Eriocaulon cinereum

Eriocaulon cinereum R.Br., Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. 254 1810. (syn: Eriocaulon amboense Schinz; Eriocaulon ciliiflorum F.Muell.; Eriocaulon cinereum var. sieboldianum (Siebold & Zucc. ex Steud.) T.Koyama; Eriocaulon formosanum Hayata; Eriocaulon heteranthum Benth.; Eriocaulon heudelotii N.E.Br.; Eriocaulon reductum Ruhland; Eriocaulon sieboldianum Siebold & Zucc. ex Steud.; Eriocaulon steinbachii (Moldenke) Moldenke; Eriocaulon stuhlmannii N.E.Br.; Eriocaulon taiwanianum S.S.Ying; […]

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Eriocaulon karaavalense

Eriocaulon karaavalense Darsh., R.K. Choudhary, Datar, & G.R.Rao, Annales Botanici Fennici 56(1-3):305-316 · June 2019; Eriocaulon karaavalense_New species from Karnataka_RKC_01_13062019 : 10 posts by 8 authors. I am happy to share that we have described a new species of Eriocaulon from Karnataka. It has been named Eriocaulon karaavalense. The specific epithet is derived from the word ‘karavli’ in […]

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Eriocaulon quinquangulare

Eriocaulon quinquangulare L., Sp. Pl. 87 1753. (syn: Eriocaulon argyraeum Steud.; Eriocaulon erythropodum Miq. ex Körn.; Eriocaulon leucocephalum Steud.; Eriocaulon martianum Wall. ex Körn. [Invalid]; Eriocaulon quinquangulare var. elatius Moldenke; Eriocaulon quinquangulare var. martianum Fyson; Eriocaulon quinquangulare f. viviparum Moldenke; Eriocaulon scabiosa Crantz; Leucocephala graminifolia Roxb.; Sphaerochloa quinquangularis (L.) P.Beauv. ex Desv.); . Indian Subcontinent […]

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Eriocaulon nepalense

Eriocaulon nepalense Prescott ex Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersbourg, Sér. 6, Sci. Math. VI, 1: 610 1831. (Syn: Eriocaulon nantoense var. parviceps (Hand.-Mazz.) W.L.Ma; Eriocaulon nantoense var. trisectum (Satake) C.E.Chang; Eriocaulon nepalense Kunth [Illegitimate]; Eriocaulon nepalense var. nepalense ; Eriocaulon pullum T.Koyama; Eriocaulon schochianum var. parviceps Hand.-Mazz.; Eriocaulon senile Honda; Eriocaulon senile f. pilosum […]

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Eriocaulon pradeepii

Eriocaulon pradeepii Puthur Varghese Anto and Ashok Reshma, Taiwania 62(4): 371-374, 2017; Eriocaulon pradeepii, a new species of Eriocaulaceae from South India : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) – Eriocaulon sp. nov.-min.pdf Kindly download the attachments.   References:

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Eriocaulon govindiana

Eriocaulon govindiana Sunil & Ratheesh, Taiwania 62(4): 387-391, 2017; Eriocaulon govindiana sp. nov. (Eriocaulaceae), from southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) – Eriocaulon another new species-min.pdf Kindly download the attachments.   References: Eriocaulon govindiana sp. nov. (Eriocaulaceae), from southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India– C. N. Sunil, M. K. […]

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Eriocaulon gulnarparianum

Eriocaulon gulnarparianum Paithane V. A, Bhuktar A. S., Kashetti R. P and Patil S. B, Int. J. Adv. Res. 5(10), 1937-1940 (2017); New sp of Erioculon : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) – Erioculon.pdf- 225 Kb. Congratulations to the team.. Congrats, Bhuktar ji, Paithane ji and the team.    References: A NEW SPECIES […]

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Eriocaulon nepalense var. luzulifolium

Eriocaulon nepalense var. luzulifolium (Mart.) Praj. & J.Parn., Kew Bull. 67: 664 (2012) (syn: Eriocaulon kathmanduense Satake; Eriocaulon lepidum T.Koyama; Eriocaulon luzulifolium Mart.; Eriocaulon papuanum P.Royen; Eriocaulon pseudonepalense Satake; Eriocaulon pumilio Hook.f.);   Eriocaulon pumilio (Eriocaulaceae) from Uttarakhand: Sep. 2017_DSR_05 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) This tiny annual herb was photographed on 3rd […]

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Eriocaulon devendranii

Eriocaulon devendranii Vijaya Sankar, K.Ravik. & Ganesh Babu, Rheedea 16: 59 2006. ; Eriocaulon devendranii Vijaya Sankar, K.Ravik. & Ganesh Babu   ID KANNUR 34 : 11 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Please give the identity of this eriocaulon from a hilly location of Kannur District of Kerala Pl. check with comparative images at […]

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Eriocaulon parvicephalum

Eriocaulon parvicephalum ASHWINI M. DARSHETKAR, MANDAR N. DATAR, SHUBHADA TAMHANKAR, RITESH KUMAR CHOUDHARY, Phytotaxa Vol 303, No 3 (2017); Eriocaulon parvicephalum ASHWINI M. DARSHETKAR, MANDAR N. DATAR, SHUBHADA TAMHANKAR, RITESH KUMAR CHOUDHARY   Eriocaulon parvicephalum_New species from Maharashtra, India_RKC_13042017 : 8 posts by 8 authors. Attachments (1) Sharing an image of Eriocaulon parvicephalum (Eriocaulaceae), a newly described species by […]

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Eriocaulon robustobrownianum

Eriocaulon robustobrownianum Ruhland, Pflanzenr. IV, 30: 77 1903. (syn: Eriocaulon mysorense Fyson; Eriocaulon rhodae Fyson); . SW. India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar as per WCSP; . commonly known as: Mysore pipewort • Kannada: ಮೈಸೂರು ಚೆಂಡು mysuru chendu • Malayalam: മൈസൂർ ചൂത് mysur chooth • Marathi: म्हैसूर गेंद mhaisoor gend • Tamil: மைசூரு பட்டன் பூ mysuru button poo Names compiled / […]

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Eriocaulon biappendiculatum

Eriocaulon biappendiculatum K . M. MANUDEV , A . J . ROBI & S . NAMPY EDINBURGH JOURNAL OF BOTANY 72 (2): 219 – 223 (2015); Erioculon biappendiculatum-another new species from Western ghats : 5 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1)- Eriocaulon biappendiculatum.pdf Please find attached here with our new paper entitled “Eriocaulon biappendiculatum, a new […]

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Eriocaulon sedgwickii ?

Eriocaulon sedgwickii Fyson, J. Indian Bot. 2: 260 1921. ?; . KAS Week DS_061012_01 Eriocaulon sedgwickii ??: Spherical hat like white flowers . from Kas 22nd Sep 2012. Please confirm the id. Eriocaulon tuberiferum A.R.Kulk. & Desai ??   . References:

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Eriocaulon stellulatum

Eriocaulon stellulatum Körn., Linnaea 27: 620 1856. (Syn: Eriocaulon stellulatum var. laosense Moldenke);     Kas week : Eriocaulon stellulatum SMP: Eriocaulon stellulatumFamily : Eriocaulaceae   eriocaulon stellutum, for validation:  eriocaulon stellutum hopefully at mahabeleshwar a few weeks ago Yes it is.   Kas week:: PKA39::- Eriocaulon stellulatum??: 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2). Could this […]

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Eriocaulon tuberiferum

IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable (VU) Eriocaulon tuberiferum A.R.Kulk. & Desai, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 71: 81 1974. ;   commonly known as: tuberous pipewort • Marathi: पाणगेंद pan-gend;      Kas Week :: DV :: 28 SEP 08 – 0103 :: Eriocaulon tuberiferum: Kas plateau … about 4000 ft asl… one of the […]

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Eriocaulon baramaticum

IUCN Red List Status: Data Deficient (DD) Eriocaulon baramaticum Shimpale, Bhagat, R. B. Deshmukh, Rheedea Vol. 19 (1& 2) 47-49, 2009;    It is an erect, annual, acaulescent herb which grows in the range of 20-25 cm high. It grows in open areas on the rocky beds of streams, associated with Dichanthium annulatum (Forssk.) Stapf, […]

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Eriocaulon eurypeplon ?

Eriocaulon eurypeplon Körn., Linnaea 27: 685 1856. (Syn: Eriocaulon bombayanum Ruhland; Eriocaulon indicum Moldenke; Eriocaulon keralense R.Ansari, V.J.Nair & N.C.Nair; Eriocaulon thomasii Fyson; Eriocaulon vanheurckii Müll.Arg.; Eriocaulon vanheurckii f. minimum Moldenke) ?; . 31.08.11.JP.01 – Eriocaulon spp. identification: The photograph is of an Eriocaulon seen at Matheran. Any help with the species identification is greatly […]

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Eriocaulon madayiparense

Eriocaulon madayiparense;   Eriocaulon madayiparense: A new species from the Laterite habit of Madayipara: This is to inform you about a new plant species discovered from the Laterite hills of Madayipara of Kannur District, Kerala.  Named as Eriocaulon madayiparense, was found growing in the temporary pools or wet areas formed during the rainy season.  It […]

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Eriocaulon malabaricum

Eriocaulon malabaricum Pradeep & Nampy, Edinburgh Journal of Botany / Volume 68 / Issue 02 / July 2011;     Acaulescent herbs; rootstock up to 1.5 cm. Leaves few, rosulate,linear, ca. 4 x 0.2 cm, glabrous. Peduncles many, up to 16 cm long, glabrous, striate; sheath up to 2.5 cm long, glabrous; limb entire, ovate […]

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Eriocaulon xeranthemum

Eriocaulon xeranthemum Mart., Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3: 29 1832. (syn. Eriocaulon pygmaeum Dalzell); . Acaulescent herbs. Leaves rosulate, upto 3 x 0.3 cm, linear, apex acute or subacuminate. Peduncles few, upto 4 cm long, virgate; sheaths upto 2 cm long. Heads hemispherical or cuneate, c. 4 mm across, straw-coloured. Receptacles convex, glabrous. Involucral bracts erect or […]

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