Category: Stars of the month
Oxalidaceae fortnight- Statistics
Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week :: Statistics : I have compiled the species discussed and displayed during the family week :: Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae WeekWe discuussed … … 2 Averrhoas; 11 Oxalis and 9 Biophytum sp.Please refer to the attached Excel sheet. I have made separate sheets in the file according to families. Averrhoa […]
Geraniaceae fortnight- Statistics
Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week :: Statistics : I have compiled the species discussed and displayed during the family week :: Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae WeekWe discuussed … 17 Geraniums (Named ones); 8 Pelargoniums (Named ones); 2 Erodiums; 1 Monsonia; …Please refer to the attached Excel sheet. I have made separate sheets in the file according […]
Balsaminaceae fortnight- statistics
Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae Week :: Statistics : I have compiled the species discussed and displayed during the family week :: Balsaminaceae, Geraniaceae and Oxalidaceae WeekWe discuussed 45 Impatiens sp.; … Please refer to the attached Excel sheet. I have made separate sheets in the file according to families. Impatiens acaulis Impatiens aliciae Impatiens badrinathii […]
Solanaceae fortnight Statistics
Solanaceae fortnight Statistics : 5 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1) Compilation of Solanaceae genera and species discussed during the Solanaceae fortnight. A good job done, thanks … Acnistus Atropa Browallia Brugmansia Acnistus arborescens Atropa acuminata Browallia elata Brugmansia arborea Browallia americana Brugmansia versicolor Brugmansia suaveolens Brugmansia candida Brugmansia pittieri Brunfelsia Calibrachoa Capsicum Cestrum […]
Ranunculaceae fortnight Statistics
Ranunculaceae fortnight Statistics: 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) I have compiled all the posts during the Ranunculaceae fortnight in an excel sheet. Total 82 plants were discussed. Major genera were from: Clematis 16 Anemone 14 Thalictrum 11 Ranunculus 10 Delphinium 8 Oxygraphis Paraquilegia Pulsatilla Ranunculus Oxygraphis polypetala Paraquilegia gangotriana Ranunculus asiaticus […]
Amaranthaceae Week: Statistics
Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week:: STATISTICS EXCELL SHEET: I have counted some 262 threads of discussion under the label Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week from my inbox. 25 genera were discussed and 62 species counted from the excel sheet prepared by me from the mentioned threads. * species each were discussed in Amaranthes and Alternanthera […]
Ericaceae Fortnight :: Statistics
Ericaceae (incl. Vacciniaceae) Fortnight :: Statistics : Attachments (1). 4 posts by 3 authors. Attaching an excel sheet showcasing the genera and species discussed during the Ericaceae fortnight. Total 43 species were discussed. Thanks to all the members. Agapetes bhutanica Arbutus unedo Arctostaphylos catalinae Cassiope fastigiata Arctostaphylos insularis Arctostaphylos viridissima Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Arctostaphylos stanfordiana […]
Salicaceae (including Flacourtiaceae) Fortnight: Statistics
Salicaceae (including Flacourtiaceae) Fortnight: Statistics : Attachments (1). 5 posts by 4 authors. I have compiled the statistics on an excel sheet as usual of the genera and species discussed during the fortnight. 24 Salix sp. and 15 Populus sp. were discussed.Flacourtia Caesaria Homalium and Oncoba were also discussed Thanks so much … […]
Top ten uploaders of Family Fortnight in 2013
Top ten uploaders of Family Fortnight in 2013 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Here is the list of Top ten uploaders of Family Fortnight in 2013 2013 Total Gurcharan Singh 632 Nidhan Singh 492 Prashant Awale 405 Dinesh Valke 337 Aarti Khale 327 Satish Phadke 251 D S Rawat 247 Pankaj Kumar […]
Top Posters of 2013
Top Posters of 2013 : Here is the list of top posters for year 2013. Please continue the good work. The data is based mostly on updates available at our website every month. It gets incorporated into total posts when new month begins. 2013 Total J M Garg 4761 Gurcharan Singh 3039 […]
GYMNOSPERMS FORTNIGHT :: STATISTICS : Attachments (1). 5 posts by 3 authors. The species discuused during the GYMNOSPERMS FORTNIGHT are compiled as usual in an Excel sheet which is attached. Total 86 taxa were discussed. Abies pindrow Afrocarpus gracilior Agathis robusta Araucaria araucana Araucaria columnaris Araucaria cookii Araucaria bidwillii Araucaria cunninghamii Biota orientalis Cedrus deodara […]
EUPHORBIACEAE FORTNIGHT :: STATISTICS : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. One more very successful fortnight. Attaching the excel sheet of the species discussed during the fortnight. Thanks all the contributors. Valuable inputs from both experts Tapas ji and Balakrishnan ji made the episode very interesting and helpful. My count come to […]
Orchidaceae fortnight :: Statistics
Orchidaceae fortnight :: Statistics. : Attachments (1). 7 posts by 7 authors. I have compiled the taxa discussed during the “Orchidaceae fortnight” Episode as usual. Please find it in the attached Excel sheet My tally comes to 405 in total. Exact figure differs from … figure (450) by 45 probably because I haven’t counted the hybrids […]
Capparaceae and Cleomaceae Fortnight:: Statistics
Capparaceae and Cleomaceae Fortnight:: Statistics. : Attachments (1). 4 posts by 4 authors. A compiled excel sheet is attached with this mail about the species discussed during the Capparaceae and Cleomaceae Fortnight.Some 29 species were discussed during the fortnight. There are some changes in the names of some plants so some repitions might […]
Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Statistics
Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Statistics : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. I have compiled the genera and species discussed during the Scrophulariaceae Fortnight under the Family Scrophulariaceae and related families. Attaching the excel sheet covering the list. Angelonia Alectra Anticharis Antirrhinum Artanema Angelonia salicariifolia Antirrhinum majus Angelonia angustifolia Antirrhinum orontium Bacopa Bonnayodes Buchnera […]
Asteraceae Fortnights: List of Plants uploaded
Asteraceae Week Part I-Radiate heads::Statistics Dr Satish Phadke : 5 posts by 4 authors. I have compiled the statistics of the plants posted during the fortnight of Family Asteraceae Part 1 Radiate heads. There might be few duplications due to synonymy or different nomenclature. My count came as 197 taxa as against … […]
#Best of the month/ year
Stars/ Most Interactive Persons of the month/ fortnights etc.- Links : All the top contributors, month wise, are listed here at this link giving their details. Star of the month and Most Interactive Person To encourage increased participation, it has been decided to nominate one person among moderators and one among the rest of the members every […]
Best Set of Photographs
Best set of photographs of the Month is selected on the basis online voting by the members. Each member can vote for the set of photographs in a single upload if he/she likes it by clicking to the link: /best-of-the-month/best-set-of-photographs/2011 Each member can vote for as many sets of photographs as he/she likes but not […]
Best Photograph
Best photograph of the Month is selected on the basis online voting by the members. Each member can vote for photograph if he/she likes it by clicking to the link: /best-of-the-month/best-photograph-of-the-month/2011 Each member can vote for as many photographs as he/she likes but not the same photograph more than once. Self voting is not permitted. […]