Salvia elegans (Cultivated- USA)

Salvia elegans Vahl, Enum. Pl. 1: 238 1804. (Syn: Salvia camertonii Regel; Salvia elegans var. sonorensis Fernald; Salvia incarnata Cav. [Illegitimate]; Salvia longiflora Sessé & Moc.; Salvia microcalyx Scheele; Salvia microculis Poir.; Salvia punicea M.Martens & Galeotti; Salvia rutilans Carrière);           Lamiaceae & Verbenaceae Week: Lamiaceae, Salvia elegans from California:   Salvia […]

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Salvia greggii (Cultivated- USA)

Salvia greggii A.Gray , Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 8: 369 1870.;   Texas to NE. Mexico (from WCSP)        Lamiaceae & Verbenaceae Week: Lamiaceae, Salvia greggii from California:  Salvia greggii, Photographed from California     Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight:Lamiaceae,Salvia greggii ‘Playa Rosa’ from California-GSMAY143/146   1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2) Salvia greggii ‘Playa […]

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Leonurus japonicus

Leonurus japonicus Houtt., Nat. Hist. 9: 366 1778. (Syn: Leonurus altissimus Bunge ex Benth.; Leonurus artemisia (Lour.) S.Y.Hu; Leonurus artemisia var. albiflorus (Migo) S.Y.Hu; Leonurus cuneifolius Raf.; Leonurus heterophyllus Sweet; Leonurus japonicus f. albiflorus (Migo) Y.C.Zhu; Leonurus japonicus f. niveus (A.I.Baranov & Skvortsov) H.Hara; Leonurus mexicanus Sessé & Moc.; Leonurus sibiricus var. albiflorus Migo; Leonurus […]

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Rotheca myricoides (Cultivated- Kenya)

Rotheca myricoides (Hochst.) Steane & Mabb., Novon 8: 205 1998. (Syn: Clerodendrum dekindtii Gürke .; Clerodendrum myricoides (Hochst.) R.Br. ex Vatke; Clerodendrum myricoides var. camporum Gürke …….; Clerodendrum neumayeri Vatke; Clerodendrum savanorum De Wild.; Clerodendrum schlechteri Gürke; Clerodendrum sylvaticum (Hochst.) Briq.; Clerodendrum ugandense Prain; Cyclonema myricoides Hochst.; Cyclonema sylvaticum Hochst.; Cyrtostemma myricoides (Hochst.) Kunze; Rotheca myricoides f. […]

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Symphorema polyandrum

Symphorema polyandrum Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. t. 363 1840.;   ¿ sim-for-EE-muh ? — Greek: symphoreo (borne together); alludes to clusters of flowers borne with bracts ¿ pol-ee-AND-rum ? — with many stamens commonly known as: south Indian star-vervain climber • Gujarati: મહાસિંધુ mahasindhu • Marathi: दुर्मिळ भिंगरी durmil bhingari • Odia: ମହାସିନ୍ଧୁ mahasindhu […]

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#Best of the month/ year

Stars/ Most Interactive Persons of the month/ fortnights etc.- Links : All the top contributors, month wise, are listed here at this link giving their details.  Star of the month and Most Interactive Person To encourage increased participation, it has been decided to nominate one person among moderators and one among the rest of the members every […]

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Salvia spathacea (Cultivated- USA)

Salvia spathacea Greene, Pittonia 2: 236 1892. (Syn: Audibertia grandiflora Benth.; Audibertiella grandiflora (Benth.) Briq.; Ramona grandiflora (Benth.) Briq.);         Lamiaceae & Verbenaceae Week: Lamiaceae – Salvia spathacea (Hummingbird sage):  Salvia spathacea. Hummingbird sage. San Francisco botanical garden Jun 2011.   21Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight :: Lamiaceae ::Salvia spathacea California:: SMPMAY21/21 : 5 […]

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Salvia aurea (Cultivated- USA/ Australia)

Salvia aurea L.,  Sp. pl. ed. 2, 1:38. 1762 (syn: Crolocos aurea (L.) Raf.; Salvia africana-lutea L., contrary to Art. 23.6.(c) (ICN, 2012).; Salvia colorata L.; Salvia eckloniana Benth.); Cape Provinces; New Zealand North as per Catalogue of Life;   Plants From Australia 2018:: Salvia aurea-NS April 2020-52 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)- […]

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Garcinia species

  Plant for ID SMP3 10/1/2011:  A large tree with drooping branches for ID Kolkata botanical garden. Dec 2010 Flowers yellow about 2-3 cm. ? Stamenal tube like that in Meliaceae family. It somewhat resembles Garcinia. From the images (Which are not so close) what I can only say that…. The leaves are opposite, they appear […]

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Tricholepis species

    THISTLE FLOWER:   If you were a student of science, you are likely to remember your chemistry lab, after seeing the images I am attaching. A paticular type of funnel was created by man to perform certain experiment and it was named as Thisthle funnel as the funnel resembles the shape of a flower […]

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Bignonia callistegioides (Cultivated)

Bignonia callistegioides Cham., Linnaea 7: 712 1832. (Syn: Bignonia lindleyi DC.; Bignonia picta Lindl. [Illegitimate]; Bignonia speciosa Graham; Bignonia speciosa Tweedie ex Hook.; Clytostoma callistegioides (Cham.) Baill. (Unresolved); Clytostoma uniflorum K.Schum. ex Bureau & K.Schum.; Cuspidaria callistegioides (Cham.) DC.; Pithecoctenium callistegioides (Cham.) Niederl.); Bolivia (Tarija), Argentina (Buenos Aires, Corrientes, Entre Rios, Jujuy, Mendoza, Misiones, Salta), S-Brazil (Rio […]

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Phlomis cashmeriana

Phlomis cashmeriana Royle ex Benth. , Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 3: 382 1833. (Syn: Phlomis dichroa Rech.f.);        Phlomis cashmeriana from Kashmir:  Phlomis cashmeriana Royle ex Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 3: 382 1833. syn: Phlomis dichroa Rech.f.  Erect perennial herb Closer to P. bracteosa and P. spectabilis but distinct […]

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Month Best Set of Photographs in the Month Who photographed it September ORCHIDACEAE: Lady Slipper Orchids – Paphiopedilum druryi (Bedd.) Stein Dr. Pankaj Kumar October DV :: 2007 – 2011 :: Heterostemma dalzellii in and around Mumbai Dinesh Valke Flora of Haryana: Gloriosa suprba from Village Amin Kurukshetra Haryana Dr. Balkar Singh November 021111PD06 Cymbidium […]

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Best Set of Photographs

Best set of photographs of the Month is selected on the basis online voting by the members. Each member can vote for the set of photographs in a single upload if he/she likes it by clicking to the link: /best-of-the-month/best-set-of-photographs/2011 Each member can vote for as many sets of photographs as he/she likes but not […]

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Month Best Photo of the Month Who photographed it September Paphiopedilum venustumSlide10.jpg Dr. Pankaj Kumar October Trifolium repens.jpg | hoya-pubicalyx1.jpg Ritesh Choudhary | Prejith Sampath November Ptilotus obovatus Dr. Ushaprabha Page December Lantana alba             /Caralluma indica Prasad Kumar Dash/Prabhu Kumar Photographer of the Year 2011- Category Best Photograph   […]

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Best Photograph

Best photograph of the Month is selected on the basis online voting by the members. Each member can vote for photograph if he/she likes it by clicking to the link: /best-of-the-month/best-photograph-of-the-month/2011 Each member can vote for as many photographs as he/she likes but not the same photograph more than once. Self voting is not permitted. […]

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Best of the Month

Family fortnights & Stars/ Persons of the month/ fortnights- Links Heroes of efi site Star of the month and Most Interactive Person To encourage increased participation, it has been decided to nominate one person among moderators and one among the rest of the members every month based on the maximum number of posts during a […]

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Deutzia scabra

Deutzia scabra Thunb., Nov. Gen. Pl. 19 1781. (Syn: Deutzia crenata var. thunbergiana (Maxim.) Zaik.; Deutzia scabra var. microcarpa (Nakai) Zaik.; Deutzia scabra var. thunbergiana Maxim.; Deutzia thunbergiana (Maxim.) C.K.Schneid. ex Koidz.);  Japan (Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu), Myanmar [Burma] (Chin), USA (I) (Connecticut (I), District of Columbia (I), Florida (I), Illinois (I), Kentucky (I), Maryland (I), […]

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