Glebionis carinata

Glebionis carinata (Schousb.) Tzvelev, Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 84(7):117. 1999 (Syn: (≡) Chrysanthemum carinatum Schousb. (basionym);  (≡) Ismelia carinata (Schousb.) Sch. Bip.);    Images by D S Rawat, Inserted by Gurcharan Singh                                              […]

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  Glebionis carinata (Schousb.) Tzvelev (Images by D S Rawat, Inserted by Gurcharan Singh)                                                  Glebionis coronaria (L.) Cass. ex Spach (Images by Aarti Khale (ID by Gurcharan Singh), Surajit Koley,  Gurcharan Singh and Nidhan […]

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What’s there in the name ?

    What’s there in the name?:   ‘If we do not know the names of things, the knowledge of them is lost too’(Linnaeus, 1751). All wisdom begins by calling all living (including humans) and non living things by their proper names…..T.N.Khoshoo in his article in Current Science 1995. An interesting link related to the topic. […]

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Lasianthus japonicus subsp. longicaudus

Lasianthus japonicus subsp. longicaudus (Hook.f.) C.Y.Wu & H.Zhu, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 32: 80 1994. (Syn: Lasianthus longicaudus Hook.f.; Lasianthus pseudojaponicus Masam.; Litosanthes longicauda (Hook.f.) Deb & M.G.Gangop.; Nonatelia longicauda (Hook.f.) Kuntze);    Rubiaceae Week: Sharing Rubiaceae Photo from Arunachal Pradesh: 2images. I wish to share some Rubiaceae pics from Arunachal Pradesh.      References: The Plant […]

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‘Oldest living thing on earth’ discovered

    ‘Oldest living thing on earth’ discovered: Oldest living thing on earth is obviously a plant but I was expecting some huge tree but check out what it is. Thanks for sharing the info. I do not agree that the oldest living thing could be a sea grass. It defies evolutionary principles. Let us […]

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white-cheeked barbet

    CITYLIFE Summer’s around the corner and so is the call of the white-cheeked barbet: For anyone interested – the story — Very well written interesting article on barbet. I will watch out for the bird here, in Mysore. I spotted two of them on banyan tree two days back. I see them […]

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God must have had fun

    God must have had fun: Indeed, only God can come up with these colors and combination of colors. What fun God must have had the day he designed these beauties. Enjoy…> 1. Himalayan Monal> 2. Formosan Magpie> 3. Flamecrest> 4. Golden Pheasant> 5. Green Jay > 6. Kingfisher> 7. Lady Amherst’s Pheasant> 8. Bleeding […]

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Memecylon subramanii

IUCN Red List Status: Endangered (EN) Memecylon subramanii A.N.Henry — J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 77(3): 492 (1980 publ. 1981).;       Flora picture of the Year 2012- Giby Kuriakose:  Here is my picture for Flora Picture of the year 2012.   Memecylon subramanii a narrow endemic species belonging to the family Melastomataceae.   Photographed from Schentharuni Wildlife […]

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Palms of Karnataka

    Palms of Karnataka – Authentic Reference Book: This is an excellent field guide, authentic book on palms, native and exotic, well documented by the author an established taxonomist well versed not only on palms but also on general flora of the western ghats. The book contains 42 genera of Palms in Karnataka (almost […]

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Gynochthodes umbellata

Gynochthodes umbellata (L.) Razafim. & B. Bremer, Adansonia sér. 3, 33:296. 2011 (Syn: Cuviera asiatica Spreng., nom. superfl.; Guttenbergia umbellata (L.) Zoll. & Moritzi; Morinda padavara Juss.; Morinda scandens Roxb.; Morinda scortechinii (King & Gamble) Ridl.; Morinda tetrandra Jack; Morinda umbellata L.; Morinda umbellata var. acuminatissima Valeton; Morinda umbellata var. archboldiana Fosberg; Morinda umbellata subsp. […]

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      intermountainbiota: I have just applied to join the eflora India group and explained that my primary interest is in enabling herbaria to share information. The web site that I mention there ( the address currently is is open to any herbarium although only one of those listed has contributed a record. […]

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Nomocharis oxypetala (D.Don) E.H.Wilson Images by D.S.Rawat (1,2) and Bibhas Amonkar (3,4) Nomocharis species in India: Nomocharis nana (Klotzsch) E.H.Wilson (synonym of Lilium nanun Klotzsch) N. oxypetala (D.Don) E.H.Wilson N. souliei (Franch.) W.W.Sm. & W.E.Evans (synonym of Lilium souliei (Franch.) Sealy) N. synaptica Sealy References: Dasgupta, S. 2006. Liliaceae. In; Singh,N.P. and Sanjappa,M. (eds.) Fascicles […]

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Curio rowleyanus (Cultivated)

Curio rowleyanus (H. Jacobsen) P. V. Heath, Calyx 6:55. 1999 “roeleanus” (Syn: Curio rowleyanus f. marmoratus P. V. Heath; Kleinia rowleyana (Jacobsen) G. Kunkel; (≡) Senecio rowleyanus H. Jacobsen); South Africa (W-Cape Prov., E-Cape Prov.) as per Catalogue of Life;       Ornamental for id – 190113 ANB-0025 – Mumbai: Another ornamental succulent plant, it […]

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Curio (Asteroideae- Senecioneae)

Curio radicans (L. f.) P. V. Heath (Images by Aarti S Khale (Id by Ajinkya Gadave) & Anil Kumar Thakur (Id by Ushadi & Aarti S Khale) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links))    Curio rowleyanus (H. Jacobsen) P. V. Heath (Images by Nidhan Singh (Id by Gurcharan Singh […]

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Monosis volkameriifolia (DC.) H. Rob. & Skvarla   From Floral Database of Tamilnadu :   Binomial Habit Notes References Distribution Vernonia monosis Benth. is a synonym of Monosis wightiana DC. Tree Western Ghats, Evergreen Forests Ravikumar, 1999 Theni Vernonia shevaroyensis Gamble is a synonym of Monosis shevaroyensis (Gamble) H.Rob. & Skvarla Tree Eastern Ghats, Evergreen […]

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Monosis volkameriifolia

Monosis volkameriifolia (DC.) H. Rob. & Skvarla, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 119:606. 2006 (Syn: (≡) Vernonia volkameriifolia DC. (basionym));   MS March, 2018/03 Vernonia volkameriifolia : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Location : Durtlang, Mizoram Altitude : ca 1,300 m. Date : 12-03-2018 Habit : Large shrub Habitat : Wild Mizo : Khup-al […]

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  Fittonia albivenis (Lindl. ex Veitch) Brummitt (Images by Alka Khare (Inserted by J.M.Garg))  ‎Fittonia page with images of species in efloraofindia : 1 post by 1 author. Pl. go through ‎Fittonia page with images of species in efloraofindia (done by me). If you find any mis-identification, pl. let us know. If anybody can send images of […]

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Senecio herreianus (Cultivated)

Senecio herreianus Dinter, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 30: 180 180 1932. ; Images by Arundhati Boyce (ID by Usha Desai), Inserted by Gurcharan Singh (Click link to see details)   Gooseberry, String of Beads;    Ornamental for id – 190113 ANB-0024 – Mumbai: I would love to know the name of this ornamental succulent plant with […]

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Some Modern Techniques in Life Science and Biotechnology

    DBT sponsored National workshop: Established in 1946, Karimganj College is one of the premier institute of Higher education in Southern Assam. In recent years, the college has developed its infrastructure in Science Departments under DBT Star College Project, Institutional Biotech Hub Project, Twinning Project, DST-FIST Project and UGC Major Research Project. This workshop […]

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