ALIEN & ADVENTIVE plant species in India

Fwd: ALIEN & ADVENTIVE plant species in India : 6 posts by 5 authors. When posting images of a plant it is HELPFUL that an indication is given as to whether the specimen was growing in the wild or cultivated.  Just because a plant is not in a park, garden or field is not alone an […]

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Cyperus malaccensis

Cyperus malaccensis Lam., Tabl. Encycl. 1: 146 1791. (syn: Chlorocyperus malaccensis (Lam.) Palla; Cyperus fortunei Steud.; Cyperus incurvatus Roxb.; Cyperus malaccensis subsp. malaccensis ; Cyperus malaccensis var. malaccensis ; Cyperus neesii D.Dietr. [Illegitimate]; Cyperus spaniophyllus Steud.; Cyperus tegetiformis Benth. [Illegitimate]; Cyperus wallichii Nees); Trop. & Subtrop. Asia to N. Australia as per WCSP; Perennial, more […]

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Blepharispermum petiolare

Blepharispermum petiolare DC., 12 1834. ; Shrubs, to 1 m high. Leaves 8-10 x 5 cm, alternate, ovate, acuminate, entire, glabrous; petioles 1 cm long. Heads 3-6-flowered, densely packed in globose clusters of 15 mm across, panicled, terminal, long-peduncled; bracts 1-seriate, 5 x 1 mm, white, oblong, obtuse, glabrous. Flowers two types. Female flowers 2, outer; […]

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R E T plants

List or link of R E T plants of india : 9 posts by 3 authors. i require the latest  list of  R E T plants of India or a link to it please share it Pl.  Download from file section in EFI site for South India. For Conservation Concern medicinal plants of India, you […]

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Rhododendron nivale subsp. nivale

Rhododendron nivale Hook. f., Rhododendron Sikkim Himalaya 3: , pl. 26(B) 1851. (syn: Azalea nivalis (Hook. fil.) Kuntze; Rhododendron paludosum Hutchinson & F. K. Ward); Common name: Dwarf Snow Rhododendron China (S-Qinghai), Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim, Chumbi as per Catalogue of Life; Compact dwarf shrub 10-30cm; shoots scaly otherwise glabrous. Leaves ovate or broadly ellipyic, […]

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Lutheria (Vriesea) ‘Tiffany’

Lutheria (Vriesea) ‘Tiffany’;   Flower for ID : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Please identify the plant in the picture. Zingiberaceae? This is Vriesea Species. Probably Vriesea ‘Tiffany’. Kindly check the link on FOI. Thanks … I had this plant long ago. But I knew it as Bromeliad only. Vriesea splendens (Brongn.) Lem. […]

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‘Sino-Japanese’ flora in Pakistan??

Fwd: ‘Sino-Japanese’ flora in Pakistan?? : 1 post by 1 author. Further to my recent posts about Elaeagnus, I think it will be informative for me to comment about PHYTOGEOGRAPHICAL REGIONS for plants. I note that phytogeography is much favoured in some ‘floras’.  I have a copy of ‘Wild Flowers of Pakistan’ Nasir & Roberts (1995) […]

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Cotula hemisphaerica

Cotula hemisphaerica Wall. ex Benth. & Hook.f., 150 . (syn: Artemisia hemisphaerica Roxb.; Cotula hemisphaerica Wall.; Ethulia nepalensis Spreng. ex DC.); Distrib. India: Indo-Gangetic Plain, a weed of paddy fields ascending in the Himalayas up to 800 m. Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, W. Bengal, Assam, Manipur and Meghalaya; China and Japan as per BSI Flora of […]

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Odontostemma glandulosa

Odontostemma glandulosa Benth., Gen. Hist. 1: 449 1831. (syn: Adenostemma glandulosum (Benth. ex G. Don) Hook. fil.; Arenaria aureocaulis C.Y. Wu ex L.H. Zhou; Arenaria benthamii Edgew.; Arenaria blinkworthii McNeill; Arenaria debilis Hook. fil. ex Edgew. & Hook. fil.; Arenaria glandulosa (Benth. ex G. Don) F.N. Williams; Arenaria monticola Buckl.; Arenaria sikkimensis Majumdar; Arenaria stellarioides […]

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Cycas species- Myanmar

  A curious tree from Myanmar : 5 posts by 2 authors. 2 images. I want to determine this tree. I think the family is Cycadaceae. Maybe Cycas swamyi ?? Was it cultivated ? Pl. also check comparative images at Cycas Some species of Cycas. I think this is a kind of Cycas

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Cortiella hookeri

Cortiella hookeri (C. B. Cl.) C. Norman, J. Bot. 75: 94 1937. (syn: Cortia hookeri C. B. Cl.; Cortiella cauwetmarciana M.A. Farille & S.B. Malla; Cortiella glacialis Bonner; Pleurospermum glacialis (Bonner) M. Hiroe; Schulzia hookeri (C. B. Cl.) M. Hiroe;  Selinum cordioides C. Norman);     India (C- to E-Himalaya), Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan, Sikkim, Chumbi as per Catalogue […]

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Clerodendrum species- Dehradun

  ID Please:Deharadun:DEC2016:KKN : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5) Photographed from Himalayan foothills near Dehradun in December near Sal Forest. Please help in ID. Clerodendrum sp. And there is surely a mixing up of glory vine (Ipomoea) with Clerodendrum …

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Lagotis globosa

Lagotis globosa Hook. f. (syn: Gymnandra globosa Kurz); C-Asia, W-Tibet, Pakistan (Chitral), Pakistani Kashmir (Deosai), Jammu & Kashmir (Ladakh, Kashmir, Poonch) as per Catalogue of Life;   Fwd: Lagotis globosa (Kurz) Hook.f. – new to eFI : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4) Continuing my coverage of NW Himalayan Lagotis, I share images taken […]

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Lagotis kunawurensis

Lagotis kunawurensis Rupr., Sert. Tianschan. 64 1869. (syn: Gymnandra kunawurensis Royle ex Benth.; Lagotis glauca var. kunawurensis (Royle ex Benth.) Hook. fil.); Common name: Kinnaur Lagotis N-India (Kunawur), Pakistani Kashmir (Deosai, Baltistan), Jammu & Kashmir (Kashmir, Zanskar) as per Catalogue of Life;   Fwd: Lagotis kunawurensis (Royle) Rupr. – new to eFI : 1 post […]

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Iris foetidissima (UK)

Iris foetidissima L., Sp. Pl. 39 1753. (syn: Chamaeiris foetida Medik.; Iris foetida (Medik.) J.P.Bergeret [Illegitimate]; Iris foetida Thunb.; Iris foetidissima var. livida Maire; Iris foetidissima var. lutescens Maire; Spathula foetidissima (L.) Fourr.; Xiphion foetidissimum (L.) Parl.; Xyridion foetidissimum (L.) Klatt); Azores, W. Europe to W. & C. Medit. as per WCSP; Iris foetidissima (Stinking […]

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Hardy Geraniums New Edition 2001 by Peter Yeo

Fwd: Hardy Geraniums New Edition 2001 by Peter Yeo : 1 post by 1 author. I managed to get hold of a cheap second-hand copy of this. It is my intention to review the book at some point and share relevant information about Himalayan species. But please note this is NOT a botanical monograph of […]

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