Rhynchosia bracteata

Rhynchosia bracteata Baker (Syn: Rhynchosia mollissima Dalzell); . India (N); Andhra Pradesh ; Bihar ; Gujarat ; Madhaya Pradesh; Maharashtra; Orissa; Rajasthan; Uttar Pradesh ; West Bengal ; Laos (N); Myanmar (N) ; Thailand (N) as per ILDIS; . Identification of Fabaceae climber : 13 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)- 752 kb. Pl help […]

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Rhynchosia beddomei

Rhynchosia beddomei Baker; India (N); Andhra Pradesh; Karnataka; Tamil Nadu as per ILDIS; Submission of Rhynchosia beddomei : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Plant name: Rhynchosia beddomei Baker Family: Fabaceae Description: Erect herbs, branches canescent, terete. Leaflets oblong, acute.Flowers yellow in congested subsessile racemes. Pod 1-seeded, sub-orbicular. Rare, photographed at Seshachalam hills. Nice addition to eFI. […]

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Rhynchosia capitata

Rhynchosia capitata (Roth) DC. (syn: Glycine capitata Roth; Nomismia capitata (Roth) Wight & Arn.; Rhynchosia aurea auct. non DC.); . India (N) :  Andhra Pradesh ; Arunachal Pradesh ; Assam ; Bihar ; Delhi; Gujarat ; Haryana ; Himachal Pradesh ; Jammu-Kashmir ; Karnataka ; Kerala ; Madhya Pradesh ; Maharashtra ; Orissa; Pondicherry ; Punjab […]

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Rhynchosia minima ?

Rhynchosia minima ?;   Rhynchosia minima : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (1)- 1 Mb.  Rhynchosia minima May be, but difficult to confirm with this image. Pl. see comparative images at Rhynchosia‎ & https://sites.google.com/site/efloraofindia/species/a—l/f/fabaceae/rhynchosia/rhynchosia-minima

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Rhynchosia viscosa

Rhynchosia viscosa (Roth) DC. (syn: Dolichos glutinosus Roxb.; Dolichos tomentosus Roth; Glycine viscosa Roth; Rhynchosia grevei Drake; Rhynchosia sericophylla Kunze; Rhynchosia villosula Thwaites; Rhynchosia viscosa subsp. viscosa ; Rhynchosia viscosa var. viscosa ); . Submission of Rhynchosia viscosa : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) Plant name: Rhynchosia viscosa (Roth)DC., Family: Fabaceae Description: Woody […]

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Rhynchosia densiflora

Rhynchosia densiflora (Roth) DC. (syn: Glycine densiflora Roth); Angola (N); Botswana (N); Ethiopia (N); Kenya (N); Malawi (N) ; Mozambique (N) ; Namibia (N); Nigeria (N) ; Rwanda (N) ; Sao Tome & Principe (N) ; South Africa (N) ; Sudan (N) ; Swaziland (N) ; Tanzania (N) ; Togo (N) ; Uganda (N); Zaire […]

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Rhynchosia heynei

IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable (VU) Rhynchosia heynei Wight & Arn. (syn: Rhynchosia coodoorensis Bedd.); India (N) ; Andhra Pradesh; Karnataka; Tamil Nadu as per ILDIS; This species is endemic to peninsular India (Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu). Kumar and Sane (2003) consider the occurrence of this species in Karnataka questionable, although in the […]

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Rhynchosia rufescens

Rhynchosia rufescens (Willd.) DC. (syn: Cyanospermum javanicum Miq.; Cylista suaveolens Graham; Flemingia rothiana DC.; Glycine pondicheriensis Spreng.; Glycine rufescens Willd.; Hallia trifoliata Roth; Lespedeza indica Spreng.); Images by S. Kasim (Validation by C. Kunhikannan) & Anurag N Sharma (validation by J.M.Garg) (Inserted by Surajit Koley &  J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on […]

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Rhynchosia aurea

Rhynchosia aurea (Willd.) DC. (Syn: Glycine aurea Willd.; Glycine elongata Roth; Hedysarum aureum Rottler; Nomismia aurea (Willd.) Wight & Arn.; Rhynchosia elongata DC.); . Slender trailing annual herb; leaves pinnately trfoliate, leaflets obovate to rhomboidal up to 5 cm long, pubescent on both surfaces; flowers yellow in raceme; calyx up to 15 mm long, teeth […]

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Rhynchosia himalensis

Rhynchosia himalensis Baker ; China (N); Sichuan ; Xizang Zizhiqu ; Yunnan ; India (N) ; Assam ; Himachal Pradesh; Jammu-Kashmir ; Punjab; Uttar Pradesh ; Myanmar (N) ; Nepal (N) ; Pakistan (N) as per ILDIS;   VoF Week: 08092012 BS2 Fabaceae climber for id from way to Ghangriya: Fabaceae climber for id from […]

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Rhynchosia cana

Rhynchosia cana (Willd.) DC. (Syn: Glycine cana Willd.);  India (N); Andhra Pradesh; Bihar ; Goa ; Gujarat ; Karnataka ; Kerala ; Madhaya Pradesh; Maharashtra; Orissa ; Tamil Nadu; Uttar Pradesh; Myanmar (N) ; Sri Lanka (N) as per ILDIS;   images by Dr. Giby Kuriakose   Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week_Flora of Bannerghatta_111111GK03_ID request: Date/Time- 15-10-2011 […]

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Rhynchosia hirta

Rhynchosia hirta (Andrews) Meikle & Verdc. (Syn:  Cyanospermum tomentosum (Roxb.) Wight & Arn.; Cylista albiflora Sims; Cylista tomentosa Roxb.; Cylista villosa Aiton; Dolichos hirtus Andrews; Rhynchosia albidiflora (Sims) Alston; Rhynchosia albiflora (Sims) Alston; Rhynchosia cyanosperma Baker; Rhynchosia tomentosa (Roxb.) Baill.); . rin-KOH-see-a — Greek: rhynchos (beak), referring to the keel of the flowers … Dave’s Botanary HER-tuh — hairy … Dave’s Botanary […]

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Rhynchosia suaveolens

Rhynchosia suaveolens (L.f.) DC. (syn. Glycine suaveolens L.f.; Hedysarum venosum Rottler); . India (N) ; Andhra Pradesh; Goa; Gujarat ; Karnataka ; Kerala; Maharashtra ; Orissa ; Tamil Nadu ; Sri Lanka (N) as per ILDIS; . Flora of Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, India (2000- Description & Keys- R. rufescens, suaveolens, capitata, heynei & minima) […]

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Rhynchosia rothii

Rhynchosia rothii Aitch. (Syn: Rhynchosia mollissima Zoll. & Moritzi; Rhynchosia sericea Span.; Rhynchosia tomentosa “sensu auct.ind., non Hook. &”);   Twining woody plant with glandular hairy stems, trifoliate leaves with rhomboid to suborbicular leaflets, pubescent on both sides; flowers dark red, 2 cm long, on axillary peduncled raceme; pod up to 4 cm long, 2-seeded.  […]

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Rhynchosia minima

Rhynchosia minima (L.) DC. (Syn: Arcyphyllum rhombifolium (Willd.) Elliott; Dolicholus flavus Medik.; Dolicholus minimus (L.) Medik.; Dolichos minimus L.; Glycine lamarckii Kunth; Glycine littoralis DC.; Glycine reflexa Nutt.; Rhynchosia aureo-guttata Andersson; Rhynchosia exigua Andersson; Rhynchosia hockii De Wild.; Rhynchosia ischnoclada Harms; Rhynchosia mexicana Steud.; Rhynchosia mexicana Hook. & Arn.; Rhynchosia microphylla Wall.; Rhynchosia minima var. diminifolia […]

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