eFloraofIndia completes 17 years on 17.6.24

eFloraofIndia completes 17 years on 17.6.24: Dear members, It is a pleasure to inform you that eFloraofIndia has already completed 17 years on 17.6.24. Thanks to all of you for your continuous support, guidance and Team work. Thanks to Outstanding Contributors, The Pillars, Subject/ Area Experts, Moderators, Major contributors & other members who are rendering selfless service to this group & made this endeavour […]

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About Comparative images at Fabaceae

Fabaceae: 1 image. Isn’t all genera should be included in the family page, isn’t it ? It would have been easy to browse. Yes, not included. If I include all for such a large family, it will become really difficult to even load the page. Even with a good speed, sometimes it becomes really difficult to […]

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Old eFI site deleted by Google w.e.f. 26.11.23

Old eFI site deleted by Google: 1 screenshot. Old eFI site seems to have been finally deleted by Google. Pl. see the screenshot attached. Finally they put the curtains over classic sites. It means all the searches will now be reaching the new eFI site only? Possibly. . Jasminum in efi: These pages are not opening […]

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All ferns are now with comparative images

All ferns are now with comparative images. All ferns in eFloraofIndia site are now with comparative images. I hope this will aid in identification in future. If anybody can send images of other species to jmg…@gmail.com or indian…@googlegroups.com  (for incorporation in the website), if any, it will be really nice. Pl. circulate it widely, for the benefit of all concerned. To […]

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Old eFI site only have restricted access w.e.f. 24.10.23

Old eFI site: This is mainly addressed to Garg ji, but of course concerns all the eFI group members. I believe the old eFI site is absolutely uneditable at this stage – no page can be changed or even deleted. Since all the stuff has already been moved to efloraofindia.com, this site is no longer needed. The problem […]

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eFI completes 16 years

eFI completes 16 years: It is a pleasure to inform you that we have already completed 16 years on 17.6.23. Thanks to all the Team members for coming together and giving people of India and the world, a beautiful gift with your hard work, dedication and passion. There is no team like ‘Team eFloraofIndia’. Kudos, Garg […]

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Google Analytics reports of efloraofindia.com

In August, you had 17.1K users visit your website (Google Analytics) In July, you had 16.0K users visit your website (Google Analytics) In June, you had 15.1K users visit your website (Google Analytics) In May, you had 11.4K users visit your website (Google Analytics) In April, you had 9.5K users visit your website (Google Analytics) […]

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Efloraofindia site completed 11 years on 2.11.21

Efloraofindia site completed 11 years on 2.11.21: The Efloraofindia site had completed 11 years on 2.11.21, since Dinesh Valke ji created it (showing his great vision) and gifted it to us (although the Efloraofindia google group will be more than 14 years old). Through its long journey, we have seen many great contributions from its members, taking […]

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Comparative images as captive Experts

Comparative images as captive Experts: Comparative images have become our captive Experts, which anyone can use for identifications. These images carry imprints of almost 15 years of experience in them and are a gist of all the human expertise and litrary resources. And I am the one who uses it most, not only for identification […]

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Old efloraofindia site may go away by 30.9.21

Old efi site may go away by 30.9.21: It is to inform you that our old efloraofindia google site may go away by 30.9.21. The decision was informed to us by Google in the starting of August, 2020. We were quick to react to the situation and got our new efloraofindia.com site immediately, after discussing the modalities among us. […]

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Which posts to resurface ?

ID I guess we are wasting our time in trying to ID old posts with single image which are blurred, out of focus and leaves only and without proper guidelines like date/elevation/location. Old posts with multiple images sounds good for trying to ID. This is my personal opinion. I agree with you. Our focus should be on identifying posts which […]

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Message for non-updating of our existing site

What message should we write ? Due to non-updating of our existing site, what message should we write as a Site notice, in place of the existing one. Currently we have the following disposable message, which is displayed when anyone opens the site: ‘Pl. post your images to indian…@googlegroups.com or jmg…@gmail.com for incorporation in efloraofindia’ Which of the […]

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eFloraofIndia Google site will no longer be edited

eFloraofIndia Google site will no longer be edited In view of switching to our new site eFloraofIndia.com, eFloraofIndia Google site will no longer be edited for updation (though it will remain as it is, untill Google winds it up in Sept.21). All further editing for updation will only be done in our new site eFloraofIndia.com. I […]

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efloraofindia website completes 10 years

efloraofindia site completes 10 years : 6 posts by 5 authors. It is a matter of joy that efloraofindia (eFI in short) website is completing 10 years on 1.11.20 (although our journey began much earlier on 17.6.2007 in the form of of efloraofindia google e-group, which still remains our backbone). Today, efloraofindia is an extremely popular website with more than 3200 […]

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eFlora of India new site- Old vs New navigation

Preview of our new unfinished eFlora of India site : Pl. have a preview of new unfinished efloraofindia site at https://efloraofindia.com/ Any suggestions are welcome (if they can modify if found good- otherwise I will do them in future after learning the tricks). All the categories and subcategories, which you see in the main body of […]

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Events on completion of 10 years of efloraofindia site

Events on completion of 10 years of efloraofindia site : 2 posts by 1 author. Efloraofindia site will be completing 10 years on 2.11.20, since Dinesh Valke ji created it and gifted it to us (although the Efloraofindia group will be more than 13 years old). A lot of things can be done as we did […]

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There is no dearth of work at efloraofindia

There is no dearth of work at efloraofindia : 12 posts by 1 author. During my deep involvement in efloraofindia, I find that there is no dearth of work. For the past so many years, our activities have stabilized in the sense of no. of topics and messages. However, I find there is no dearth […]

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Use of Information which is available in Efloraofindia

Re: Regarding use of Information which is available in Efloraofindia : 1 post by 1 author. I am … from Nagpur.  i am trying to  develop an android app for creating awareness reading trees. this app will work in different languages. so for that i need permission from you, for using a information which is […]

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