Images are nothing without words

Images are nothing without words : …, once said that images are nothing without words/ details.I realised its importance a bit late. Following her words, lead me to dismantle images at the top of the efi site pages and put them back above the threads as far as been possible till now. So that images and […]

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Deceptive site ahead- problem and solution

Is the problem in Google chrome still persisting ? : 15 posts by 2 authors. Is the problem in Google chrome still persisting, on opening of efloraofindia site, in it? It is fine with my PC at least for last one month. No more problem with me. No problem, Sir  So we have finally come out of […]

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Phases of developments of eFI site

Phases of developments of eFI site : 10 posts by 2 authors. I think these are the phases of developments of eFI site: 1. Phase 1– When we could retrieve the data from our Excel sheet and put these on efi site species wise, say from Nov. 2010, to say up to Dec.2012 (new format & […]

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How popular is efi site among non-members?

How popular is efi site among non-members? : 4 posts by 1 author. How popular is efi site among non-members, whether taxonomists or laymen? I would like to have your views, if you are aware of some non-members, in this regard.Also what can be done further so that it becomes more popular among both these […]

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QR Codes and our databases

QR Codes and our databases : 18 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (2) We already have a huge collection of information in our database, and with technologies available, we should find ways that information available with us should reach as widely as possible. Many official and private gardens and parks in India are labelling plants […]

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Thumbnails in efi site on mobile

Thumbnails in efi site on mobile : Thumbnails in efi site on mobile can be seen in quite large size on enlarging, without opening them on clicking.It was a great surprise to me. It becomes really easy to browse in efi site, when comparing with efi posts in mail, for validation etc. I thought it better, if […]

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efloraofindia (eFI) site completes eight years on 2 Nov. 2018

efloraofindia (eFI) site completes eight years gon 2 Nov. 2018 : 11 posts by 3 authors. Dear members, Here I would like to recall what Rawat ji said three years back: “It was a great futuristic vision of Dinesh ji who created the efloraofindia site which became operative 5 years back on 2nd November 2010, where all […]

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Flora Identifications- more and more reliance on net

Flora Identifications- more and more reliance on net : 14 posts by 6 authors. With omnipresent mobile and net, I have the feeling that people are more and more going to rely on net in their identifications rather than books etc. I always remember and appreciate Rawat ji’s words in this matter- a picture says more than […]

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More than 1,00,000 images inserted

More than 1,00,000 images inserted : It is a pleasure to state that more than 1,00,000 unique images have been inserted in efi site and are directly displayed in thumbnail size. On clicking on these thumbnails, leads to large size images as are originally posted by our members. Members have already posted more than 3,00,00 unique images […]

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To have thumbnails images on all threads

To have thumbnails images on all threads : 2 posts by 1 author. We have been experimenting with insertion of images since we started this work in Oct’2015. With hit and trials, based on feedback from members and assessing our requirements, we now have stabilized to having images over respective threads in a efi page.  This suits best […]

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Transferring the contents of family page to Home page ?

Transferring the contents of family page to Home page ? : 2 posts by 1 author. As efi site is being used more and more extensively, should we transfer the contents in the family page to Home page. Contents at home page may be transferred to another page like About efloraofindia (after creating such a page). Seeking your […]

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Adding efloraofindia site to your home screen on mobile

Adding efi site to your home screen on mobile: Here I will give you the steps, in case you want to use the efloraofindia site on your mobile. 1. Open site in Google chrome. 2. In the top right corner, tap on the three vertical dots to see the options available. Select ‘Add to Home Screen’. Give a […]

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Times have changed with images

Times have changed with images : 4 posts by 1 author. Gone are the days when we used to take any posted plant at its face value and incorporate in our database as it is.  Insertion of images on large scale has changed all this.  Now any identified plant is prima facie verified with the […]

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eFI Presentation for IAAT Conference-2017, Delhi University

Fwd: Re: Presentation for IAAt Conference-2017, Delhi University : 15 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (1) – Presentation EFI, IAAT Conference November 2017.pdf- 3 MB. The presentation at the conference is over was  very nice experience to share all the information with the delegates.. Fortunately, we were three people representing efloraofindia, myself, Balkar Ji […]

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Comparative images are a game changer

Comparative images are a game changer : 2 posts by 1 author. Comparative images in efi site are a game changer as far as identification is concerned. To give you an example, I use to refer to Dr. V S Sampath, for all posts on Lamiaceae. But since the availability of comparative images in efi site, […]

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Search in eforaofindia site

How to make search more effective in efi site?: Different members may be trying different tricks to get desired results on search in It will be worth learning if we tell each others’ side. I generally search on a name, preferably a botanical name, which generally lands my desired page, which needs to be […]

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Web portal on Indian Plants- discussions

Re: Indian plants : 4 posts by 3 authors. I am writing in connection with the eFlora India and Flowers of India websites that you have been running very succesfully for so many years. I occasionally look at these websites, and I have been in touch with J. M. Garg over the years for butterflies […]

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How the search works in efloraofindia site ?

How the search works in efloraofindia site ? : 1 post by 1 author. Search in efloraofindia site, carries many advantage over manual browsing as it shows results of similar/ confusing species also. I will explain this by giving an example. e.g. On searching on ”Codonopsis viridis”, I got the results in the following order: Codonopsis viridis […]

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Process followed for making the genera pages

Process I follow for making the genera pages : 2 posts by 1 author. We are in an exciting phase as our database becomes more and more accurate with the scrutiny & insertion of images at species, genera and family pages.Initially images were inserted from a few threads & it so happened that images were […]

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Inserting images- a quantum leap for efloraofindia

Back in memory- Two years back : 3 posts by 2 authors. Pl. see what we started two years back which has changed as to how efloraofindia is perceived:What if all the efi pages look so beautiful ? It was just an idea than, which changed our lives. I think it was a quantum jump for […]

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