshah • Hindi: फेन कमल Fen Kamal • Kashmiri: Jogi Padsha; .  Alpine […]

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Saussurea piptathera

Saussurea piptathera Edgew., Trans. Linn. Soc. London 20(1): 76, in obs.” 76 1846. (Syn: Aplotaxis discolor DC.); Images by Nidhan Singh (1,2,3) and Prashant Awale (4-validation by Balkar Singh)   2nd week of August’10 during the trek from Ghangaria to Hemkunt Sahib; Flora of Uttarakhand- Herb3 for Id- JM – efloraofindia | Google Groups VOF […]

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Saussurea obvallata

Saussurea obvallata (DC.) Edgew., Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 20: 76 1846. (Syn: Aplotaxis obvallata DC.; Carduus tectus Wall. [Invalid]; Saussurea obvallata (DC.) Sch.Bip.; Saussurea obvallata Wall. [Illegitimate]); . so-SUR-ree-a — named for Nicolas-Theodore de Saussure, Swiss chemist and … Dave’s Botanary ob-val-LAY-ta or ob-val-LAH-ta — surrounded; guarded or enclosed … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: brahma kamal • Hindi: ब्रह्म […]

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Saussurea nepalensis

Saussurea nepalensis Spreng., Syst. Veg. (ed. 16) [Sprengel] 3: 380 380 1826. (syn: Aplotaxis nepalensis (Spreng.) DC.; Centaurea taraxacifolia D.Don; Eriostemon taraxacifolium Less.; Saussurea chapmanii C.E.C.Fisch.; Saussurea eriostemon Wall. ex C.B.Clarke [Illegitimate]; Saussurea eriostemon Wall.; Theodorea taraxacifolia Kuntze); Common name: Nepal Saw-wort  Image by Ushaprabha (mixed thread) id pl. (mixed thread): 1 correct image as […]

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Saussurea fastuosa

Saussurea fastuosa (Decne.) Sch.Bip., Linnaea 19: 331. 1846 331 . (Syn: Aplotaxis denticulata (Wall. ex C.B.Clarke) DC.; Aplotaxis denticulata var. hypoleuca DC.; Aplotaxis fastuosa Decne.; Saussurea denticulata Wall. ex C.B.Clarke [Illegitimate]; Saussurea fastuosa (Decne.) Hand.-Mazz. [Illegitimate]; Saussurea fastuosa (Decne.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Klatt; Saussurea forrestii Diels; Saussurea wallichii Sch.Bip.);     VOF Week: Saussurea […]

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