USA- Climber in Atlanta Botanical Garden, Georgia

  Climber for ID : Atlanta Botanical Garden : Atlanta, Georgia : 09FEB19 : AK-18 : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) Climber with red berries seen in the ABG. Unfortunately, I have only one picture. Please, since the photo is not too much help, are the leaves in the photo belonging to the […]

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FELLING OF TREES IN THE NAME OF DEVELOPMENT : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) A few years back I was posting a series in Bangla. The title of the series was BALAI ER KOTHA (Story of Bolai). Bolai is a character in a short story by Tagore. This boy was in love with […]

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Nepal- Gilled Fungi at Deurali, Dolkha,

  SK1798 17 Feb 2019 – Mycophyta : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (2) Location:  Deurali, Dolkha, Nepal Date: 6 September 2017 Elevation : 2300 m. Habit : Wild    SK1799 20 Feb 2019 – Mycophyta : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Location:  Deurali, Dolkha, Nepal Date: 6 September 2017 Elevation : […]

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Royal edict by Shri Shivaji Maharaj for protecting trees

A royal edict : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) A royal edict in Maharashtra. Courtesy Dr. Percy Avari. That is just amazing  good ideas but what a greater hoax. i enjoyed it.. the english syntax and certain ways of writing is very mid to late 20th century and appears american lingo. cant be […]

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Anthurium watermaliense (Cultivated- USA)?

Anthurium watermaliense L.H.Bailey & Nash, Stand. Cycl. Hort. 303 1914. ?; Costa Rica to Colombia as per WCSP;   Araceae for ID : Conservatory, Atlanta Botanical Garden : Atlanta, Georgia : 09FEB19 : AK-16 : 6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2) Araceae plant seen inside the Conservatory. Looks like Anthurium Species. Anthurium ?? Anthurium ‘Black […]

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Maharashtra- very tiny plants at Sinhagad, Pune

  Tiny plant for ID :: Sinhagad, Aug 201 :: ARK2019-13 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) This is again one of the earlier pics. Seen this at Sinhagad, Pune, a hill in Aug 2014. A very tiny plant, growing on the wet rocks and walls of a fort. Requested to please ID. […]

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Pavonia arabica

Pavonia arabica Hochst. ex Steud. (syn: Hibiscus flavus Forsk.; Hibiscus microphyllus Vahl (ambiguous synonym); Malache arabica (Hochst. ex Steud.) Kuntze; Pavonia arabica var. flavovelutina Ulbrich; Pavonia arabica var. glanduligera Gürke; Pavonia erlangeri Ulbr.; Pavonia erythraeae Chiov.; Pavonia franchetiana Schinz ex Gürke; Pavonia glandulosa Franch. (ambiguous synonym); Pavonia habessinia Ehrenb. ex Ulbr.; Pavonia heptagynia Ehrenb. ex […]

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Agaricomycetes (gilled mushrooms) at Deurali, Dolkha, Nepal

SK1793 17 Feb 2019 – Mycophyta : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)- 854 kb.  Location:  Deurali, Dolkha, Nepal Date: 6 September 2017 Elevation : 2300 m. Habit : Wild  Id is not possible without gills view, in case of Agaricomycetes (gilled mushrooms) please always take pictures of underside gills, stipe, annulus(if present) and spore […]

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Lonicera species?- Atlanta, Georgia, USA

  Shrub for ID : Atlanta Botanical Garden : Atlanta, Georgia : 21JAN19 : AK-43 : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)  Shrub with red berries, turning black when ripe. Pictures taken on 21st Oct,18. Something like Lonicera ? most likely not lonicera. lonicera berries in real life have a sort of glow about them, […]

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Celtis timorensis

Celtis timorensis Span. (syn: Celtis cinnamomea Lindl.; Celtis crenato-serrata Merr.; Celtis dysodoxylon Thw.; Celtis hamata Bl.; Celtis reticulosa Miq.; Celtis waitzii Bl.; Sponia pendula Span.; Sponia rigida Zoll. ex Planch. (ambiguous synonym)); Christmas Isl. (Austr.), Nepal, Laos, Vietnam, India (Silhet), Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Thailand, C-Sumatra, Java, Lesser Sunda Isl. (Flores, Timor), N-Borneo, Philippines (Luzon), […]

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USA- Cultivated bush in Atlanta

  Bush for ID : Atlanta, Georgia : 17JAN19 : AK-33 : 16 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (4) Cultivated bush seen in Atlanta in the 4th week of Oct,18. Tiny white flowers. More similar to Lawsonia inermis  Thanks … May be from same family. Will search further. Have you looked at Euonymus? If possible […]

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Cotoneaster rotundifolius

Cotoneaster rotundifolius Wall. ex Lindl. (syn: Cotoneaster distichus Lange; Cotoneaster distichus var. parvifolius T. T. Yu; Cotoneaster lanata Hort. ex Jacques; Cotoneaster microphyllus var. rotundifolia (Wall. ex Lindl.) Wenz.; Cotoneaster nitidus Jacq.; Cotoneaster nitidus var. parvifolius (T. T. Yu) T. T. Yu; Cotoneaster rotundifolius var. lanatus (Dipp.) Schneid.; Cotoneaster rupestris Charlt.; Pyrus nitidus (Jacq.) M. F. […]

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Rosa corymbifera

Rosa corymbifera Borkh., Versuch einer forstbotanischen Beschreibung 319 1790. (Syn: Crepinia corymbifera (Borkh.) Gand.; Crepinia obtusifolia (Desv.) Gand.; Crepinia platyphylla (A. Rau) Gand.; Rosa acanthina Déségl. & Ozanon; Rosa aemoniana Puget ex R. Keller; Rosa affinita Puget ex H. Braun; Rosa amblyphylla Rip. ex Desegl.; Rosa annoniana Puget ex H. Braun; Rosa arguta Muss.-Pursch. ex […]

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Fast growing trees in Punjab with good timber value

Tree : 5 posts by 3 authors. Can you advise fast growing trees in Punjab with good timber value like mohagny, toona.  Other recipients: It is better to contact the Forest Department of Punjab. It is better to contact the Forest Department of Punjab. yes, … is correct. forest dept is best place to get […]

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