Sonchus brachyotus DC., Prodr. 7(1): 186 (1838) (syn: Sonchus arenicola Vorosch.; Sonchus arvensis subsp. arenicola (Vorosch.) Vorosch.; Sonchus arvensis var. glaber Haines; Sonchus brachyotus var. potaninii Tzvelev; Sonchus cavaleriei H.Lév.; Sonchus chinensis Fisch.; Sonchus fauriei H.Lév. & Vaniot; Sonchus shzucinianus Turcz. ex Herder; Sonchus taquetii H.Lév.; Sonchus wightianus var. glaber (Haines) H.O.Saxena & Brahmam); . Central Asia to Japan and N. India: Assam, China North-Central, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, India, Inner […]
Category: Sonchus
Sonchus arvensis (Canada)
Sonchus arvensis L., Sp. Pl. 793 1753. (syn: Hieracium arvense Scop.; Hieracium spinulosum Spreng.; Lepicaune spinulosa Lapeyr.; Sonchoseris arvensis Fourr.; Sonchus arvensis var. eglandulosus Farw.; Sonchus arvensis var. shumovichii B.Boivin; Sonchus cumbulus Buch.-Ham. ex Wall.; Sonchus exaltatus Wallr.; Sonchus glaber Schult.; Sonchus glandulosus Schur; Sonchus hispidus Gilib.; Sonchus intermedius W.D.J.Koch; Sonchus ketzkhovelii Schchian; Sonchus laevissimus Schur; Sonchus longifolius Wall.; Sonchus maritimus Turcz.; Sonchus nitidus Vill.; Sonchus orixensis Roxb.; Sonchus repens Bubani); . Temp. Eurasia: Altay, Amur, Austria, Baltic […]
Sonchus oleraceus ?
Malhargad near Pune, MH :: Sonchus for ID :: ARK2021-054: Saw this Sonchus at Malhargad near Pune in July 2021 on a small hillock. Unfortunately, have only these 2 pics, will it help in arriving at the ID? Would appreciate any help in this matter. Sonchus oleraceus L. ?? Yes, possible though the tip of the […]
Sonchus wightianus ?
Sonchus wightianus ?; . Asteraceae For ID : Nasik : 24FEB16 : AK-09 : 09/09 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Asteraceae weed found growing wild on 29th Dec,2015. Kindly help in id. If you have any other pictures, pl. post. Unfortunately I have only this picture. Sonchus oleraceous ?? Thanks for your feedback … Looks correct to […]
Sonchus maritimus (Pakistan)
Sonchus maritimus L., 1192 1759. (syn: Sonchidium maritimum (L.) Pomel; Sonchoseris maritima Fourr.; Sonchus angustifolius Neck.; Sonchus arvensis subsp. maritimus (L.) P.Fourn.; Sonchus baburi Popov; Sonchus balthicus Fries ex Link; Sonchus decorus Castagne; Sonchus hieracioides Willk.; Sonchus littoralis Rchb.; Sonchus maritimus subsp. aquatilis Nyman; Sonchus maritimus var. canescens Maire & Sennen; Sonchus maritimus subsp. cartilagineus […]
Sonchus wightianus
Sonchus wightianus DC., 187 1838. (Syn: Sonchus picris H.Lév. & Vaniot; Sonchus wightianus subsp. wightianus ; Sonchus lingianus C. Shih; S. picris H. Léveillé & Vaniot; S. wallichianus Candolle; S. wightianus subsp. wallichianus (Candolle) Boulos; Sonchus arvensis auct. non L.; Hook. f. Flora Br. Ind. 3: 414. 1881, p.p.); . As per efi thread : Plants […]
Sonchus species
ID help please: An Asteraceae, to me, but was quite far off and in a locked campus…. just managed to shoot the flowers. Apologies for not including the leaves… Patuli, Kolkata, India 20 feb 2011 Sonchus asper from Lohari Panipat: Sonchus asper?? from Lohari Panipat The more I see Sonchus species, more confused I get, […]
Sonchus species ?
Sonchus species ?; Bhopal, December 13, 2009; Bhopal/winter/2009/5 – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Sonchus oleraceus
Sonchus oleraceus (L.) L., Sp. Pl. 794 1753. (Syn: Sonchus australis Hort. ex Trev. ….); . Images by Gurcharan Singh & (Alka Khare – Id by Nidhan Singh), (Formore photos & complete details, click on the links) . Common sowthistle, Sow thistle, Smooth Sow Thistle, Annual Sow Thistle, Hare’s Colwort, Hare’s Thistle, Milky Tassel, Swinies, […]
Sonchus asper
Sonchus asper (L.) Hill, Herb. Brit. 1: 47. 1769. 47 1769. (Syn: Sonchus aemulus Merino ….); . As per efi thread : Plants perennial, up to 2 m tall, leaves mostly entire or denticulate, not spiny margined, heads 3-5 cm across…………………..S. arvensis auct. non L. (now Sonchus wightianus DC.) Plant annual, up to 1.5 m […]