Begonia species/ hybrids- Mumbai

  Mumbai, MH :: Cutivated Begonia for ID :: ARK2019-109 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) – around 900 kb each. This Begonia was seen in a cultivated garden in April 2014. Requested to please ID, if possible. There are so many hybrids, it is difficult to identify. Yes …, I understand. I tried […]

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Lime Blue butterfly on Lindernia species

  SYMBIOSIS 1404 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Attaching a collage of Lime Blue butterfly visiting flowers of Asystasia sp ( ? ). Not Asystasia as per comparative images herein. May be some Lindernia (as per comparative images herein) species.

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Allmania nodiflora var. procumbens

Allmania nodiflora var. procumbens Hook. fil., Fl. Malay Penins. 3: 4 1924.; India (S-India) as per Catalogue of Life; Allmania nodiflora var. procumbens Allmania nodiflora var. nodiflora Allmania nodiflora var. roxburghii   Allmania nodiflora var. aspera   Allmania nodiflora var. dichotoma  4 varieties of Allmania nodiflora : 1 correct image as above. 5 posts by 3 […]

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Allmania nodiflora var. dichotoma

Allmania nodiflora var. dichotoma (Heyne) Hook. fil., Fl. Brit. India 4: 717 1885. (syn: Allmania dichotoma (Heyne) Wight; Celosia dichotoma Heyne; Chamissoa dichotoma (Heyne) Moq.); India (peninsular India) as per Catalogue of Life; Allmania nodiflora var. procumbens Allmania nodiflora var. nodiflora Allmania nodiflora var. roxburghii   Allmania nodiflora var. aspera   Allmania nodiflora var. dichotoma  4 […]

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Callicarpa vestita

Callicarpa vestita Wall. ex C.B.Clarke, Fl. Brit. India 4: 567 1885. (syn: Callicarpa hookeri C.B.Clarke; Callicarpa lanata Gamble); C. & E. Himalaya to Bangladesh as per WCSP;  Assam; Bangladesh; East Himalaya; Nepal as per Catalogue of Life;   Callicarpa arborea Roxb. (accepted name) : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7) – 1 Mb each […]

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Fistulina hepatica

Fistulina hepatica (Schaeff.) With., 1801 (syn: Agarico-carnis lingua-bovis Paulet, 1793; Boletus buglossum Retz., 1769; Boletus bulliardii J. F. Gmel., 1792; Boletus hepaticus Schaeff., 1774 (ambiguous synonym); Boletus hepaticus Vent., 1812 (ambiguous synonym); Buglossus quercinus Wahlenb., 1820; Ceriomyces hepaticus Sacc., 1888; Confistulina hepatica (Lloyd) Stalpers, 1983; Fistulina buglossoides Bull., 1791; Fistulina buglossum (Retz.) Pers., 1794; Fistulina […]

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Indigofera hamiltonii

Indigofera hamiltonii Duthie & Prain (syn: Indigofera atropurpurea auct. non Hornem.); India (N) ; Bihar; Himachal Pradesh; Jammu-Kashmir; Madhaya Pradesh ; Orissa ; Punjab ; Uttar Pradesh as per ILDIS; Common name: Hamilton’s Indigo;   ANJUN44/45 Indigofera sp. for identification 4 (Churdhar Trip 44) : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5) Family: FabaceaeDate: 24th […]

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105. Efloraofindia website updated upto 31st Oct.’19

Efloraofindia website updated upto 31st Oct.’19 : 1 post by 1 author. Other recipients: It’s heartening to reiterate that Efloraofindia is the largest google e-group/ forum in the world in this field & the largest nature related e-group (and the most constructive) in India with around 3,35,500 messages so far & membership currently It’s heartening […]

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Vaccinium griffithianum

Vaccinium griffithianum Wight, Calcutta J. Nat. Hist. 8: 174 1847. (syn: Epigynium griffithianum (Wight) Klotzsch; Thibaudia camelifolia Griff.; Vaccinium eberhardtii Dop);   NE-India, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar [Burma] as per Catalogue of Life; Common name: East-Himalayan Blueberry • Khasi: Soh-ryngkham   Himalayan plant from Manipur – TQ-mu02 : 15 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (4) Unidentified plant […]

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Caudanthera edulis

Caudanthera edulis (Edgew.) Meve & Liede, Pl. Syst. Evol. 234: 201 2002. (syn: Boucerosia edulis Edgew., J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 6: 205 (1862). ; Boucerosia stocksiana Boiss., Fl. Orient. 4: 63 (1875). ; Brachystelma subaphyllum (Schltr.) K.Schum., Ann. Bot. (Rome) 7: 40 (1907). ; Caralluma ango (A.Rich.) N.E.Br., Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 12: 369 […]

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Allmania nodiflora var. procumbens

Allmania nodiflora var. procumbens Hook. fil., Fl. Malay Penins. 3: 4 1924.; India (S-India) as per Catalogue of Life; References: Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  Flora of Karnataka

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Orchids of India: A Pictorial Guide

Book for Orchid lovers- “Orchids of India: A Pictorial Guide” : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) Botanical Survey of India has published a book entitled ‘Orchids of India: A Pictorial Guide’ which is authored by Drs S.K. Singh, D.K. Agrawala, J.S. Jalal, S.S. Dash, A.A. Mao and P. Singh. About 1243 species of […]

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Dr. Kanchi Gandhi

Dr. Kanchi Gandhi : 12 posts by 5 authors. I hope this would be interesting for all members. l.php Tough job, dealing with quarrelsome professors from around the world !  Indeed ! Very interesting indeed.  Yes, …! I cant open that link. bing does not work with it. is there another one I copied from FB. […]

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Leea species- Sirsi, North Karnataka

  ID10102019SH3 : 15 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2) What is this structure seen on leaves (of Leea ?). Location – Sirsi (North Karnataka) Date – September 2019 Gall ?  I too am interested to know what this persistent structure is. I have always been thinking it to be some kind of sheath/ leaf […]

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Neobrachyactis anomala

Neobrachyactis anomala (DC.) Brouillet (syn: Aster menthodorus (Benth.) R. Govaerts; Brachyactis anomalum (DC.) S. Kitam.; Brachyactis indica C. B. Cl.; Brachyactis menthodora Benth.; Erigeron anomalus DC.); Jammu & Kashmir (Kashmir), Pakistan (Sind, Hazara), India (Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Darjeeling), Bhutan, Sikkim, Nepal, S-Tibet, W-Tibet as per Catalogue of Life;   Asteraceae Fortnight Part I-Radiate Heads: […]

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Process of identification

Process of identification : 10 posts by 2 authors. For efloraofindia, not only identification, but process of identification is also important.  It shows how we are looking into similar species and ignoring them on what basis. It also shows on what sources and keys etc., we are basing our oberservations. It also throws up similar […]

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Dioscorea species ?- Bhubaneswar, Odisha

  Fwd: Requesting id of a twiner dt 18/10/19 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)- 6 mb.  Namaskar Sir, requesting id of a twiner clicked today 18/10/2019 clear with veinations, Rajbhawan campus, Bhubaneswar, Odisha could be a Dioscorea sp. many varieties grow in ODISHA like D. melnoxyllum, wallichii, and bellophyllua etc etc but when […]

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Arum species

  Need the botanical name of this plant : 15 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1) Kindly supply ID Araceae member, you obviously saw it in a book. there is name written just below it. I can not read it in computer screen but if you have the book Xerox that page in bw, you […]

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Flemingia wightiana

Flemingia wightiana Wight & Arn. (syn: Flemingia congesta var. wightiana (Wight & Arn.) Baker (ambiguous synonym); Moghania wightiana (Wight & Arn.) Mukerjee);  Bhutan (N); India (N); Andhra Pradesh; Karnataka; Orissa; Tamil Nadu; Sri Lanka (N) as per ILDIS; Shrubs; branchlets tawny pubescent, terete. Terminal leaflet to 10 x 4 cm, lateral to 8 x 3 […]

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