Passiflora amethystina (Cultivated- USA) ?

Passiflora amethystina J.C.Mikan, Del. Fl. Faun. Bras. t. 20 1825. (Syn: Decaloba onychina (Lindl.) M.Roem.; Passiflora bangii Mast.; Passiflora laminensis Barb.Rodr.; Passiflora lilacina M. Roem.; Passiflora onychina Lindl.; Passiflora violacea Vell.)?;  NE-Brazil (Bahia), WC-Brazil (Mato Grosso, Goias, Distrito Federal, Mato Grosso do Sul), SE-Brazil (Minas Gerais, Espirito Santo, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro), Argentina (Corrientes, […]

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Ptilotus obovatus (Gaudich.) F. Muell. (Images by Navendu Page (Inserted by J.M.Garg))

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Vanda wightii

 Images by tspkumar Vanda wightii Rchb.f., Ann. Bot. Syst. 6: 932 1864.;     ORCHIDACEAE: ID: Prejith009 Vanda wightii: Sharing pictures of the now almost extinct in the wild Vanda wightii. It comes into bloom during late October through into November with 3-5 flowers on a raceme which are fragrant at dusk. The flowers are […]

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Inula royleana

Inula royleana DC., Prodr. (DC.) 5: 464 464 1836. (Syn: Corvisartia indica Lindl.; Inula stoliczkai C.B.Clarke);   Images by Gurcharan Singh (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links)      Inula rolyleana from Apharwat, Kashmir: Inula royleana DC., Prodr. 5:464. 1836  Graceful alpine herb similar to Inula grandiflora in producing a […]

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Hosta lancifolia (Only cultivated)

Hosta lancifolia (Thunb.) Engl. [Unplaced], Nat. Pflanzenfam. 2(5): 40 1887. (Syn: Aletris japonica Thunb.; Funkia caerulea f. lancifolia (Thunb.) Matsum.; Funkia lancifolia (Thunb.) Spreng.; Funkia ovata f. lancifolia (Thunb.) Miq.; Funkia ovata var. lancifolia (Thunb.) Miq.; Hemerocallis lancifolia Thunb.; Hosta cathayana F.Maek.; Hosta japonica (Thunb.) Asch. [Illegitimate]; Hosta japonica Thunb.; Hosta sieboldii f. lancifolia (Miq.) […]

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Hemigenia purpurea (Australia)

Hemigenia purpurea R.Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. 502 1810. (Syn: Hemigenia sieberi Benth.);     Flora-Aus-80: Hemigenia purpurea–Lamiaceae       Refrences:

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Sinningia speciosa (Cultivated)

Sinningia speciosa Hiern, Vidensk. Meddel. Naturhist. Foren. Kjøbenhavn 1877: 91 1877. (Syn: Gloxinia caulescens Lindl.; Gloxinia discolor Kunze; Gloxinia diversiflora May; Gloxinia fyfiana Lem.; Gloxinia immaculata Mart. ex Hanst.; Gloxinia maxima Paxton; Gloxinia menziesiana Young ex Otto & A.Dietr.; Gloxinia merkii E.Otto; Gloxinia passinghamii Paxton; Gloxinia rubra Paxton; Gloxinia speciosa Lodd. …;  Gloxinia teuchleri Lem.; Ligeria caulescens […]

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Cryptocoryne retrospiralis

Cryptocoryne retrospiralis (Roxb.) Kunth, Enum. Pl. 3: 12 1841. (Syn: Ambrosina retrospiralis Roxb.; Ambrosina roxburghiana Voigt; Ambrosina unilocularis Roxb.; Cryptocoryne dalzellii Schott; Cryptocoryne roxburghiana (Voigt) Schott; Cryptocoryne unilocularis (Roxb.) Schott; Lagenandra dalzellii (Schott) Rataj); Images by N. Muthu Karthick (Id by Jan D. Bastmeijer), Giby Kuriakose, Raju Das (Id by Manudev K Madhavan) & P. Santhan (Inserted […]

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Erycibe paniculata Roxb.    From Floral Database of Tamilnadu :   Binomial Habit Notes References Distribution Common name Erycibe paniculata Roxb. Climbing shrub Western Ghats, Moist Deciduous Forests Flora of Tamil Nadu, VOL. II, 1987 Tirunelveli Unamkodi   FRLHT Indian Medicinal Plants Nomenclature Database with images/ herbarium, distribution, local names etc. : Erycibe paniculata ROXB. […]

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Hoya parasitica

Hoya parasitica (Roxb.) Wall. ex Wight, Contr. Bot. India 37 37 1834. (Syn: Asclepias parasitica Roxb.); Images by Prasad Kumar Dash (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links)  021111PD04 Hoya parasitica Flora of Orissa: 12 posts by 8 authors. Attachments (2) i am glad to share the image of one […]

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Alangium chinense

Alangium chinense (Lour.) Harms, Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 15: 24 1897. (Syn: Alangium begoniifolium (Roxb.) Baill.; Alangium chinense (Lour.) Rehder & E.H. Wilson; Alangium chinense subsp. pauciflorum W.P.Fang; Alangium chinense var. pauciflorum W.P.Fang ex Y.C.Ho; Alangium chinense subsp. strigosum W.P.Fang; Alangium chinense subsp. triangulare (Wangerin) W.P.Fang; Alangium kenyense Chiov.; Alangium octopetalum Hanes ex Blanco; Alangium […]

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Rhododendron sinogrande

Rhododendron sinogrande Balf. f. & W.W. Sm., Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 9(44-45): 274-278 274 1916. (Syn: Rhododendron sinogrande var. boreale Tagg & Forrest);   As per efi thread In R. sinogrande—- a. Trees up to 5-10 m high b. abaxial lamina with silvery white to grey indumentum, not brown (but in R. lanatum, silvery-white […]

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Syzygium species

    unknown host plant – ID pls: I have found this plant at Sodpur, Kolkata. It might be a host plant of any Butterfly / Moth as from Sept to Nov I’ve seen it’s leaves are not at all intact. all are partially eaten; but could not able to find any caterpillar. This is […]

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Lambertia formosa (Australia)

Lambertia formosa Sm., Trans. Linn. Soc. 4: 223 1798. (Syn: Lambertia barbata Gand.; Lambertia formosa var. longifolia Andrews; Lambertia formosa var. pallida Guilf.; Lambertia formosa f. tomentosa Domin; Lambertia proxima Gand.; Protea nectarina J.C.Wendl.);  Australia (EC- to NE-New South Wales) as per Catalogue of Life;   Flora–Aus-79: Lambertia formosa–a shrub on the heath, along the sea […]

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Millettia pinnata ?

Millettia pinnata (L.) Panigrahi, Fl. Bilaspur Distr. 1:210. 1989 (syn. (≡) Cytisus pinnatus L. (basionym); (=) Derris indica (Lam.) Bennet; (=) Galedupa indica Lam.; (≡) Galedupa pinnata (L.) Taub.; (≡) Pongamia glabra Vent.; (=) Pongamia mitis Kurz; (≡) Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre) ?;         From Ranganthitoo – Ant Nest on tree – […]

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